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Fruit juices, beverages and drinks

Фруктовые соки и напитки

Fruit juices

Фруктовые соки

apple juice

яблочный сок

orange juice

апельсиновый сок

grapefruit juice

грейпфрутовый сок

lemon juice

лимонный сок

tomato juice

томатный сок

fresh fruit juice

свежевыжатый сок

frozen fruit juice

замороженный фруктовый сок





green tea

зеленый чай

black tea

черный чай

tea with milk

чай с молоком

iced tea

чай со льдом

herbal tea

травяной чай

mint tea

мятный чай

Indian tea

Индийский чай





instant coffee

растворимый кофе





decaffeinated coffee /decaf

кофе без кофеина

coffee with milk

кофе с молоком

coffee with cream

кофе со сливками


смесь молока и сливок

black coffee 

черный кофе

Other beverages

Другие напитки



hot chocolate

горячий шоколад


молочный коктейль

Water and soft drinks  

Вода и безалкогольные напитки

mineral water

минеральная вода

spring water

ключевая, родниковая вода

soft drinks

безалкогольные напитки

soda water

газированная вода, содовая


лимонад, ситро


сидр, фруктовый напиток, яблочное вино

ginger ale

имбирный эль

Alcoholic drinks / liquor

Алкогольные напитки





red wine

красное вино

white wine

белое вино

















Sauces, salad dressings,  

Соусы, заправки к салатам, растительные

vegetable oils and spices

масла и специи


приправа, специи, заправка


острая приправа


приправа, специи, заправка







tomato sauce

томатный соус



mushroom sauce

грибной соус

meat sauce

соус к мясным блюдам

steak sauce

сок от бифштекса


подливка (из сока жаркого)

spaghetti sauce

соус к спагетти

hot sauce

острый соус

chili sauce

острый томатный соус, соус чили

barbecue sauce

соус для барбекю

sweet-and-sour sauce

кисло-сладкий соус

soy sauce

соевый соус

garlic sauce

чесночный соус

white sauce

белый соус

dip sauce

соус для макания

apple sauce

яблочное пюре

cranberry sauce

клюквенный соус

Salad dressings

Заправки к салатам

Russian dressing

приправа для салата из майонеза

Italian dressing

итальянская приправа

French dressing

прованское масло с уксусом и горчицей

blue-cheese dressing

приправа из голубого сыра



Vegetable oils and fats

Растительные масла и жиры

olive oil 

оливковое масло

sunflower seed oil

подсолнечное масло

sesame oil

кунжутное масло

corn oil  

кукурузное масло




топленое масло


свиное сало, жир, топленый свиной жир

animal fat

животный жир

vegetable fat

растительное масло

Seasoning and spices

Приправы и специи



chili pepper

чилийский перец





ground pepper

молотый перец

red pepper

перец стручковый красный

whole pepper

перец горошоком

hot pepper

перец жгучий



bay leaf

лавровый лист














мускатный орех, мускат






чабрец, тимьян




полынь эстрагон, тархун

lemon peel

лимонная корка, цедра


ореган, душица


майоран, душица



Sweets, candy and chocolate  

Конфеты, сласти и шоколад


леденцы, конфеты



mint drops

мятные конфеты

jelly beans

желейные бобы


леденец на палочке, чупа-чупс


конфета, леденец


шоколадные конфеты

chocolate candies

шоколадные конфеты



chocolate bar

плитка шоколада

candy bar

леденцы, конфеты

taffy /toffee






At a Restaurant

В ресторане



I’d like orange juice, hot rolls with butter and honey, and black coffee, please.

Я хотел бы апельсиновый сок, горячие булочки с маслом и медом и черный кофе, пожалуйста.

Corn flakes with milk, please.

Кукурузные хлопья с молоком, пожалуйста.

I’d like grapefruit juice, bacon and eggs, and coffee with cream, no sugar, please.

Я хотел бы грейпфрутовый сок, яичницу с беконом и кофе со сливками, без сахара.

I’ll have orange juice, cheese omelette, toast, strawberry jam and tea with lemon.

Я возьму апельсиновый сок, омлет с сыром, тосты, клубничный джем и чай с лимоном.

I’ll have pancakes with maple syrup, please, and a glass of milk.

