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  1. Riley P. Le «linguisme» - multi- poll- pluri -Points de repere terminologiques et sociolinguistiques / P. Riley // Le frangais dans le monde.Recherches et applications. - Juillet 2003. - P. 8.

  2. Charte des droits fondamentaux de Г Union Europeenne / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int/charter/pdf/ text_fr.pdf

  3. La diversite linguistique / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int/comm/culture/portal/action/linguistic/lingui_fr. htm

  1. Calvet, L.-J. Casse-tete linguistique / L.-J. Calvet // Le frangais dans le monde. Revue de la Federation Internationale des Professeurs de Frangais. - 2003. - n° 326. - P. 40.

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid., P. 41.

7. Eurobarometer report 54. Europeans and languages. Executive summary. Special euro- barometer "Europeans and languages". 15 February 2001 / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int.comm.education/languages/lang/barolang/_en.pdf

8. Дорошевска У. Меньшинства и языки в со­ временной Европе. Образование на языках национальных меньшинств / Права человека в России// www.hro.org/editions/

  1. Regional and minority languages of the European Union / Europa. Gateway to the European Union // http;// europa.eu.int.comm.education/policies/lang/

  1. Ibid.

1 l.Charte europeenne des langues regionales et minoritaires. Conseil de 1'Europe. Stasbourg,29 juin 1992 / I' amenagement linguistique dans le monde //http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/europe/ charte.htm

  1. Ibid.

  2. Charte europeenne des lagues regionales et minoritaires / http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/fr/cadreprincipal.htm

  3. A selection of projects from the European year of languages / Council of the European Union//www/eu.int/comm./education/policies/lang/year/ index_fr.html

  4. Socrates. European action programme in the field of education (2000-2006) / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int /comm/dgs/education_culture/publ/pdf/soceates/depl_tn.pdf

  5. Socrates-Erasmus / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/ects_en.html

  6. LINGUA: Promotion of language-teaching and learning / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int/comm /education/programmes/socrates/lingua/index_en.html

  7. The Leonardo da Vinchi programme, pillar of lifelong learning / Europa. Gateway to the European Union //http://europa.eu.int/comm./education/programmes/leonardo/leonardo_en.html

  8. Support from the European Comission for measures to promote and safeguard regional or minority languages and culture. The Euromosaic study / Europa. Gateway to the European Union//http://europa.eu.mt/comm/education/policies/lang/languages/langmin/euromosaic/index en.html

O.A. Смирнова,

канд. полит, наук, доцент кафедры международно-политических коммуникаций и страноведения факультета международных отношений ИНГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского Нижний Новгород