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Контрольная работа № 3 Вариант № 4

I. Перепишите сложные существительные, определите в них основное слово; переведите на русский язык.

a back-seat driver, an outlet, a take-over, a check out, an ignition switch, a break up

II. Образуйте причастие I от следующих глаголов, переведите словосочетания на русский язык

(to pass by) people - passing by people, wheels (to drive), a (to slide) gear, diameters (to vary), a (to mesh) set, a (to use engine power) mechanism

III. Употребите возвратные местоимения

1. He wants to repair his car .... 2. She cleaned the flat... . 3. You will finish the work... . 4. Look at ... in the mirror. 5. We shall see her off... 6. I'll choose the book....

IV. Образуйте от глаголов причастие II, переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

an (to establish) institution - an established institution, a (to know) type, a (to drive) plate, water (to circulate), a (to cool) surface, an (to incline) column

V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на видовременные формы страдательного залога.

1. Steering is controlled by a hand wheel. 2. The other end of the tube is connected to the steering gear, which is designed to provide maximum ease of operation, 3. What was the first transcontinental railway constructed? 4. More than 183 million motor vehicles were registered in the early 1990s. 5. Your car will be repaired by the end of the week. 6. Anew car catalogue will be published soon.

VI. Перепишите предложения, обратите внимание на придаточные предложения; переведите их на русский язык.

1. Не goes out when the weather will get warmer. 2. If he had known the timetable he wouldn't have missed the train. 3. It would be better if you had a driving license. 4.1 would have met you at the station if you had sent me a telegram. 5. If I were you I would go traveling by car. 6. She will go with her friends, if she passes exams well.

VII. Прочитайте текст, переведите его письменно и ответьте на вопросы после текста.

Manual and Automatic Transmission

The transmission is a mechanism that changes speed and power ratios between the engine and the

driving wheels. Three general types of transmission are in current use: conventional or sliding-gear.

Hydra-Matic, and torque-converter systems.

The conventional transmission provides for three or four forward speeds and one reverse speed. It

consists of two shafts, each with gears of varying diameters. One shaft drives the other at a preselected

speed by meshing the appropriate set of gears. For reverse speed, an extra gear, known as the idler gear,

is required to turn the driven shaft in the opposite direction from normal rotation. In high gear, the two

shafts usually turn at the same speed. In low, second, and reverse gears, the driven shaft turns more

slowly than the driving shaft. When a pair of gears permits the driven shaft to turn more rapidly than the

driving shaft, the transmission is said to have overdrive. Overdrive is designed to increase the speed of a


The Hydra-Matic type of transmission combines the automatic clutch provided by fluid coupling with a

semi-automatic transmission. A mechanical governor, controlled by the pressure exerted on the

accelerator pedal, regulates gear selection through a system of hydraulically controlled shift valves.

Hydra-Matic transmission provides for several forward gears.

The torque-converter type of transmission provides an unlimited number of gear ratios with no shifting

of gears. The torque converter is a hydraulic mechanism using engine power to drive a pump, which


streams of oil against the blades of a turbine. The turbine is connected to the drive shaft and causes it to rotate.

The Running Gear

The running gear includes the wheel-suspension system, the stabilizers, wheels and tyres. The frame of the car may be considered the integrating member of the running gear. It is attached to the rear axle and to the front wheels by springs. These springs, along with the axles, the control and support arms, and the shock absorbers, constitute the wheel-suspension system. In modern cars the front wheels are independently suspended from the frame. It is known as independent suspension. The stabilizers consist of spring-steel bars, connected between the shock-absorber arms by levels, to decrease body roll and improve steerability.

The Control System

Steering is controlled by a hand wheel, mounted on an inclined column and attached to a steering tube inside the column. Power steering, adapted for passenger cars in the early 1950s, is generally a hydraulic mechanism used as a booster to reduce the effort of steering.

A car has two sets of brakes: the hand or emergency brake and the foot brake. The emergency brake operates on the rear wheels only. The foot brake is always of the four-wheel type, operating on all wheels. The wheel brakes are generally of the internally expanding type, in which a convex strip of material is forced against a concave steel brake drum.




torque-converter system

wheel-suspension system




обычный, стандартный, традиционный


клиноременный вариатор



рулевое управление



1. What is transmission? 2. What are the main types of transmission? 3. What does the running include? 4. By what is steering controlled? 5. How many sets of brakes has any car?


Список литературы:

1. И. П. Агабекян «Английский Для технических Вузов». Серия «Учебники для технических вузов». Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс» 2001. -

352 с.

  1. Г. Выборова, К. Махмурян, О. Мельчина «Easy English» базовый курс. Учебник для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. Москва «ACT - ПРЕСС» 2001 г., 384 с.

  2. Г. Выборова, К. Махмурян «Сборник упражнений по английской грамматике». Москва «ACT- ПРЕСС» 2000 г., 176 с.

4.Ю. Голицынский «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений». КАРО Санкт-Петербург 2002 г., 544 с.

5.М.Э. Еникеева, А.В. Зеленщиков «Английский для самостоятельной работы» Санкт-Петербург 2000 г.

  1. А.В. Парахина «Пособие по переводу технических текстов с английского языка на русский: Для средних специальных учебных заведений. Москва «Высшая Школа» 1982 г., 191 с.

  2. А.П. Старков, P.P. Диксон, Б.С. Островский "English Iх year". Санкт- Петербург «Специальная Литература» 1998 г., 364 с.

  3. "The History of Automobile"// http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aacarssteamo.htm.