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Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант № 2

I. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями

1. Can you start work tomorrow? 2. You musttell me the truth. 3. What time should I come in the morning? 4. You may_go now. 5. In America you will be allowed to drive a car at the age of 16. 6. Will you have to get up early tomorrow?

1 И. Ваш друг пишет диплом. Составьте для него рекомендации, употребив глаголы в повелительном наклонении:

to work hard, to study material carefully, to save one's time, not to forget to have a rest, to be attentive, to do everything beforehand

HI. Перепишите и переведите письменно предложения и словосочетания, обратите внимание на многозначность предлогов.

1. I'm sorry; I have no money with me. 2. He tried to do everything all at once. 3. What mark did you get for literature? 4. It's very kind of you to help me. 5.1 can't put up with his laziness. 6. Could you put me up at your hotel?

IV. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты, переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.1 want you to come earlier. 2.1 saw him get on a bus. 3. It is difficult for me to study economics. 4. They were asked to clean the room. 5. The text is easy for you to translate it from English into Russian. 6. The physics competition was planned to begin in May.

V. Определите, or каких частей речи образованы выделенные слова; переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не likes to read detective stories very much. 2. The red flowers brighten her little room. 3. The girl is dangerously ill, you must send for the doctor. 4. He is very active for his years. 5. The town is famous for its theatres. 6. It is an effective medicine.

VI. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык; напишите числительные


1. The population of Canada is over 24 million people. 2. London is divided into 3 parts: the West End, the East End, and the City. 3. The USA consists of 50 states. 4. There are 6 districts in the USA. 5. They run 44 miles a day. 6. He was the 1st to answer.

VII. Прочитайте текст, переведите его письменно и составьте план.


The History of the Automobile Early Electric Cars

Steam engine were not the only engines used in early automobiles. Vehicles with electrical engines were also invented. Between 1832 and 1839 (the exact year is uncertain), Robert Anderson of Scotland invented the first electric carriage. Electric cars used rechargeable batteries that powered a small electric motor. The vehicles were heavy, slow, expensive, and needed to stop for recharging frequently. Both steam and electric road vehicles were abandoned in favor of gas-powered vehicles. Electricity found greater success in tramways and streetcars, where a constant supply of electricity was possible.

However, around 1900, electric land vehicles in America outsold all types of cars. Then in the several years following 1900, sales of electric vehicles took a nosedive as a new type of vehicle came to dominate the consumer market.

The Internal Combustion Engine and Early Gas- powered Cars

The very first self-powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas

Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 - recognized by the British Royal Automobile

Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first. So why do so many history books say that the

automobile was invented by either Gottlieb Daimler or Karl Benz? It is because both Daimler and Benz

invented highly successful and practical gasoline-powered vehicles that ushered in the age of modern

automobiles. Daimler and Benz invented cars that looked like the cars we use today. However, it is unfair

to say that either man invented "the" automobile.

An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within

a cylinder - the piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the car wheels via a chain or a drive

shaft. The different types of fuel commonly used for a car combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol),

diesel, and kerosene.

Engine design and car design were integral activities, and a few went on to become major manufactures of

automobiles. All inventors made notable improvements in the evolution of the internal combustion


The Importance of Nicolas Otto

One of the most important landmarks in engine design comes from Nicolas August Otto who in 1876

invented an effective gas motor engine. Otto built the first practical four-stroke internal combustion engine

called the "Otto Cycle Engine", and as soon as he had completed his engine, he built it into a motorcycle.

Otto's contributions were very historically significant, it was his four-stroke engine that was universally

adopted for all liquid-fueled automobiles going forward.


rechargeable повторно заряжаемый

to outsell продаваться лучше или дороже чем другой товар

a nosedive пикирование, падение

gasoline бензин

combustion горение

piston поршень

crankshaft коленчатый вал
