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Exercise 46. Use the proper articles, summarizing the cases already mentioned.

1. He said in ... deliberately cheerful voice, "Now, when I was ... little boy, ... thing I liked best to eat was ... tried potatoes. When­ever I could choose what I wanted for ... lunch, that was what I chose." 2. He called in for ... few minutes after ... breakfast on his way to pay ... visits round ... town. 3. You agree to our taking her up to ... town and putting her under ... best care? 4. ... next morn­ing it was raining steadily and heavily. 5. ... next evening, half ... hour before ... dinner, I heard Francis Getliffe's heavy steps on ... staircase. 6. "You can come back ... next year," he said. 7. "I'm coming to take you out again tomorrow and ... next day too." 8. He was dark, like his mother, with ... handsome, sunburnt face always ready to break into ... smile. 9. Anna has ... contralto voice that would break your heart even over ... radio. 10. Matilda was ... tall, thin graceful fair girl, with ... rather large nose. 11. She was ... woman of about five and forty, I judged, with ... small face and ...



neat sharp features. 12. Dora shook her pretty head with ... decision. 13. ... door closed behind him and Jago turned to Arthur Brown with ... ravaged look. 14. She looked up into his face, ... small woman in her late twenties. 15. He told me, ... word for ... word, what Pilbrow had said. 16. She was like ... tea rose. 17. My cigarettes were as dry as ... bone, but my lighter wouldn't work and so I couldn't smoke. 18. "Oh, don't be silly," said Miss Carter in ... tired voice. 19. Pierre knocked at ... door. It was opened after ... moment by ... old woman so tall and square-shouldered that Hilary stared at her in ... amazement. 20. ... restaurant owner, ... stout motherly woman, called sharply to ... waiter. 21. Joseph Pervin, ... father of ... family, had been ... man of no education. 22. He could see that he was still on ... outskirts, and he stopped ... passer-by and asked, "Where is ... centre of ... town?" 23. He pressed his shoul­ders against ... back of ... seat. 24. "Good God," muttered Jago, as Nightingale disappeared at ... bottom of his staircase. 25. This is Mr. Pinfold, ... passenger. He wants to inquire about ... radiograms he sent.

Exercise 47. Use the proper article. Pay attention to uncountable nouns.

1. Would he come later and give some lectures on ... English Literature? His name was well known among ... younger writers of ... France. 2. But ... mathematics is not like ... literature: it is not ... common topic of conversation between ... friends. 3. "... poets are seldom interested in ... geometry," commented Monsieur Mercatel with ... smile at Hilary. 4. I used to like ... history better, but I don't seem to have much time for reading now. 5. Edwards' knowl­edge of ... history of ... chemistry was immense. 6. I am not in mood tonight for ... silver twilights, or ... rose-pink dawns. I want to talk ... business. 7. ... happiness does make ... people selfish, I dare say, but so does ... sorrow. 8. She brought nun ... milk to drink, and ... food; he couldn't touch ... food, but he drank ... milk greed­ily. 9. Hilary fetched ... plates of ... food and ... some beer, and sat facing Nelly across one of ... tables. 10. The Germans will be here. You must go while there's still ... time. 11. After all, it will be only for ... short time. 12. For ... first time his feeling about her was softened by ... regret. 13. Fortunately ... conversation turned to Mr. Pembroke and to ... education. 14. He had ... good education, too. 15. I must ask ... permission to take it home. 16. It was ... raw weather, and Mrs. Elliot watched over him with ... ceaseless tender­ness. 17. ... splendid work these young scientists do, splendid. 18. ... bad news? Did you say you had had ... bad news? 19. One can't give ... advice in ... case like this, old boy. 20. Perhaps you will be good enough, then, to give me ... information on which I can act. 21. ... weather was pleasant, ... country attractive, and he was ready for little change 22. He has lost ... work that he loved, his friends, and his child. 23. "Oh, I've come with ... most tremendous


news!" he cried. 24. We have all ... information about it at ... Foreign Office. 25. Don't be afraid. I bring ... good news. 26. Here there was ... real work for him to do. 27. I have asked you here partly to amuse myself, but also to give you ... good advice.

Exercise 48. Insert articles which are required by the context

I. I sat quiet as mouse and waited. I waited for long time. Then I heard sound of motor coming back again in my direction. It was making terrific noise. Man whizzed past me like rocket Way he was running that motor told me he was very angry man. He must have been very puzzled man, too. Perhaps he was thinking he had seen ghost. Ghost boy driving ghost car.

II. Kite caught wind and soared upward like huge blue bird. It was tugging and struggling at end of line like big fish. Up and up it went, rising very fast now in cool night air. It was like magic fire­ ball in sky.

  1. He had queer long-striding gait and his black cloak was streaming out behind him like wings of bird. There was big suitcase in one hand and bowlpipe in other, and when he came to high hedge at end of field, he just strode over it as though it wasn't there.

  2. River Avon at Rugby is slow stream in which there are number of fish, but none of fish are worth very much. It is good river for bathing, and there is mile of water which is rented by school for boys to bathe in. There is bridge over stream above which boys may bathe.

V. We were in workshop when talk about school started. "When you grow up, I hope you will become famous designing engineer. For that you will need really good education. But I don't want to send you to school yet." Two more years had passed and time had come to start school. My school was in nearest village, two miles away. We didn't have car of our own. We couldn't afford one. But walk took only half hour and I didn't mind that in least... and when school ended my father was always there waiting to walk me home. I really liked those morning walks to school with him.

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