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Unit VI чтение

27. ПрЪчитайте текст и выполните задания.


  1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing - sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

  2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an affective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems results from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.


  1. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

  2. The first of those is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds - both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations' that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or many become, harmful.

Определите, является ли утверждение

Oil spills is one of the environmental threats nowadays.

а) истинным b) ложным с) в тексте нет информации

28. The environment has always been changing rapidly.

а) ложным b) в тексте нет информации с) истинным

29. In future man won't need raw materials as there will be substitute ones.

а) истинным b) в тексте нет информации с) ложным

30. Scientists determine the factors that influence the safe of trash of all kinds.

а) ложным b) в тексте нет информации с) истинным



31. Укажите, какой части текста (1-4) соответствует следующая информация:

The role of earth science in solving environmental problems.

a) 3 b) 1 c) 4 d) 2

32. The reason for man to produce modifications of nature.

a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

33. Ответьте на вопрос.

What causes environmental problems the mankind faces?

a) Scientists not making contributions to environmental problem solving.

  1. Side-effects occurring during different industrial processes.

  2. The age of the Earth.

  3. Planning and development of water supplies in most populated areas.

34. Определите основную идею текста.

  1. Safety of waste materials is the major problem nowadays.

  2. We need continuing water supplies.

  3. Man and environment are interconnected and are in constant change.

  4. Earth scientists research the problem of space exploration.