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II. Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. They apologised for (to be) unfriendly.

  2. They have decided (not / to buy) our house.-

3. I would help you if I (to have) more time.

  1. If only we (to do) something to stop them.

  2. A bag (just / to find) by the police.

  3. Do you know where your cat (last / to see) and by whom?

7. Kelly told us (not / to go) to the hairdresser's

in the high street.

8. Andy asked our teacher if he (to mark) our tests yet.

9. Come on. Look for him. He can't (to go) far yet.

10. I'm going to have my bedroom (to decorate).

III. Write an e-mail to a friend about a film, play or video you have seen recently. Include this information:

- what kind of film is;

- what happens in it;

- why you liked it.

Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.

Examination Card Ns 26

I. Reading

Read an article and fill in the missing sentences (A-F). There is one extra sen­tence which you do not need to use.


Works of art by elephants are now being sold in art galleries around the world. It's no joke. Elephants are natural artists and elephant art is becoming big business.

In November 1998, the world's first elephant art academy was opened in Campang, Thailand. Today, there are a number of elephant painting schools in Thailand, Bali and India, and many more are being opened. 1.___________It appears that elephants have enormous artistic talent and enjoy expressing themselves through painting.

Nom Chok is an elephant from Thailand who has been a painter since the age of two. 2.___________He was then given his own brushes and paint and he soon created pictures which sold for up to $250. Amazingly, his paintings have been compared to those of famous artists such as Jackson Pollock. 3.__________

Sadly, there is bad news for these recently discovered artists. Elephants are an endangered species. Two years ago, there were 3,600 elephants in Thailand. 4. ____________ The work of Nom Chok and other elephant artists is being used to help save the world's elephants as a part of the World Wildlife Fund and to benefit local conservation pro­jects.

Some people might laugh and say that these paintings are not art, but, as elephant painting teacher Alex Melanid has said, "no one really knows what art is. 5.__________Some people are prepared to pay a lot of money for paintings done by elephants. These people not only receive a beautiful piece of art, but also help to save one of the world's most intelligent species. Is there a better way to spend money?"

A. At these schools, elephants are taught to channel their natural abilities onto canvas.

B. Now there are just 3,100.

C. Nom Chok loves to paint and doesn't like stopping until he has covered the last piece of white on his canvas.

D. He first began by dipping his trunk into a jar of watery paint and blowing it onto a canvas.

E. No one wants to buy elephants paintings.

F. The truth is, there has been a great deal of commercial interest in elephant art.

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