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Revision exercises

Exercise s3. Use the proper article.

I. One fine afternoon I was sitting in my study in small town on west coast of England.

It was five o'clock in afternoon. I had finished my work for day and was resting quietly in my armchair, thinking of days that had gone by, especially of happy days that I spent among coral islands of Pacific Six years had passed since day of my return to England!

Where were my dear comrades Jack Martin and Peter Gay now?

II. We had lost sight of each other soon after our return to England, and I had not heard of my friends during those six years.

My thoughts were interrupted by knocking at door. It was my landlady.

III. "Visitor to see you, Mr. Ralph," she said in mysterious voice. "He doesn't want to give his name. Maybe he is - ". But be­ fore old woman could finish her sentence quick step was heard on stairs and stranger burst into room.

IV. He was small man with bright blue eyes and sunburnt face. "Your name is Ralph Rover and you were twenty-two yester­ day," cried my strange visitor without any other greeting.

V. "Yesterday was my birthday and I am twenty-two," I ex­ claimed in surprise. "But may I ask you how you know all about me when I know nothing about you."

"Several years ago you lived for some time on one of coral is­lands of Pacific," stranger went on, "and there you knew boy whose name was - "

"Peter Gay, Pete, dear Pete!" I cried springing up from my chair and rushing into arms of my old friend. (After Ballantyne)

Exercise 54. Use the proper article.

I. In summer of 1907 I was living in little cottage in country, at small distance from sea. Half mile from my cottage there was school-The Gables-where Harold Stackhurst, head-master, and sev­eral other teachers taught students and prepared them for various professions.


Stackhurst and I were on friendly terms and he was only man in neighbourhood who sometimes called at my cottage.

II. One day, at end of July, severe storm arose. Wind was very strong and waves rose high at base of cliffs, ft rained all day, but in evening wind fell. Next morning weather was fine again. Sea was calm, tide was out, but waves had left deep lagoon under cliffs. It was impossible to stay at home on such fine morning and I decided to take walk along path that led to beach. At short distance from cliffs I was overtaken by Harold Stackhurst

"What morning, Mr. Holmes," he cried, waving his hand in greeting.

"Very fine," I answered. "Going for swim, I see?"

"Yes, McPherson went to beach some fifteen minutes ago and I want to join him there."

McPherson was one of teachers. He was young and very good swimmer, though he suffered from weak heart.

HI. I had worked in office till nine o'clock in evening and was very tired. I wanted fresh air and decided to walk home. It was warm night. My way lay along river. Night is best time there. You see lights on black river and warm wind brings you smell of far-off sea. I walked along slowly, and at last stopped to look at black wa­ter of river.

IV. "Warm night," said voice at my side.

I turned my head, and saw profile of man standing near me. He, too, was looking at river. He had thin, pale face, and wore dirty old coat. He was unshaven and his hair was in disorder.

I looked at him curiously. Who was he? If I answered him, would he ask me for some money for his breakfast?

"Very warm," said I.

V. "Yes," he said looking at water, "it's fine here. It is good to find such quiet place after day of hard work in London. You, too, must know little of hard work or you wouldn't be here baying evening walk like me. But I don't think you have ever been so tired as I am now. In fact I sometimes think the game is not worth can­ dle. But I cannot leave it.."

VI. He stopped. I looked at him in astonishment This strange man spoke about hard work. What could his work be? Where did he work? I asked him.

"You will not believe me, I know," said he, "but I will tell you. I have big undertaking on hand, very big undertaking. I have in­vented how to make diamonds."

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