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20. Insert what or that

1. After all, he now had ... he had been longing for, and he decided that was ... counted. 2. There was no doubt as to ... he meant. 3. I could realize ... he was no enemy of mine. 4. That was ... had happened to that wonderful mood of optimism and understanding. 5. I wanted to satisfy myself ... the work I had put into this boat was sound. 6. He did not even know ... had happened. 7. ... he says is not ... he means. 8. .. .-he refused to help her in this critical moment was more than unkind of him.

23. Translate into English:

В практиці багатьох парламентів відомі різноманітні способи нав’язування політичному противнику своєї думки. Серед них розповсюджений метод обструкції. В історії Парламенту Великобританії та Конгресу США відомі випадки, коли депутати або сенатори для того, щоб зірвати небажаний законопроект, говорили з трибуни без перерви кілька діб підряд. В таких випадках досвідчені конгресмени приходили на засідання з подушками, розкладачками і терпляче слухали оратора або ж спали.

“Третя палата конгресу” – так називають лобістів. Їх велика кількість – на кожного вибраного члена обох палат конгресу США припадає до восьми лобістів. Їхні функції дуже прості. Лобістів купують асоціації промисловців, землевласників, торгові палати, і т.п. З якою метою? Щоб здійснювати вплив на законодавство. Іншими словами, їх справа так наглядати за законодавством, щоб в потрібний момент з’явився потрібний законопроект, а інший – провалити, відповідно до того, чого вимагають інтереси тих, хто їх наймає.


Electoral system of Ukraine

The Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in June 1996, establishes a unicameral Parliament with 450 members. Deputies are elected for a four-year term on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The Constitution guarantees the free expression of voters will.

The Constitution of Ukraine says:”The Ukrainian people is the only bearer of sovereignty and source of power in Ukraine. The people carry out their power directly and through the organs of state power and the local governmental organs”. At the same time the constitution declares that the right to determine and to change the constitutional order of Ukraine belongs exclusively to people and cannot be taken over by the state, its organs or appointed people.

Ukraine is a democratic republic. And the people of Ukraine have a right to two kinds of democracies: direct and representational.

Article 69 of the constitution determines that people’s will is carried out through elections, referenda and other forms of the direct democracy.

Every Citizen of Ukraine aged 18 or over on election day has the right to vote. Convicts and citizens resident abroad are also entitled to vote. Only citizens who are deemed incompetent by a court order are barred from participating in elections. To be eligible as a candidate, citizens must have attained the age of 21, have the right to vote, and resided in Ukraine for the preceding five years.

Elections to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government are free and are held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage, by secret ballot.

Free elections mean that no authority can press and try to impose whatever decision on voters. Equal elections mean that each person’s vote is counted independently of sex, age, race, or belief.

The elections in Ukraine are direct because people vote directly for the candidate. And their vote is secret because no one can control or inspect the voting of person.

Article 72 of the Constitution says that an All-Ukrainian referendum is designated by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or by the President of Ukraine. An All-Ukrainian referendum is called on popular initiative on the request of no less than three million citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote, on the condition that the signatures in favour of designating the referendum have been collected in no less than two-thirds of the oblasts, with no less than 100 000 signatures in each oblast.

A referendum shall not be permitted in regard to draft laws on issues of taxes, the budget and amnesty.

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