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2. Prepare a short presentation on one of the problems given below (see Appendix 4 on p. 73)

1. Zoos in England and the USA.

2. New inventions for pets.

3. Breeds of dogs and national stereotype.

4. Choosing the right pet.

5. Bird-twitching in Britain.

6. The rescue dogs: myth and reality.

7. The article I’ve recently read.

IV. Final Activity

Visit the link www.Izhgsha.Ru to find out more about the Faculty of Medical Veterinary of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

Consider the following points:

- the history of the faculty;

- the faculty staff;

- the departments of the faculty;

- the total number of students;

- students’ life.

Present your report in writing (1 page).

You can use other additional resources.


Прочитайте пословицы и поговорки. Найдите русские соответствия. Составьте предложения.

1. Like cat and dog. 1. Любишь меня, люби и мою собаку.

2. Let the cat out of the bag 2. Жить как собака

3. Love me, love my dog 3. Тайное становится явным

4. To lead a dog’s life 4. Как кошка с собакой

5. Every dog has his day 5. Не буди лихо, пока оно тихо

6. Let sleeping dogs lie 6. Дождь льет как из ведра

7. It rains cats and dogs 7. Будет и на нашей улице праздник

8. Curiosity killed the cat 8. Без котам мышам раздолье

9. When the cat is away, the mice will 9. Много будешь знать – скоро

play состаришься

Прочитайте стихотворение.


I’ve seen the horses sleek and steaming.

I’ve seen them munching grass and dreaming.

Flying fast and standing still,

Upon the track, upon the hill.

With hoofs like steel, and coats like down,

Gray and silver, fawn and brown.

Ginger-colored, specked with cream,

Horses run and horses dream.

I have heard them singing, sighing.

I have seen them flinging, flying.

Fleet and fast upon their courses!

Have you ever seen the horses?

Unit 4. Agronomy

I. Reading and Speaking Practice Section

1. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

hybrid, phosphorus, erosion, pesticides, organic farming, chemicals, agronomist, tomatoes, broccoli, container, rosemary, basil.

2. Match the English names of herbs with their Russian equivalents:

dill огуречник аптечный

mint ромашка

thyme укроп

tarragon пиретрум девичий

camomile тимьян

borage эстрагон

feverfew мята

3. Discuss in small groups the following points (see Appendix 1 on p. 69):

- what agronomy is;

- what you know about this science;

- what problems an agronomist is involved in;

- outstanding people in agronomy.

Text A

What is Agronomy?

Read the text to find out the main areas and issues agronomy deals with and complete the diagram.

Agronomy is the science and technology of using plants for food, fuel, feed, fiber and reclamation. Agronomy encompasses work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science. Agronomy is the application of a combination of sciences like biology, chemistry, ecology, earth science and genetics. Agronomists today are involved with many issues including producing food, creating healthier food, managing environmental impact of agriculture, and creating energy from plants. Agronomists often specialize in areas such as crop rotation, irrigation and drainage, plant breeding, plant physiology, soil classification , soil fertility, weed control, insect and pest control.

Plant breeding is an area of agronomy which involves selective breeding of plants to produce the best crops under various conditions. Plant breeding has increased crop yields and has improved the nutritional value of numerous crops, including corn, soybeans and wheat. It also has led to the development of new types of plants. Agronomy has also been instrumental in fruit and vegetable production research.

Agronomists study sustainable ways to make soils more productive and profitable. They classify soils and reproduce them to determine whether they contain substances vital to plant growth such as compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If a certain soil is deficient in these substances, fertilizers may provide them. Soil science also involves investigation of the movement of nutrients through the soil, the amount of nutrients absorbed by a plant's roots and the development of roots and their relation to the soil.

In addition, agronomists develop methods to preserve the soil and to decrease the effects of erosion by wind and water. For example, a technique called contour plowing may be used to prevent soil erosion and conserve rainfall. Researchers in agronomy also seek ways to use the soil more effectively in solving other problems such as the disposal of human and animal wastes, water pollution.


Practice 1. Summarise the text by listing:

- the issues agronomists are involved with today;

- areas of agronomy;

- soil science in agronomy.

Practice 2. Re-read the text to find out which of its paragraph deals with:

1) sustainable ways to make soils more productive and profitable;

2) related sciences;

3) methods to preserve the soil and to decrease the effects of erosion;

4) plant breeding.

Practice 3. Re-read the text to find out which of the following statements are correct and which are false. Justify your answer.

1. Agronomy is the science and technology of growing plants for human consumption.

2. Agronomy includes and surrounds work in the areas of history and physics.

3. Agronomists are ignorant in such areas as insect and pest control.

4. The area of agronomy which studies plant genetics and physiology for improving crop yields under various conditions is known as plant breeding.

5. Fertilizers are used to provide soil with substances vital to plant growth.

6. Soil science involves investigation of producing food, creating healthier food, creating energy from plants.

7. Contour plowing is used to increase the effects of soil erosion.

Practice 4. The answers to the following questions are the summary of the text. Answer these questions and give the summary of the text.

1. What sciences and areas find application in agronomy?

2. What issues and areas are agronomists involved with in their work?

3. How can plant breeding be defined?

4. What has plant breeding resulted in?

5. Agronomists try to find ways to improve soils, don’t they? Prove it.

6. How can the deficiency of some substances in a certain soil be made up?

7. Does contour plowing increase or decrease the effects of erosion?

Practice 5. Do you get enough basic information about the subject? What questions would you like to ask the author of the text?

Practice 6. Make a group discussion on the priority of the areas and issues of agronomy for state financing. Use Speech Patterns for group discussion, expressing and reacting to opinions, of agreement and disagreement (see Appendix 1

on p. 69).

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