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Exercise 86. Pay attention to the absence of the article in prepositional phrases.

1. He could have painted from dawn to dawn. 2. And he was face to face with the unbelievable. 3. He wants suppressing from time to time. 4. The number of these sounds will vary in interesting ways from language to language. 5. I see it all now! You argued it out, step by step, in that wise head of yours, from the very moment I fell and cut my skin. 6. He was dressed in blue overalls and a sleeveless jersey which showed his thin arms tattooed from elbow to wrist. 7. He was blinded for the moment, then spun round and found himself face to face with Maisil. 8. You sit here day after day and watch the sun rise.

Exercise 87. Comment on the use of articles with substantivized parts of speech.

1. "Let me tell you about this pheasant-shooting business," he said. "First of all, it is practiced only by the rich. Only the very rich can afford to rear pheasants just for the fun of shooting them down when they grow up." 2. The ancient proverb runs: "Say the pleasant, but not the untrue; say the true, but not the unpleasant."

  1. He told me he wore the sweater because navy-blue hardly showed up at all in the dark. Black was even better, he said.

  2. The sky was a faintly lucid grey and the sea was a lightless grey, and the rocks were a dark fuzzy greyish brown. 5. She was a part, an evidence of some pure uncracked confidence in the good which was never there for me again. 6. Her eyes gazed out with such a fey puzzled look like a young savage. 7. On the whole I am rather relieved that her letter can be taken as a simple negative. 8. A word is enough to the wise. 9. I suppose it's difficult for the young to realize that one may be old without being a fool. 10. There is no place for the wicked. 11. She was not an intellectual or bookish girl, she had the wisdom of the innocents, she was at home in time and space. 12. Two wrongs do not make a right. 13. And eating too much breakfast is a thoroughly bad start to the day. I am however not at all averse to elevenses which can come in great variety. 14. Did one know what one was choosing? Certainly not. There are such chasms of might-have-beens in any human life. 15. "I was supposed to have lunch with a customer, but I'll put him off." Eve did not believe it was a him. 16. And you're going to meet an old friend and talk to him? - It's not a him, it's a her! 17. Life is full of ifs and nots. 18. It's a racing must. 19. Three lefts and two rights and we are at home. 20. With all these perhapses you feel put down and neglected.


Exercise 88.

Use the proper article with substantivized adjectives.

1. I'm young and young are often mistaken. 2. "Yes, sir - of course, " agreed Victor, who was always polite to rich. 3. He said my eyes were most vivid blue he had ever seen. 4. He wanted to show his sympathy, but being Englishman was afraid of sentimental.

5. His hair was glossy black. 6. I thought I saw woman disappearing into bushes. Just gleam of white, you know. 7. I have trusting heart. I hate to believe worst of anyone. 8. She was quite pleased to be able to underline that Handy was in wrong. 9. "Let me go!" said Miss Carter suddenly. "I can see in dark. I know where roses are. Let me cut some for Mrs. Мог." 10. She had her mother's eyes, gleaming blue. Nan's hair was dark blond. 11. To be yearning for difficult, to care for remote, to dislike near - such was Wildieve's nature. 12. Sky was rich darkening blue at the zenith. 13. After two day's rain green of oak was glossy and shining. 14. "You are not frightened, are you?" "Not in least," she said lightly. "Why should 1 be?" 15. He always had love for concrete, though his whole profes­ sional life was spent with words. 16. Elderly woman, short and fat, dressed in black, came hurrying after them. 17. He could only speculate about past - pleasant way of spending present to avoid thoughts about future. 18. Sun turned yellow plaster walls into soft gold. 19. His eyes had been bright china blue, but were fading now. 20. He showed the triumph of very old, when they hear of death of younger man. 21. Her cheerfulness and vitality made her favourite with her parents. 22. She was dear and had always been nice to him.

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