Я возьму блины с кленовым сиропом, пожалуйста, и стакан молока.



I’d like a hamburger, French fries, coleslaw and a mug of beer, please.

Я хотел бы гамбургер, жареный картофель, капустный салат и кружку пива, пожалуйста.

I’ll have a ham sandwich, potato salad and coffee with milk, please.

Я возьму бутерброд с ветчиной, картофельный салат и кофе с молоком.

Home-made pizza with mushrooms, please, and a bottle of mineral water.

Домашнюю пиццу с грибами, пожалуйста, и бутылку минеральной воды.

I’ll take tomato juice, chicken, green salad with olive oil, a piece of apple pie and a cup of green tea, please.

Я возьму томатный сок, цыпленка, зеленый салат с оливковым маслом, кусок яблочного пирога и чашку зеленого чая, пожалуйста.

A bowl of mushroom soup, please, chicken salad and a cup of black coffee.

Миску грибного супа, пожалуйста, салат с курицей и чашку черного кофе.



We’d like a table for two, please.

Мы хотели бы столик на двоих, пожалуйста.

I have reserved a table for four people for seven o’clock. My name is Peter Belov.

Я зарезервировал столик на четверых на семь часов. Мое имя Петр Белов.

Where is the menu, please?

Будьте любезны, где меню?

What do you recommend?

Что вы рекомендуете (заказать)?

What wine do you recommend?

Какое вино вы рекомендуете?

What is today’s special?

Какое сегодня блюдо дня?

What are you going to have, Anna?

Что ты собираешься заказать, Анна?

Are you ready to order, sir?

Вы готовы заказывать, сэр?

Yes, please. I’ll have a glass of white wine, garlic bread, roast beef with baked potato and green peas, and chocolate ice cream for dessert. And coffee, please.

Да, пожалуйста. Я возьму бокал белого вина, чесночный хлеб, ростбиф с печеным картофелем и зеленым горошком, и шоколадное мороженое на десерт. И кофе, пожалуйста.

I’d like a cup of onion soup, grilled salmon, steamed vegetables, and coffee to follow. No dessert, thank you.

Я хотел бы чашку лукового супа, лосось на гриле, паровые овощи и затем кофе. Десерта не надо, спасибо.

I’ll have a glass of house wine, Greek salad, chicken breast with mushroom sauce, mint tea and a piece of honey cake.

Я возьму бокал «домашнего» вина, греческий салат, куриную грудку с грибным соусом, мятный чай и кусок медового торта.

I’d like shrimp cocktail, turkey with with new potatoes, and Caesar salad. And a bottle of beer, please.

Коктейль из креветок, индейку с молодым картофелем и салат «Цезарь». И бутылку пива, пожалуйста.

Waiter’s questions and your answers

Вопросы официанта и ваши ответы

Are you ready to order?

Вы готовы заказывать?

- Yes, please.

- Да, пожалуйста.

- Just a minute, please.

- Одну минуту, пожалуйста.

Would you like a drink? / Would you like something to drink? / Something to drink?

Не хотите ли напитки? / Не хотите ли выпить чего-нибудь?

- A glass of red wine, please.

- Бокал красного вина, пожалуйста.

- A glass of mineral water, please.

- Бокал минеральной воды, пожалуйста.

- No, thank you.

- Нет, спасибо.

Would you like some coffee?

Не хотите ли кофе?

- Yes, please.

- Да, пожалуйста.

How would you like your coffee?

Как вам подать кофе?

- A little milk but no sugar.

- Немного молока, но без сахара.

- With cream and sugar, please.

- Со сливками и сахаром, пожалуйста.

- Black, please.

- Черный кофе, пожалуйста.

- Cappuccino, please.

- Капучино, пожалуйста.

How would you like your tea?

Как вам подать чай?

- With lemon, please.

- С лимоном, пожалуйста.

How would you like your eggs?

Как вам приготовить яйца?

- Scrambled, please.

- Яичницу-болтунью, пожалуйста.

- Sunny side up, please.

- Яичницу-глазунью, пожалуйста.

- Hard-boiled.

- Вкрутую.

- Soft-boiled.

- Всмятку.

How would you like your steak?

