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There is no national science just as there is no national multiplication table; what is national is no longer science. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

March 14, Wednesday






10A, Volskaya Street, Building 12, Assembly Hall





Fitting English In: Making the most of what little time we have

Presenter: Andy Noonan, Senior English Language Fellow in Kazan


English in Academic and Research settings: a Cambridge Perspective.

Presenter: Liudmila А. Kozhevnikova, Assoc.Prof. of the Department of English for Humanities (Samara State University), Member of Board of Experts for the Foreign Languages Council on Methodology and Research at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, CUP regional consultant


Sad Translations: how to avoid or benefit

Presenter: Irina N. Sipakova, Head of the Department of English for Humanities (SSU) Candidate of Linguistics, Assoc.Prof.



The Challenges of Academic Listening: Research and Practice

Presenter: Liudmila А. Kozhevnikova, Assoc.Prof. of the Department of English for Humanities (Samara State University), Member of Board of Experts for the Foreign Languages Council on Methodology and Research at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, CUP regional consultant


Talking to Yourself: Autonomy tools for EAP

Presenter: Andy Noonan, Senior English Language Fellow in Kazan


What do you Need to Know to Prepare for the IELTS Test?”

Presenter: Natalia S. Karpova, Assoc.Prof. of the Department of English for Humanities (SSU), Coordinator in IELTS Test Center in Saratov

Building 12, Room 603

Presentations: Beyond Power Point”

Presenters: Marina A. Zaitseva, Natalia V. Pavlova Senior Lecturers of the Department of English for Humanities (SSU)

Building 12, Assembly Hall



Panel Discussion 1 (Natural Sciences)

72/74, Zheleznodorozhnaya St., (Division of International Relations) Assembly Hall

Panel Discussion 2 (Natural Sciences)

72/74, Zheleznodorozhnaya St., (Division of International Relations), Small Assembly Hall

Panel Discussion 3 (Natural Sciences)

72/74, Zheleznodorozhnaya St., (Division of International Relations) Room 113



72/74, Zheleznodorozhnaya St., (Division of International Relations)


Использование англоязычных полнотекстовых баз данных в научно-исследовательской работе (для участников гуманитарной секции)

Семинар ведет заведующий отделом научной информации ЗНБ СГУ Стольниц Михаил Маратович

Конференц-зал Зональной научной библиотеки СГУ

March 15, Thursday


Panel Discussion 4 (The Humanities)

Building 11, Room 502

Panel Discussion 5 (The Humanities)

Building 11, Room 404

Panel Discussion 6 (The Humanities)

Building 11, Room 406

Panel Discussion 7 (The Humanities)

Building 11, Room 205


Panel Discussion 8 (The Humanities)

Building 12, Room 510


Sektion Deutsch (Panel Discussion in German)

Gebäude 16, Raum 206

(Sauloschnow Str.,3)


Использование англоязычных полнотекстовых баз данных в

научно-исследовательской работе (для участников естественной секции)

Семинар ведет заведующий отделом научной информации ЗНБ СГУ Стольниц Михаил Маратович

Конференц-зал Зональной научной библиотеки СГУ

Panel discussions Natural Sciences

Panel discussion 1

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Olga E. Glukhova (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Radiotechnology and Electrodynamics Chair)

Sergei V. Pyzhonkov (Teacher of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, SSU)

  1. Maxim Ashanin

Inductance of the Coil Changed by Electric Field

  1. Vadim Grubov

On–off Intermittency of Thalamo-Cortical Oscillations in the Electroencephalogram of Rats with Genetic Predisposition to Absence Epilepsy

  1. Natalya Kucher

BUGS for a Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models

  1. Anna Kvashchuk

A Uniqueness Theorem for Solutions of the Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problem

  1. Vladimir Maximenko

Dynamical Regimes in Semiconductor Superlattice

  1. Alexander Melnikov

Local Modifications of Optical Glass by High-Intensity Ultrashort Laser Pulses

  1. Alexander Pavlov

Boundary of Generalized Synchronization in Two Unidirectionally Coupled Tunnel Diode Generators

  1. Nikita Phrolov

Generator with Electron Feedback under External Influence of Harmonic Signal

  1. Vladislav Shunaev

Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Bilayer Grapheme Nanoribbons: Theoretical Investigation

  1. Sofia Startseva

Dynamical Properties of Discrete Models (the Impact of Iterations)

Panel discussion 2

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Dmitry V. Ivanov (Assist..Prof., PhD in Physics anв Mathematics, SSU )

Anna A. Sosnovskaya (Senior Lecturer of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, SSU)

  1. Zinaida Chepurina

Salting-in Phenomenon for the Quaternary System Water – Pyridine – Butyric Аcid – Potassium Iodide

  1. Tanya Denisova

Porous structure of separation material investigation with the means of porometric methods

  1. Dmitry Mitin

Formation of Silicon Structures with Rectifying Properties by Magnetron Sputtering

  1. Nikita Nosov

The Clasterization of Plague Microbe Strains by Multilocus VNTR-Analisis

  1. Olga Perfilova

Synthesis of 2-(2,7-Dichloro-3-Oxo-6-(Perfluorophenylsulfonyloxy)-3H-Xanthen-9-yl)Benzoic Acid

  1. Elena Pogorelova

Determination of Alkylpiridinium Homologues in Binary Mixtures

  1. Mikhail Pozharov

The Effect of Substituent Groups on Electron-donor Properties of Several Aromatic Organic Acids: Quantum Chemical Study

  1. Natalya Shestopalova

Cloud Point Extraction Some Dyes

  1. Nina Vorobieva

Development of Technology for Obtaining Protein Isolates from Non-Traditional Vegetable Raw Materials

Panel discussion 3

Time-limit: 10 minutes


Irina S. Rempen (Assoc.Prof. of the Nonlinear Processes Department, PhD in Physics anв Mathematics, SSU )

Alla N. Pisarenko (Senior Lecturer of the Department of English and Intercultural Communication, SSU)

  1. Kirill Antonov

The Litological-Petrofizical Performance of Formations of Bobrikovsky Horizon of the Krotovsky Floor Space

  1. Anna Burmistrova

Drip Irrigation of Apple Tree Nurseries in the Nonchernozem Zone

  1. Maxim Chervyakov

The Measurement of the Outgoing Shortwave Radiation from Satellite «Meteor-M» №1

  1. Elena Kiryanova

Soil Mapping and Monitoring Based on Remote Sensing

  1. Dmitriy Khvorostukhin

Geoinformation Modeling in Solving Problems of Sustainable Development of Municipal Districts

  1. Leonid Mihnyuk

Research on the Correlations between Musical Preferences and Individual Psychological Features of a Person

  1. Aleksandra Osokina

Influence of the Live Environment on Nanoparticles

  1. Viktor Zatonskiy

Dynamics of Volgograd Storage Pound Flood Plane Geosystems Development with Zeleniy Island as an Example

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