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Examination 9 класс.doc
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I. Reading

Read the text and complete the sentences (A-E) with the correct program heading (1-5).

1. Extinction

This programme looks at several animals close to extinction and questions why they are now in danger. We are taken to the habitats of these different animals and shown why their survival is threatened.

2. Changing skies

In this excellent series we look at how the changing weather patterns in different continents are affecting the way the people live and how they have to adapt.

3. Natural power

This is an award-winning documentary that traces man's efforts over the cent" to use natural energy resources such as wind and wave power. We look at the windmills and water mills in several regions.

4. A day in the life This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers in a Third World country with villagers in the UK and studies how they both deal with the environmental issues.

5. Drive me

A special programme which reveals the range of options available to people who to purchase cars that are kinder to the environment.

A In we can learn historical facts.

B In we can find out about how to buy something in an environmentally-friendly way.

C In we can see different attitudes to the environment.

D In we can see how nature is affecting our lifestyle.

E In we can learn about the reasons for certain natural problems.

II. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns or each other.

  1. She didn't come with me. I went there________________________.

  2. I don't think she needs our help. She can collect the money__________.

  3. They don't like at all. They're from different gangs.

  4. Our club is going to pay only for the meals and we have to pay for the


5. How do you find the game? Are you enjoying____________________?

6. The members don't know very well because they only meet once a year.

III. Write at least 3 causes why need go in for sports.

Examination Card Ns 4

I. Reading

Read the text and choose the best answer (A-C) to complete the sentences (1-5)


The filming and photography in news programmes are very important in bringing the stories to life and making us realise how events affect people. But the traditional techniques of filming are slowly changing and not everyone is happy with this.

Viewers have recently complained that the camerawork on news programmes, while very artistic and clever, is more suited to feature films and documentaries. Apparently many of us are distracted by clever camerawork and our attention is taken away from the real focus, which is the story.

Several techniques have been criticised. One of them is the 'circling camera'. This is when the cameraman goes round the person who is talking so that at one point we see the back of his head. Another technique is when the camera is not held steadily shakes. It gives the impression of slight panic and is often used in films today.

The BBC insists that the camerawork like this is a sign of artistic and technology progress and is interesting and attractive, particularly to a younger audience. But how appropriate is it to have a circling camera when reporting on something as ordinary interest rates?

1. Pictures are important in the news because_________________________

A they show us important places

B it's traditional to have them

C they help us understand the story

2. Some people today complain that_________________________________

A the filming is boring

B the filming is distracting

C the filming is not very good

3. One modern filming technique is_________________________________

A when people stand in a circle

B there is a circle of camera

C the camera is in a circle

4. The television company_____________________________________

A has apologized

B promises to change the way the news is filmed

C think it’s okay to film this way

5. What is the writer's attitude?_____________________________________

A He thinks the filming should suit the subjects

B He likes artistic camerawork

C He think there should be more filming with the news stories

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