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Lesson 4. Leadership.doc
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V. Orekhivskyy. Basics of Management. Lesson 4. Leadership

Lesson 4. Leadership

  1. Leadership and leadership behaviors

  2. The leadership theories

  3. Managerial communications

Leadership. Sources of leader power. Leader behaviors: autocratic, democratic, liberal. The Managerial Grid (by Robert A. Blake and Jane S. Mouton). Fielder’s Leadership theories (contingency model). Situational Leadership Theory (Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard). Normative Leadership Model (Victor H. Vroom and Philip W. Yetton). Path-Goal Theory (Robert J. House and colleagues).

The nature of managerial communication. Types of communication. Basic components of the communication process. Communication skills. Communication channels.

Foundations of Work Groups. Work Group Inputs and Processes. Managing Conflicts.

1. Leadership and leadership behaviors

Leadership: The process of influencing others toward the achievement of organizational goals.

Sources of leader power

Power: the capacity to affect the behavior of others.

Legitimate power: power that is based from a position’s placement in the managerial hierarchy and the authority vested in the position.

Reward power: power that is based on the capacity to control and provide valued rewards to others.

Expert power: power that is based on the possession of expertise that is valued by others.

Information power: that results from assess to and control over the distribution of important information about organizational operations and future plans.

Coercive power: power that depends on the ability to punish others when they do not engage in desired behaviors.

Referent power: results from being admired, personally identified with, or liked by others.

Leadership traits (distinctive internal qualities or characteristics of an individual, skills and abilities, social factors, physical)

Leader behaviors:

Autocratic – tend to make unilateral decisions, dictate work methods, limit worker knowledge about goals to just the next step to be performed.

Democratic – tend to involve the group in decision making, let the group determine work methods, make overall goals known and use feedback as an opportunity for helpful; coaching.

Laissez-faire [leisseifae] Liberal style of leaders that give the group complete freedom, provide necessary materials, participate only to answer questions, and avoid giving feedback.


Employee centered: a leadership approach in which managers channel their main attention to the human aspects of subordinate’s problems and to the development of an effective work group dedicated to high performance goals

Job-centered: leaders divide work into routine tasks, determine work methods, and closely supervise workers to ensure that the methods are followed, productivity standards are met.

The Managerial Grid

Leader behaviors aimed at both task and people issues, by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. Focus – concern for people and concern for production. Depending on the degree of concern for people and production, a manager can fall anywhere on the grid. The most desirable – is the 9,9 orientation. Allow for some flexibility in actual leader behaviors.



Concern for People




















Concern for Production

1.9 Country Club management: thoughtful attention to needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable friendly organization atmosphere and work.

    1. Impoverished management. Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is

appropriate to sustain organization membership.

5.5 Organization Man Management. Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the ncessecity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level.

9.1 Authority-Obedience. Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree.

9.9. Team Management. Work accomplishment is from committed people$ interdependence through a “common stake” in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect.

Female vs. Male behaviors

Female – highly oriented towards interpersonal issues and, therefore, possibly ill-suited for leadership positions. Man – more oriented toward task issues and better candidates for leadership slots. Studies- M. and F. leaders are similar in the amounts of interpersonal and task issues.

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