Как вам приготовить бифштекс?

- Well done, please.

- Хорошо прожаренный, пожалуйста.

- Medium rare, please.

- Средне прожаренный, пожалуйста.

- Rare, please.

- С кровью, пожалуйста.

What (salad) dressing would you like?

Какой салатный соус вы хотели бы?

- French dressing, please.

- Французский соус, пожалуйста.

- Italian dressing, please.

- Итальянский соус, пожалуйста.

- Russian, please.

- Русский соус, пожалуйста.

- Mayonnaise, please.

- Майонез, пожалуйста.

- Olive oil, please.

- Оливковое масло, пожалуйста.

- No dressing, please.

- Без соуса, пожалуйста.

What bread would you like?

Какой хлеб вы хотели бы?

- What do you have?

- А какой у вас есть?

White, whole-wheat, rye.

Белый, из цельного зерна, ржаной.

- Rye bread, please.

- Ржаной, пожалуйста.



Waiter, we ordered well-done chops, and these are rare.

Официант, мы заказали хорошо прожаренные котлеты, а эти с кровью.

Waiter, I ordered chocolate ice cream, and you brought vanilla.

Официант, я заказал шоколадное мороженое, а вы принесли ванильное.

Waiter! I’ve been waiting for my order for almost an hour already!

Официант! Я жду мой заказ уже почти целый час!

Can I see the manager, please?

Могу я поговорить с менеджером, пожалуйста?



Waiter! The check, please.

Официант! Счет, пожалуйста.

Waiter, I think the check is incorrect. I didn’t order sponge cake.

Официант, я думаю, что счет неправильный. Я не заказывал бисквитный торт.

The food was delicious. Thank you very much. Here. Keep the change.

Еда была очень вкусная. Спасибо большое. Вот, возьмите. Оставьте сдачу себе.

Scene: A Young Couple (P) comes to a busy restaurant without reservation. The head waiter (W) greets the guests and request him to wait for sometime and then takes order.

W: Good evening, sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant. How may i help you, sir?

P: Good evening. Can you arrange a table for two right now?

W: Sir, have you any reservation ?

P: Sorry we don’t. We thought we will get free table but your restaurant is so busy now.

W: It’s Ok sir. But I am sorry to say that the restaurant is full now. (Looking at the restaurant)..Sir, look at that table. I guess it will be free soon. Would you please have a rest in our waiting room for about 10 minutes, sir?

P: Hmm..Ok all right.

W: Well, may I have your name, sir?

P: I am Cristopher Patriks.

W: OK Mr. Patriks, come with me. This way, sir. This is the waiting room. Please sake a sit. Here is the tea for you. Please take your time. I’ll call you as soon as the table is free.

P: Thank you.

W: You are welcome.

(After 10 minutes)

Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Patriks. We have managed a table for you now. Come with me. This way, please. Here we are. Will this table be all right?

P: OK. We’ll take it.

W: Sit down please, madam.

P: Thank you.

(Waiter pulls chair of the lady couple comes along with Mr. Patriks)

W: What would you like to have before dinner, sir?

P: What can you suggest?

W: Would you like to have Martini or Whisky or any soft drinks?

P: Two Martinis, please.

W: Yes, Mr. Patriks. Two Martinis. One moment please. Here you are, and please enjoy it. Here’s the menu, I’ll return in a few minutes to take your order.

(After Having Dinner)

P: Here is your tips.

W: Thank you very much sir.

P: Your service is superb. We really love it.

W: It’s my pleasure sir. Please come again. Good night, sir. Good night, madam.

Heavenly Pies Restaurant

II. Finding good restaurants usually isn't a problem for language students; ordering at one can be if you don't know appropriate language expressions. What kinds of questions and expressions would you expect to hear between a customer and a server?

1. What does the man order? A. T-bone steak B. chicken fried steak C. broiled chicken

2. What does he eat with his meal? A. fries B. bread C. rice

3. What does he have to drink? A. small juice B. medium juice C. large juice

4. What kind of dressing does he ask for? A. French B. Italian C. ranch

5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today? A. The baker was hurt at work and can't prepare them. B. The oven is broken and hasn't been repaired. C. The restaurant has decided to only sell ice cream.

