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методичка по энергетике.doc
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The Subjective Infinitive Construction

1. He is supposed to work at this plant.

2. She seems to know English well.

The Objective Infinitive Construction

1. We suppose him to work at this plant.

2. I saw the water boil.

1. Translate the following sentences and define the Infinitive constructions:

1. Lightning was proved to be a discharge of electricity. 2. The reader is certain to know that alternating voltage can be increase and decreased. 3. Heat is known to be a form of energy. 4. We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one. 5. This scientist is said to have been working on the problem of splitting atoms. 6. I heard this instrument meet the industrial requirements. 7. The students saw the thermometer mercury fall to the fixed point. 8. Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel. 9. We know many articles to have already been written on that subject.

2. According to the models given below form sentences combining suitable parts of the sentence given in сolumns 1, 2, 3, 4.

Model A: The current is known to consist of moving electrons.





Professor Rihman



Electrical effects

The Fahrenheit scale

-was observed

-is known

-is said

-is known

-are known

-to have started

-to have been observed

-to have been killed

-to attract and to hold

-to be used

-by man of 25 centuries ago, or so

-for Moscow on foot

-minute, light objects after rubbing

-in English-speaking countries

-by a stroke of lightning

Model B: We know lightning to be a discharge of electricity.





We know


-the charges

-the electric current

-alternating current

-the Russian scientists

-static electricity

-to be

-to have invented

-to flow

-to produce

-to have been

-to have greatly contributed

-positive and negative

-important effects

-an air thermometer

-first in one direction and then in another

-to the science of electricity

-the only electrical phenomenon observed by man

3. Translate the following sentences using the Infinitive:

1. Чтобы быть хорошим инженером, необходимо много читать и учиться. 2. Пирометр используется для измерения температуры горячих металлов. 3. Человек научился расщеплять атомы для того, чтобы получить большое количество энергии. 4. Ученые пытаются решить проблему, связанную с новыми явлениями электричества. 5. Громоотвод – это металлическое приспособление для защиты зданий от молний. 6. Проводить опыты с атмосферным электричеством было очень опасно в то время. 7. Намагнитить предмет – это значит поместить его в поле магнита.