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Van der Eijk. Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease.Pdf

Hunter. Marriage, Celibacy, and Heresy in Ancient Christianity. The Jovinianist Controversy.pdf

Severus of Minorca. Letter on the Conversion of the Jews.pdf

Zhmud. The Origin of the History of Science in Classical Antiquity.pdf

Bury The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians.pdf

Frede. Essays in Ancient Philosophy.pdf

Parvis. Marcellus of Ancyra and the Lost Years of the Arian Controversy 325-345.pdf

Holloway. Constantine and Rome.pdf

Language and Learning. Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic Age.pdf

Horn. Asceticism and Christological Controversy in Fifth-Century Palestine. The Career of Peter the Iberian.pdf

Schweitzer. The Quest of the Historical Jesus.pdf

Cuomo. Ancient Mathematics.pdf

Swan. The Augustan Succession. An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio's Roman History Books 55-56 (9 BC - AD 14).pdf

Morgan. 69 AD. The Year of Four Emperors.pdf

Gibson. Statius Silvae 5.pdf

Williams. Beyond the Rubicon. Romans and Gauls in Republican Italy.pdf

Stewart. Statues in Roman Society. Representation and Response.pdf

Riggsby. Caesar in Gaul and Rome. War in Words.pdf

Plotinus on Eudaimonia. A Commentary on Ennead I.4.pdf

Lactantius. Divine Institutes.pdf

Chitwood. Death by Philosophy. The Biographical Tradition in the Life and Death of the Archaic Philosophers Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Democritus.pdf

Fantham. The Roman World of Cicero's De Oratore.pdf

Wear, Dillon. Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition.pdf

Newby. Greek Athletics in the Roman World. Victory and Virtue.pdf

Harris. Neoplatonism and Indian Thought

Luraghi. The Historian's Craft in the Age of Herodotus.pdf

Guthrie. A History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 1. The Earlier Presocratics and the Pythagoreans.pdf

Religion And the Self in Antiquity.pdf

Cicero. Topica.pdf

Willi. The Languages of Aristophanes. Aspects of Linguistic Variation in Classical Attic Greek.pdf

Did Moses Speak Attic. Jewish Historiography and Scripture in the Hellenistic Period.pdf

XII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies Leiden, 2004.Pdf

Borgen. Early Christianity & Hellenistic Judaism.pdf

From 4QMMT to Resurrection. Melanges qumraniens en hommage a Emile Puech.pdf

Leemans, Mayer, Allen, Dehandschutter. Let us die that we may live. Greek homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c.350-c.450 AD.pdf

Kraus. Ad fontes. Original Manuscripts and Their Significance for Studying Early Christianity. Selected Essays.pdf

Second Temple Studies III. Studies in Politics, Class and Material Culture.pdf

Second Temple Studies II. Temple and Community in the Persian Period.pdf

Coleman. A History of Political Thought. From Ancient Greece to Early Christianity.pdf

Blackwell Companion to Julius Caesar.pdf

Mattern. Rome and the Enemy. Imperial Strategy in the Principate

The Lord's Anointed. Interpretation of Old Testament Messianic Texts.pdf

Matera. New Testament Ethics. The Legacies of Jesus and Paul

Fitzgerald. Catullan Provocations. Lyric Poetry and the Drama of Position

Nodet. A Search for the Origins of Judaism. From Joshua to the Mishnah.pdf

Babylonian Talmud

Batstone, Damon. Caesar's Civil War.pdf

Sanders. Paul and Palestinian Judaism. A comparison of patterns of religion.pdf

Theodoret of Cyrus. Commentary on Daniel.pdf

Johnston. Roman Law in Context

Feeney. Literature and Religion at Rome. Cultures, Contexts, and Beliefs

Crane. Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity. The Limits of Political Realism.pdf

Hammer. The Iliad As Politics. The Performance of Political Thought

Goldhill. Language, Sexuality, Narrative. The Oresteia.djvu

Lloyd. The Revolutions of Wisdom. Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science.pdf

Norman. Antioch as a Centre of Hellenic Culture, as Observed by Libanius.pdf

Mikalson. Religion in Hellenistic Athens.pdf

Cantor. Alexander the Great. Journey to the End of the Earth.pdf

Rosenstein. Imperatores Victi, Military Defeat and Aristocractic Competition in the Middle and Late Republic.pdf

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. Volume XXXIV.pdf

Millar. Study of Cassius Dio

Badiou. Saint Paul. The Foundation of Universalism.pdf

Matthews. Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, A.D. 364-425

Edwards. Neoplatonic Saints. The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students.pdf

Marsden. Greek and Roman Artillery. Historical Development

Freydberg. Philosophy & Comedy. Aristophanes, Logos, and Eros.pdf

Haywood. Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.pdf

Genre in Hellenistic Poetry.pdf

Dunbabin. Western Greeks the History of Sicily

Rowell. Rome in the Augustan Age

Smith, Brickhouse. The Philosophy Of Socrates.pdf

Meiggs. The Athenian Empire

Heather, Moncur. Politics, Philosophy and Empire in the Fourth Century. Themistius' Select Orations.pdf