Joe's Hamburger Restaurant

I. What kinds of items would you expect to find at a fast food restaurant? Also, name three possible problems that could occur at such a restaurant in terms of service and food preparation.

1. Why does the customer not buy the recommended sandwich at the beginning of the conversation? A. It is too expensive. B. He is not interested in ordering a burger. C. He fears the food will make him sick.

2. What does the combo meal NOT come with? A. an order of fries B. a dessert C. a sandwich

3. How does the specialty drink get its name? A. It contains a wide range of ingredients. B. It is prepared in the kitchen sink. C. It comes in a very large cup.

4. Why was the man surprised by the price of his meal? A. He thought the drink should have been included. B. He felt the meal was way overpriced. C. He was charged for two sandwiches instead of one.

5. What does the customer decide to do at the end of the conversation? A. He orders something from the restaurant menu. B. He decides to look for another place to eat. C. He plans to come in a week when the prices are lower.

Discuss your favorite fast food restaurant and why you choose to eat there. Include details about price, food selection, quality, customer service, atmosphere, and convenience. Compare two fast two restaurants in your city using the points above.


Basic Level

Most people enjoy going to restaurants for a bite (=a small amount of something) to eat; however, if you don't understand the server or the menu, you might only be able to order a glass of water.

1. May I take ______________ please? A. Three people. B. That'll be all. C. No. We're not ready yet.

2. Would you _____________ for something to ____________? A. A glass of water is fine. B. I'll have a piece of apple pie. C. French dressing, please.

3. How would you _________________? A. T-bone steak, please. B. Medium, please. C. I'd like rice with my steak.

4. Would you like ____________ or ___________ with your ____________? A. I'll have the salad, please. B. I'd like the rice. C. Bread, please.

5. Would ___________________________? A. Yes. I'd like more water. B. I didn't order this. C. Yes. The food is great.

6. _____________________________________________________? A. A party is fun. B. No, thank you. C. Three.

7. _____________________________________________________? A. A small salad, please. B. What kinds do you have? C. I like dressing a lot.

8. _____________________________________________________? A. The meal is ready. B. I'll have another. C. So far, so good.

9. _____________________________________________________? A. I think I'll rest. B. This looks good. C. No. I think I'm done.

10. _____________________________________________________? A. No. Only cash or credit cards. B. Yes. Credit cards are okay. C. i can write a check.

Booking a Table

Placing Your Order


- I'd like to reserve / book a table for four at 8pm, please.

- I'd like to reserve / book a table for a party of six at 8pm, please.

- I'd like to book a table for two at 8 in the name of Hand, please.

- Could we have a table by the window, please?

- Could we have a non-smoking table, please?

- Could we have a table away from the kitchen/toilets, please?

- Could we have a booth, please?

- Could you make sure it's a quiet table, please?

- I'd like the .............., please.

- For starters I'll have the soup and for the main course I'd like the roast beef.

- Could I have chips instead of new potatoes, please?

- What is the house special today?

- Is there anything you would recommend?

- Could I see the wine menu, please?

- I'll have a bottle of the South African Cabernet Sauvignon.

- I'll have a glass of house red/white, please.

- Which wine would you recommend?

- Excuse me, but my meal is cold.

- Excuse me, we've been waiting for over half an hour for our drinks.

- I'm sorry but I ordered the side salad (небольшая порция салата обычно подаваемая отдельно от основного блюда) not the vegetables.

- Excuse me this steak is over done, I ordered rare.

- I'm afraid this wine tastes corked. (cork – пробка)

- Excuse me this wine isn't chilled properly.

Arriving at the Restaurant

During/After the Meal


- Good evening, the name is Hand. I have a table booked for six.

- Do you have the menu in English/German/French ..., please?

- Do you have a high chair for young children, please?

- Could we have a table over there, please?

- I'm sorry but I asked for a table by the window.

- Could we have an extra chair, please?

- Could we have some more bread, please?

- Do you have a pepper mill?

- Could I have some dressing, please?

- Could you pass me the salt, please?

- That was delicious. My compliments to the chef.

- Could I have the bill, please?

- Do you take Visa?

- We'd like separate bills, please.

- Is service included?

- No, please. This is on me. (When you wish to pay for everyone.)

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