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II. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I (not/usually/to go) to town on Saturday mornings because it's too crowded.

2. A woman in a black car (to follow) us. Do you know her?

3. What time (your exam / to finish)?

4.______________________(you/to watch) the big match this afternoon? It

should be good.

5. (you/ to go out) for a meal after the cinema?

6. I never (to eat) seafood because it made me ill once when I was younger.

7. What (you/to wear) to Tom's party on Saturday?

III. Write and leave on the prominent place brief note for your parents that:

  • you have an urgent meeting at the school;

  • inform them about the aim of the meeting;

  • inform them about possible time you consider to return home.

Examination Card Ns 5

I. Reading

Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).


It all started early in 1848 in California. James W. Marshall was working by the riverside when he found some small pieces of yellow metal in the water. He showed them to his boss. It was gold. The two men tried to keep a secret but without success. Soon, the magic word 'gold' was repeated all around the world. Everybody wanted to go to California to get rich. Thousands of people started to rush to the golden river by horse, by ship and even on foot. Night after night, a few more new towns appeared along the river. Some people brought tents to live in while others built wooden houses called huts. Looking for gold was hard work and many people were disappointed. Only the lucky ones found gold - sometimes up to $2,000 in one day. It is not surprising that many small hotels, restaurants and bars opened in these new towns. Their owners made for­tunes providing services to people who arrived in a town in search of gold! 1. By the end of 1850, the California Gold Rush was over. However, about forty-seven years later gold was discovered again, this time in Canada. Once more, over a thousand people left their homes and families to look for a better future. Today, at the original site of the California Gold Rush, near Sacramento, visitors can still try their luck with finding the yellow pieces of metal in the river. The old buildings have been redecorated aid tourists can experience the life of the old days. Many of them are sure that they can find at least a small bit of gold.

1. The American Gold Rush started in the second half of the nineteenth century.

2. The pieces of metal found in the river were yellow.

3. James W. Marshall didn't show the gold he found to his boss.

4. People travelled to California by horse, by ship and on foot.

5. The huts in which people lived near the river were usually made of bricks.

6. The owners of hotels, bars and restaurants got really rich in California.

7. In 1897, gold was discovered in Canada.

8. Today, people can look for gold in California near Sacramento.

II. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: Present Continuous or to be going to.

1. I think we (to go sailing) tomorrow if the weather is nice.

2. She can't meet you tomorrow, Ron, because she (to fly) to Rome for a few days.

3. Darling! I've got the tickets! We (to spend) a week in Rio de Janeiro!

  1. When (he /to go hiking) in the Alps?

  2. Maybe Sandra (to help) us choose the right hotel.

6. How (you / to relax) there? I'm not sure because I don't know the place.

III. You are at the vacation at your grandmother. Write a letter to your friend, briefly messaging about the place of your staying and weather conditions.

Examination Card Ns 6

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