Rimell. Martial's Rome. Empire and the Ideology of Epigram.pdf

Garani. Empedocles Redivivus. Poetry and Analogy in Lucretius.pdf

Champion. Cultural Politics in Polybius's Histories.pdf

Fortenbaugh. On Stoic and Peripatetic Ethics. The Work of Arius Didymus.pdf

Meltzer. Euripides and the Poetics of Nostalgia.pdf

Eckstein. Moral Vision in the Histories of Polybius

Barker. The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece.pdf

Dodaro. Christ and the Just Society in the Thought of Augustine.pdf

Pelling. Literary Texts and the Greek Historian.PDF

Morewedge. Neoplatonism and Islamic Thought

Goffart. The Narrators of Barbarian History (A.D. 550-800). Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede, And Paul the Deacon.pdf

Mathiesen. Apollo's Lyre. Greek Music and Music Theory in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.pdf

Burstein. The Reign of Cleopatra.pdf

Lang. The Athenian Citizen. Democracy in the Athenian Agora.pdf

Sider. The Epigrams of Philodemos. Introduction, Text, and Commentary.pdf

Kleywegt. Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book I. A Commentary.pdf

Growing Up Fatherless in Antiquity.pdf

Wood. Church and State in Historical Perspective. A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography.pdf

Wood. Benjamin Constant. A Biography.pdf

Ermatinger. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.pdf

Mead. Apollonius of Tyana, the philosopher-reformer of the first century AD.pdf

Christesen. Olympic Victor Lists and Ancient Greek History.pdf

Warneck. Descent of Socrates. Self-knowledge And Cryptic Nature in the Platonic Dialogues.pdf

Benardete. Plato's 'Laws'. The Discovery of Being.pdf

Kotze. Augustine's Confessions. Communicative Purpose and Audience.pdf

Kerferd. The Sophistic Movement.pdf

Levin. The Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry Revisited. Plato and the Greek Literary Tradition.pdf

Worthington. Persuasion. Greek Rhetoric in Action.pdf

Wolfsdorf. Trials of Reason. Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy.pdf

Tellegen-Couper. A Short History of Roman Law.pdf

Wedderburn. Paul and Jesus.pdf

Brisson. Plato the Myth Maker.pdf

Chilton, Neusner. The Brother of Jesus. James the Just and his Mission.pdf

Johnson. A Symposion of Praise. Horace Returns to Lyric in Odes IV.pdf

MacKendrick. The Roman Mind at Work.pdf

Ustinova. Caves and the Ancient Greek Mind. Descending Underground in the Search for Ultimate Truth.pdf

Montiglio. Silence in the Land of Logos.pdf

Adler, Vanderkam. The Jewish Apocalyptic Heritage in Early Christianity.pdf

The Development of the Polis in Archaic Greece

Martinez. Qumran and Apocalyptic. Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran.pdf

Reading Ancient Texts. Vol 1. Presocratics and Plato. Essays in Honour of Denis O'Brien.pdf

Reading Ancient Texts. Vol 2. Aristotle and Neoplatonism. Essays in Honour of Denis O'Brien.pdf

Martindale. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. vol. 3A.pdf

Heslin. The Transvestite Achilles. Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid.pdf

Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology.pdf

Philosophy in Dialogue. Plato's Many Devices.pdf

Shanks. Art and the Early Greek State.pdf

Dorman, Bryan. Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes.pdf

Bernard-Donals. The Practice of Theory. Rhetoric, Knowledge, and Pedagogy in the Academy

Snyder. Teachers and Texts in the Ancient World. Philosophers, Jews and Christians

Benson. Socratic Wisdom. The Model of Knowledge in Plato's Early Dialogues

Martindale. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. vol. 3B.pdf

Griggs. Early Egyptian Christianity. From Its Origins to 451 CE.pdf

Morley. Antiquity and Modernity.pdf

Jewish Christianity Reconsidered. Rethinking Ancient Groups and Texts.pdf

Blackwell Companion to Aristotle.pdf

Younger. Ancient Conquest Accounts. A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing.pdf

Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks.pdf

Wilkins, Hill. Food in the Ancient World.pdf

Bagnall. Egypt in Late Antiquity.pdf

Plese. Poetics of the Gnostic Universe. Narrative And Cosmology in the Apocryphon of John.pdf

Wright. Origin of Evil Spirits. The Reception of Genesis 6.1-4 in Early Jewish Literature.pdf

Todd. A Commentary on Lysias, Speeches 1-11.pdf

Nickelsburg. Jewish Literature Between The Bible And The Mishnah, Second Edition.pdf

Gabriel. The Military History of Ancient Israel.pdf

Theissen. The New Testament. History, Literature, Religion.pdf

Gruenwald. Apocalyptic and Merkavah Mysticism

Time in Ancient Greek Literature.pdf

Pater. Plato and Platonism.pdf