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10. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Access to the political arena during the 18th century depended largely on membership in some aristocracy, and participation in elections was regulated mainly by local customs and arrangements. 2. With the American and French revolutions, every citizen was declared formally equal to every other citizen, but the vote remained an instrument of political power possessed by very few. 3. Systems of plural voting were maintained in some countries, giving certain social groups an electoral advantage. 4. In Great Britain, for example, university graduates and owners of businesses in constituencies other than those in which they lived continued to have an extra vote until 1948. 5. Before World War I both Austria and Prussia had three classes of weighted votes that effectively kept electoral power in the hands of the upper social strata.

11. Using English-English dictionary, explain the following words:

Referendum; plebiscite; fraud; impeachment.

12. Find the pairs of synonyms:

Applicant, enemy; fraud; opposition; information; decide on; pretender, elect; resistance; default; assistance; fail; opponent; support; propaganda; cheat.

13. Learn and explain the following:

  1. A make-believe situation; a guide-post; a common-sense approach; pro and con; primary emphasis; in the belief that; in advance; to concern with.

  2. Behind the scene; to be in the limelight; to give somebody the cue; a peace-maker; a brilliant speaker; self-denial; inexplicable thing; triumphant acclaim; momentous achievements.

14.Translate into English:

Так як нові інформаційні технології поступово входять в наше життя, в тому числі і політичне, все реальніше постає питання використання їх при проведені виборів (президентських, парламентських, місцевих) та референдумів. В даній концепції пропонується поетапний перехід від паперового голосування при виборах та референдумах до системи електронного голосування. Виборці б мали змогу перевіряти себе у виборчих списках, взнавати свій виборчий округ, отримувати інформацію про партії та кандидатів, отримувати інформацію про результати голосування. Працівники виборчих комісій мали б можливість отримувати інструкції щодо проведення виборів, заповнювати інформацію про результати виборів на своїй дільниці. При прямому електронному голосуванні громадянин матиме можливість скористатися або сенсорним екраном, електронним пристроєм для голосування або карткою ж яка може бути відсканована. При голосуванні на віддалі громадянин може використовувати або власний комп’ютер чи комп’ютер що знаходиться в публічному місці, свій мобільний телефон чи мережу кабельного телебачення. Звичайно всі ці технічні нововведення мають відповідати Конституції та виборчому законодавству, що передбачає проведення загальних, рівних, вільних та прямих виборів при збережені таємниці голосування.


Elections in the usa

Topical words:

To nominate for president;

mid-term elections; primary elections; congressional elections;


property qualification; educational qualification;

residence qualification;

voting age;

to register;

to enrol;

straight- ticket voting;

Anyone who is an American citizen, at least 18 years of age, and registered to vote may vote. Americans who want to vote must register, that is to put down their names before the actual elections take place.

A general election is a state-wide election, usually held shortly after primary elections, to fill state and national offices. States hold national presidential elections every four years, in November, and national congressional elections in the even-numbered years (mid-term elections).

The date of the American presidential election is fixed by law – every four years (years divisible by four, e.g. 1992, 1996, 2000, etc.) on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

American Presidents and Vice-Presidents are elected by an electoral college which convenes for the balloting on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.

Each State is allotted the same number of electors in the college as it has in the Senate and House of Representatives, or roughly in proportion to its populations. In each State these electors are nominated and voted for by the respective parties. If a candidate wins a State, no matter by how small a margin, he picks up all its electoral votes.

The electors whose party wins in a State’s balloting for President meet to cast their votes at a place designated by the State legislature. The votes are sent to Congress where they are counted in the presence of both Houses on January 6. The president-elect is inaugurated on January 20. The Twentieth Amendment makes noon on January 20, every four years, the time for the beginning of presidential terms.

The President and Vice President must be voted for as a team. To become a President a candidate must receive at least 270 votes, which constitutes a bare majority in the 538-member electoral college. If the House has to elect the President, each State will have a single vote, and a majority of the 50 State delegations (26 votes) would be needed to elect a President.

The election laws and their qualifications vary in each State. Residence qualifications and the voting age differ greatly in many States. The Voting Rights Act of 1970 sets 30-day residence as the only precondition to voting in federal elections and in June 1971 a constitutional amendment was ratified making 18 the voting age.

On polling day the voting is by ballot, either paper, or by machine. With so many candidates a paper ballot may be several feet long and voting by machine is preferable. It requires the marking of a single “X” or the pulling of a single lever.

Prior to their participation in elections the prospective voters must register in accordance with the law of his State. Under a system of permanent registration the voter, once qualified, remains on the eligible list until he dies, moves, or fails to vote in several consecutive elections. Periodic registration requires that he enroll at the appropriate local office annually or at fixed intervals. Upon registration every citizen is eligible to vote on polling day.

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