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Exercise 76. Use the proper article paying attention to abstract nouns.

1. I think there can be tittle question but that I can give him better life... With me he can swim and sail, and live fine outdoor life in a year-round good climate. 2. There is time to speak and time to be silent 3. While there is life there is hope! And there is life still! 4. We're all to enjoy life. 5. He had no illusions about leading calendar-picture life with his father. 6. Presence of that charming girl brought life to great, stately house. 7. I should imagine you could have very happy life with her. 8. He actually dares to have life of his own! 9. Room was full of yellow evening light and its three tall windows were wide open on to garden. 10. There's good working light now," he said, watching his shadow placidly. 11. As he entered, Мог blinked at bright light within. 12. All of a sudden light shone from Winslow's room. 13. Light was burning in the newspaper office, and under it frail figure sat hunched over type­writer. 14. She had come back like animal wounded to death. 15. He was glad to crush them at once - as we hasten a funeral after death. 16. Was he assisting at death of his romantic longing? 17. It would be impossible to get permission while he was still in Army. 18. I wrote him asking permission to use his place. 19. I have asked and been granted permission to call Miss Fellowes by her Christian name. 20. With permission of Madden, he took the little car and sped towards Eldorado. 21. He also asks me to say that unfortunately he must withdraw permission he gave you in his letter. 22. During that moment Miss Pembroke told lie, and made Rickie believe it was truth. 21 There is usually grain of truth in what people are saying.

Exercise 77. Use the proper article paying attention to abstract nouns.

1. Talking of war, there'll be trouble in Balkans in spring. 2. It seemed no more dangerous to me myself than war in movies.


3. We all hate war, old boy. 4. Austrian Empire was on verge of war with Serbia. 5. "If there is war," said George, "it will be sort of natural calamity." 6. All this time war was drawing steadily nearer. 7. It's going to be long and terrible war. 8. Still she is a German. If war breaks out you won't be able to keep her here. 9. Even when employment came there was still atmosphere of poverty and insecurity. 10. On wings of hope, of love, of joy, Miss Meadows sped back to music hall. 11. It gave him feeling of deep, solid satisfaction. 12. In their normal relationship they had silent understanding that Nady had gone for ever. 13. Pyle stood there with expression of bewilderment on his face. 14. Inside cellar was complete darkness. 15. "Time passes," said George, "what do we know of Time?" 16. It was distressing time. 17. First sensation was relief. 18. He can't bear idleness. 19. Mr. Budd now felt strange freedom and confidence. 20. Jan got out of bed, feeling familiar tightness in her throat.

Exercise 78. Use the proper article paying attention to abstract nouns.

I. 1. I think I should tell you that Germans are marching into Poland tomorrow and we shall be at war in twenty-four hours. It's going to be long and terrible war. 2. It was not only love he felt for her; it was deep respect. 3. "I suppose he'll bring all latest news," said Dora. 4. She thought of her girlish dreams sometimes with smiling sadness. 5. "Was it you who left door open?" I had my an­ swer in blush of guilt that even rouge and powder could not con­ ceal. 6. There was word of truth in what Dora said. 7. Jago's face was dark with pain. 8. Shadow of irritation passed through her mind at his eagerness to do this. 9. It was quite dark outside by now and candles gave bright but soft light to rooms 10. He was delighted with permission. 11. I should be fool if I didn't know I've been disappointment to them. 12. "Miss Dora, I've got bad news for you," he said. 13. He felt anger against the gipsy for having given them such fright. 14. They all had sickening fear that something dreadful had happened. 15. Jim buried his face in pillow trying to shut out dreadful fear that assailed him. 16. And in moment they were blinking and rubbing their eyes in bright light of hall. Щ

II. 1. I'm glad," replied his mother with great relief. 2. For moment I hated him. I saw myself, com- pared with him, as the Town Hall clerk, and I tasted sourness of envy. 3. I felt bitter envy towards the two small boys walking along path with their mother at that moment. 4. He shivered with pleasure. 5. She looked at me with curious pity. 6. And William went to London to start new life. 7. Only work kept him in control at all. 8. I want you to say to yourself that he died gallant death in service of his country, and we must be proud of him. 9. When he was twelve he won first prize in a race, inkstand of glass shaped like animal. It stood proudly on dresser and gave Mrs. Morel keen pleasure. 10. "Did you sleep


comfortably?" "Me?" Pilgrim turned to Alleyn with air of bewilder­ment. "Oh, I always sleep like log." 11. It was rich man's face, smooth with assurance and good living. 12. This was laid before Dinny at dinner-time by her uncle without comment 13. Luck was with him and he got back to Hanoi twenty-four hours before road was officially regarded as cut. 14. Here crowd was so great there was hardly space to take off their things; noise was deafening. 15. Do you take no side then in modern politics? 16. Every morning before going to business he came to nursery.

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