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Английский язык. 1 часть.Дистанционный курс..doc
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1) Nouns

  1. expert

  2. field

  3. system

  4. tuition

  5. research

  6. study

  7. employment

    1. professional

    2. job

    3. earning

    4. area

    5. exploration

    6. arrangement

    7. teaching

2) Adjectives

  1. regular

  2. complete

  3. another

  4. short

  5. practical

  6. unique

  7. small

  8. important

  9. specific

  10. further

  11. wide

  12. numerous

  13. huge

  1. large

  2. additional

  3. abbreviated

  4. many

  5. realistic

  6. particular

  7. total

  8. broad

  9. little

  10. principal

  11. unusual

  12. different

  13. daily

Exercise 3. Answer the question about your Institute.

        1. When was it established?

        2. Who is its founder?

        3. How many faculties are there?

        4. What kind of education does your Institute provide (full-time, part-time etc.)?

        5. What forms of education are there in your Institute (lectures, seminars, practical work etc.)?

        6. What kind of specialist are you going to be?

        7. How long do you have to study?

        8. What subjects do you learn?

        9. Are there any subjects which are not taught in your Institute but you want to learn them?

        10. How many students are there in your group?

Exercise 4. Translate the verbs into Russian and make sentences with them.

  1. to arrange

  2. to enable

  3. to explore

  4. to admit

  5. to require

  6. to follow

  7. to gain

  8. to provide

  9. to acquire

  10. to explore

  11. to expect

  12. to contribute

  13. to test out

Грамматический материал To be (past simple)

Exercise 1. Put in am is/are (present) or was/were (past).

1 Last year she was 22, so she is 23 now.

2 Today he weather……nice, but yesterday it very cold.

3 I …… hungry. Can I have something to eat?

4 I feel fine this morning but I …… very tired last night.

5 Where…… you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning?

6 Don't buy those shoes. They …… very expensive.

7 I like your new jacket……it expensive?

8 This time last year I……in Paris.

9 'Where ……the children?' 'I don't know. They …… in the garden ten minutes ago.'

Exercise 2. Put in was/ were or wasn't/weren't.

1 We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room was very small and it wasn't very clean.

2 George ……at work last week because he……ill. He's better now.

3 Yesterday ……a public holiday so the shops……closed. They're open today.

4 '……Sue and Bill at the party?' 'Sue……there but Bill …… '

5 'Where are my keys?' 'I don't know. They …… on the table but they're not there now'

6 You…… at home last night. Where …… you?

Exercise 3. Write the questions. Use the words in brackets (...) in the correct order + was/were.

1. (late/ you/ this morning/ why?)

Why were you late this morning?

2. (difficult/ your exam?)


3. (last week/ where/ Ann and Chris?)


4. (your new camera/ how much?)


5. (angry/ you/ yesterday/ why?)


6. (nice/ the weather/ last week?)


1. The traffic was bad.

2. No, it was easy.

3. They were on holiday.

4. Sixty pounds.

5. Because you were late.

6. Yes, it was beautiful.