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Задание 8. Верны ли утверждения относительно текста:

  1. That is wrong, the first higher education establishment was opened in Tambov in 1843.

  2. I disagree because TSU was founded on the basis of Tambov State Pedagogical Institute and Tambov State Institute of Culture.

  3. Nothing of the kind, just over 10000 students study at TSU.

  4. On the contrary, TSU is a classical university and it provides natural sciences as well.

  5. That is right, almost all our lecturers are Doctors of Sciences and professors.

  6. It is false, because TSU has a library.

  7. That is also wrong, our university provides students from other cities and countries with housing.

  8. Quite right, academic year lasts for ten months.

  9. That`s right.

Задание 9. Выбрать правильную форму предложений:

  1. a; 2) b; 3) a; 4) a; 5) b.

Задание 11. There is - there are; is there - are there:

1) there is; 2) there are; 3) is there; 4) are there; 5) there is; 6) are there; 7) there is.

Задание 12. Составить вопросы к предложениям и ответить на них:

1) Are there fifteen students in our group? – Yes, there are; 2) Is there a mistake in the dictation? – Yes, there is; 3) Are there a lot of students in the buffet? – No, there are not; 4) Isn`t there anything interesting in the lecture? - No, there is not; 5) Aren`t there any difficult question on the exam? – Yes, there are; 6) Is there a seminar on General Pedagogics today? – Yes, there is; 7) Is there a page in the book? – Yes, there is.

Задание 13. Перевод предложений:

1) There are a lot of interesting articles about English history in this magazine;

2) How many students are there in the class? – There are 35 students;

3) There was no lecturer in a class;

4) There are many seminars in this term;

5) There are a lot of students on the stadium;

6) There are several ways to translate this sentence;

7) There are some dictionaries on the table;

8) There are some psychology magazines in our library.

Задание 14. Предложения с have (not) got / has (not) got , использовать их правильную форму:

1) I have not got a bicycle; 2) My father has got a car; 3) John`s brother has got many friends; 4) The Browns have got three children; 5) Mary has got a snub nose; 6) My sister has not got blue eyes.

Задание 16. Составить вопросы к предложениям:

1) Has my brother-in-law got two spoons of sugar in his tea?;

2) Has our uncle got a large and cozy two-storied house?;

3) Has my friend got dinner at 7 o`clock?;

4) Has Mary got two sisters and a brother?;

5) Have the Smiths got holidays in July?;

6) Have students got three seminars a day?;

7) Has our university got several buildings?

Задание 17. Перевод предложений:

1) We have got tests twice a month;

2) My cousin has got a lot of flowers in her garden;

3) I can`t open this door. I don`t have the key;

4) Do you have lectures on general psychology today?;

5) Usually I drink tea with milk;

6) She has a good time in London;

7) Have you got sugar?;

8) Haven you got the magazine about linguistics?.

Задание 18. Cоставить предложения с выражениями:

1) To have dinner/breakfast/lunch/supper; 2)...

Задание 19. Перевод предложений:

1) Обычно у меня завтрак в семь утра;

2) Когда жарко, то лучше не пить минеральную воду, это опасно для здоровья; 3) После длительной прогулки нам лучше немного отдохнуть;

4) Что с тобой? Почему ты решил проспать урок?;

5) Хорошо проведи время пока в отпуске! Удачи!;

6) Хотя у тебя есть время, всё же воспользуйся такси, чтобы прибыть в аэропорт ко времени;

7) Ей нужно было купить молоко, отправить письмо, навести порядок в доме, но у неё осталось очень мало времени в запасе;

8) Погуляй с собакой. Он ждёт этого весь день;

9) Попробуйте еще, возможно в этот раз, вы решите с задачей.

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