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Unless the tax is paid the title is Свободное обращение собственности на

unmarketable. на рынке возможно только после уплаты налога

с этой собственности.

iii. трансформации при несовпадении значений видовременных форм глагола и пассивных конструкций:

A decedent’s estate must be managed Кто-то все равно должен управлять имуществом

by someone, whether or not умершего вне зависимости от того, оставлено

the decedent leaves a will. завещание или нет.

iv. трансформации при переводе наклонений и средств выражения модальности:

The law of contract exists to provide Договорное право существует для обеспечения

one party with a remedy should the средств судебной за­щиты одной стороне в случае,

other fail to do what he has undertaken. если другая сторона не сделает того, что

обязалась сделать.

.3. Комплексные лексико-грамматические трансформации

Эти трансформации вызваны необходимостью учитывать внеязыковые реалии и представлены различными вариантами эксплика­ции, позволяющими пояснить значение слова или словосочетания с помощью более развернутых формулировок на языке перевода.

In bringing suit the first thing to determine Обращаясь с иском, следует прежде всего

is whether an action is local or transitory. определить, можно ли его подавать только

в местный суд, учитывая характер причиненного

вреда, или же иск может быть подан в суд

другого штата по месту жительства ответчика.

The mortgage is not the written evidence Ипотека не является письменным доказатель-

of the debt, the debt being evidenced by ством наличия долга, долг подтверждается либо

the bond or the note. соответствующим документом, выданным

собственником недвижимости, либо векселем.

Это лишь краткое описание некоторых проблем, с которыми неиз­бежно сталкивается переводчик, стремящийся адекватно передать со­держание юридического текста, добиваясь по мере возможности эк­вивалентности перевода оригиналу, содействуя тем самым взаимопо­ниманию людей, говорящих и думающих на разных языках.

Упражнение. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, произведя необходимые лексические и грамматические трансформации. Определите, какие приемы были ис­пользованы для достижения эквивалентности перевода.

1. The mere existence of a will may mean nothing, for it may not be a valid will, or it may not be the last will.

2. The bargain-and-sale deed contains no guarantee of title but simply the owner's covenant that since he has owned it he has done nothing to encumber the property.

3. Such obligations are more correctly described as «quasi» contracts, which is the better name, since it indicates that the obligation is not a true contract.

4. The safeguards for the protection of criminals have come down to us through the English common law and are known since King John.

5. It has been accepted ever since that the courts have the power to decide on the extent of prerogative powers.

6. The decision of the court of appeals is final, unless appealed to the US Supreme Court.

7. This type of memorandum is not legally binding unless it complies with the state statute.

8. Once an individual has selected a lawyer, he should decide about con­sulting, or retaining the person.

9. Although not as popular as they once were, there still are actions brought for alienation of affections.

10. An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself, nor can one appointed to buy property sell that which belongs to himself.

11. A mere enquiry by the offeree does not terminate an offer. Nor does the addition of terms in an acceptance, requested as a favor, terminate the offer.

12. The importance of determining when the acceptance takes effect is that, until that time, the offer may be revoked or may lapse; nor may the offeree withdraw his acceptance if it has taken effect.

13. The state courts have no jurisdiction in admiralty cases or in matters arising under the patent or copyright laws of the United States, nor in bankruptcy matters, interstate commerce, nor matters affecting the property or territory of the United States.

14. Before filing an application or petition, it is wise to think calmly about whether the case is viable.

15. A lease is a binding contract whether it is for a short term or a long term.

16. Whether adequate storage space will continue to be available is an­ other matter.

17. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether or not the principal 'has actually given an agent this authority.

18. Depending upon the class of crime, whether a felony or a misde­meanor, the accused is entitled to certain preliminary hearings.

19. Complaints against lawyers are said to stem from complaints against the administration of justice.

20. Blackstone's influence is said to have resulted in the establishment of chairs of law at several American Universities.

21. Its work having been completed, the Trusteeship Council has amended its rules of procedure to meet as and where occasion may re­quire.

22. It is usually not necessary that any particular words be used in making a will.

23. It is a general rule that the crime of homicide is prosecuted in the county where the crime was committed.

24. It may afterwards appear that through mistake or error in judgement there was an overvaluation of property received by the corporation in exchange for stock.

25. As it was found as a fact that the person had acted without negligence it was held that he was not liable on the bill, though it is often said that negligence in such matters is hard to trace.

26. It was not until the Tudor monarchy in the 16th century that anything like an efficient administrative system was established and it was the monarch who exercised firm control over it.

27. It is the courts themselves which have, over the last four centuries, de­cided the extent of their power.

28. The object of damages is to place the injured party in as good a position as he would have been in had the contract been carried out.

29. Then, were the matter litigated in Belgium, Belgian law would apply; while were it litigated in England then English law would apply.

30. So strict is the rule in those states, that if the signature is in the middle or at the side or any place but the physical end of the will, the will may be held invalid.

31. Merely by the form in which it is expressed does such a contract bind the parties.

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