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Ivan Sidorov

Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan in Caspian Region

Geopolitical, economic and social aspects of processes running in the Caspian region have brought them to the forefront of the international arena. Because of huge reserves of oil and disinclination of main regional states to adjust their antagonisms towards borders in the Caspian Sea this area has a great conflict potential. My analysis of the situation is based on the investigation of the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan.

Ksenia Skorobaeva

Russia – United Kingdom Relations: Problems of Extradition

Relations between the UK and Russia have deteriorated over the past years, with problems of extradition and espionage scandals, such as the murder of A. Litvinenko. The two countries have mutual claims, and these claims are still unsatisfied.

Olga Smirnova

Ryokan. A traditional Japanese Inn

A traditional Japanese type of inn, that exists since the Edo period (1603–1868) is today one of the national features, that is attractive for tourists, as well as for Japanese. History and origins of Japanese Ryokan, specific peculiarities, modern tendencies and a role of the Ryokan in tourism in Japan.

Inna Starostina

Gender Behavior of the English Nobility by G. Chaucer (Based on «The Legend of the Good Women»)

The article is devoted to the problem of studying a perception of gender behavior in the noble society by Geoffrey Chaucer, who was the prominent English poet of the XIV century. The author studies sexes’ interrelations in the aristocratic society through Chaucer’s coloured descriptions and estimations of the main characters in the poem, who were the famous heroes (both women and men) of the ancient mythology, also including their marriage behavior. The research is based on the weakly-studied in the Russian historiography source, which «The Legend of the good women» is.

Darya Sytova

Vip-tourism as Developing Segment of Tourism Industry and Factors of its Evolvement in Russia

This article considers theoretic aspects of vip-tourism. Features and general tendencies of development of this segment of tourism industry are reviewed. The article also points at problems and issues which are connected with promotion of vip-tourism in Russia.

George Tadtaev

The Main Aspects of Russian-Turkish Relations in the Context of Recent Events in the Middle East

The article deals with the Russian – Turkish relations during the last years, concerning with the nowadays situation in the Middle East. In the article the similarity of the positions of Russia and Turkey on several issues after «The Arab Spring» are shown.

Ekaterina Tiptsova

Policy of Mercantilism in a Context of the English-Dutch Contradictions

This work is devoted to a problem of mercantilism policy development in XVII century in England. Thomas Mun was one of the first theorists of mercantilism in England. Many of his sights were affected by economic way of Holland of that time. In the lampoons he wrote about advantage of the Dutch of which accused Englishmen. Struggle between these two countries as we see, has poured out not only in military collisions. The struggle in the economy and a policy was on the first place.

Ksenia Urpina

The Tokaido Road: Time Travel

My report deals with the historical road in Japan, which has historical and cultural value for the Japanese nation. The road itself originated in the 7th century. The starting point was the imperial capital of Kyoto and the final point was the center of the shogunate Edo, formed in 1457. The entire length of the road was 514 kilometers; 53 stations were built along the road. This phenomenon is the subject of many studies, but so far it is poorly understood. Therefore, its study and reconstruction can be the basis for creating a full-fledged tour, which would retain the features of that Japan, we don’t learn anywhere else.

Yulia Zhuravleva

Interrelation of Sport and Politics: Opinions of Saratov Students

In the article we have tried to analyze what Saratov students think about the relationships in such important spheres as sport and politics. We have taken interviews from the students of higher education institutions. Our questions were concerned about three basic problems.

  1. The failure our national team resulted in the shift of the state apparatus.

  2. The disturbances in Moscow in autumn of 2010.

  3. The forthcoming Olympiad in Sochi.

We have drawn some conclusions concerning sport and politics which influence each other.

Sektion Deutsch

Alexej Baryschev

Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten der kulturspezifischen Lexik (Deutsch-Russisch)

Zu unterscheiden ist bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänomen der Kulturspezifika zwischen den ältern einzelsprachlichen Ansätzen und neueren ganzheitlichen Betrachtungsweisen. Funktionale translationstheoretische Ansätze beispielsweise beruhen auf der Basishypothese, kulturelle und nicht lediglich sprachliche Unterschiede stellten das zentrale Problem für die interkulturelle Kommunikation dar.

Der Übersetzer muss über eine bikulturelle Kompetenz verfügen, die es ihm erlaubt alle Nuancen und Anspielungen in gleichem Maße zu verstehen und diese wiederzugeben.

Bei der nachfolgenden Analyse soll von sogenannten Realieblexemen ausgegangen werden und aufgezeigt werden, inwiefern sie mit Kultur, Gewchichte und Wesen der Deutschen verknüpft sind.

Julia Borisenko

Familienstrukturen der Wolgadeutschen am Beispiel der Kolonie Pfeifer (heute Gniluschka) in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts

Die Ansiedlung der Deutschen an der Wolga führte zum Wandel der Familien. Hat sich die in Westeuropa überwiegende Form der Kleinfamilie erhalten oder wurde das russische Modell der Großfamilie (Mir) übernommen? Grundlage der Untersuchung bilden die „Revisionen“ von 1834 und 1857 im Oblastarchiv.

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