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General revision

Exercise 100. Use the proper article,

I. Oliver Cromwell is one of most important figures in English history. Cromwell was born at Huntington in year 1599, and it was on large farm that he grew up.

When he was 17 years of age he entered University of Cam­bridge. But he remained less than year at Cambridge. When his fa­ther died he had to return to Huntington to look after farm. Soon after he went to London for while to study law, and whilst there he married daughter of Sir James Boucheir, rich London merchant.

Estate, really large farm, to which Cromwell and his wife re­turned, supplied most of their needs. It was healthy, open-air life which Cromwell lived for next 20 years. He worked in the fields, with his farm servants, but he also took lovely interest in affairs of countryside, and in 1628 he was elected Member of Parliament for Huntington.

This was beginning of career which was to end as Lord Protec­tor of England.

П. Once he was sure of his hold over England William the Conqueror ordered building of great fortress-palace beside Thames, where wooden castle already stood. He put Norman monk, Gundulf, who was Bishop of Rochester, in charge of work. At that time most building in stone was for Church and it was mainly clergy who had education to plan and carry great undertaking like this.

Exercise 101. Use the proper article.

The Telephone.

Alexander Graham Bell never planned to be inventor; he wanted to be musician or teacher of deaf people. Alexander's mother was painter and musician. His father was well-known teacher. He devel­oped system that he called "Visible Speech", which he used to teach deaf people to speak.


In 1863, when Alexander was only sixteen, he became teacher in boys' school in Scotland He liked teaching there; but he still wanted to become teacher of deaf people.

In 1868 terrible thing happened to Bell family. Alexander's two brothers died of tuberculosis. Then Alexander became ill with the same disease. Doctor suggested better climate, and whole family moved to Canada. Alexander could not work for year, but he con­ tinued his experiments with sound. He became interested in tele­ graph, and he tried to find way to send musical sounds through electric wires.

After year of rest, Alexander was offered job at School for the Deaf in Boston. He was so successful that be was able to open his own school when he was only twenty-five.

Alexander became interested in finding way to send the human voice through electric wire. He found assistant, Tom Watson, who worked in electrical shop and knew a lot about building electric ma­chines. They worked together to build machine that people could use to talk to one another over long distances.

One day, when Tom was alone in room, he heard voice. Voice was coming through wire to receiver on table! Voice was Alexander Bell's! It was saying, "Come here, Mr. Watson! I want you!"

First permanent telephone line was built in Germany in 1877. And in 1878 first telephone exchange was established in New Jersey. By 1915 coast-coast telephone fine was opened in United States,

Exercise 162. Use the proper article.

I She led him to small room, few doors down hall in which were typewriter and hard office chair. There was large clock on wall. Room had no windows. Across ceiling was glaring fluorescent light which made bare white plaster walls look yellow. Secretary walked out without word, shutting door silently behind her.

II. Samuel Sunbury was clerk in lawyer's office and had worked his way from office boy to respectable position. Every morning for twenty-four years he had taken same train to City, except of course on Sundays and during his fortnight's holiday at sea-side, and every evening he had taken same train back to suburb in which he lived. He was neat in his dress, he went to work in quiet grey trousers, black coat and bowler hat, and when he came home he put on his slippers and black coat which was too old and shiny to wear at of­fice.

III. Weeks dragged on. Days grew hotter. There was no call from Health Department. Jan asked Nurse Duggin every day whether doctor had sent any word. Each night she asked whether there was letter from him. There was never anything.

Exercise 103. Use the proper article,

I. In order to celebrate Mother's first entry into sea we decided 64

to have moonlight picnic down at bay, and sent invitation to Theodore, who was only stranger that Mother would tolerate on such great occasion. Day for great immersion arrived, food and wine were prepared, boat was cleaned out and filled with cushions, and everything was ready when Theodore turned up. On hearing that we had planned moonlight picnic and swim he reminded us that on that particular night there was no moon. Everyone blamed everyone else for not having checked on moon's progress, and argument went on until dusk. Eventually we decided that we would go on picnic in spite of everything, since all arrangements were made, so we stag­gered down to boat, loaded down with food, wine, towels, and cigarettes, and set off down coast.

II. Jane opened door gently, balancing tray with her free hand. "You up, Miss Maryann? she asked softly. There was no answer from large bed.

She stepped quietly into room and put tray down on small table. Without looking at bed, she went to window and drew back drapes. Bright sunlight spilled into room. She stood there for moment look­ing through window.

Far below she could see East River as it wound its way toward Hudson. Flashing green of Square Park contrasted with grey of buildings surrounding it She watched long black automobile turn up driveway and looked down at watch. Eight o'clock. She turned back into room.

Exercise 104. Use the proper article.

I, Bart rang night-bell at stately old colonial house where Jan's doctor lived, but there was no response. Then he went round back, but windows were closed and it seemed that house was deserted. He came back and stood irresolute on steps leading down to street. Then he turned and pressed his finger on bell again, and long-drawn ring echoed through silent house.

Somewhere he heard movements and then there were footsteps on stairs. When door was opened, woman looked out at him. "Doctor's away," she said. "He always goes away for weekends, but there's lady doctor just around corner that does his locums if you like to go round and try her." (Cusack)

II. Towards end of May he was walking up Oakley Street about five in evening when he suddenly saw crowd of people gathered round man lying on pavement. In gutter alongside was shattered bi­ cycle and, almost on top of it, drunkenly arrested motor lorry.

Five seconds later Andrew was in middle of crowd, observing injured man, who, attended by kneeling policeman, was bleeding from deep wound in groin.

"Here! Let me through. I'm -doctor."

Policeman, striving unsuccessfully to fix tourniquet, turned flus­tered face.

"I can't stop bleeding, doctor. It's too high up." (Cronin)

Exercise 105. Use the proper article.

I. He was young man of five-and-twenty, well built and of pale complexion. He had hair that was very nearly black and clean-shaven face. Clothes he wore were of expensive material but had seen good deal of service. His stand-up collar curled over at corners and neck­ tie was lilac-sprigged. # < •

Of two sisters, Dors, aged twenty, was more like him in visage, but she spoke with gentleness which seemed to indicate different character.

Maud, who was twenty-two, had bold handsome features and very beautiful hair; hers was not face that readily smiled. Their mother had look and manners of invalid, though she sat at table in ordinary way. . ..

II. That autumn snow came very late. We lived in brown wooden house in pine trees on side of mountain and at night there was frost so that there was thin ice over water in two pitchers on dresser in morning. Mrs. Guttingen came into room early in morn­ ing to shut windows and started fire in stove. Pine wood crackled and sparked and then fire roared in stove. And second time Mrs. Guttingen came into room, she brought big chunks of wood for fire and pitcher of hot water. When room was warm she brought in breakfast.

Exercise 106. Use the proper article.

I. In late summer of that year we lived in house in village that looked across river and plain to mountains. In bed of river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in sun, and water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in channels. Troops went by house and down road and dust they raised powdered leaves of trees. Trunks of trees too were dusty and leaves fell early that year and we saw troops marching along road and dust rising and leaves, stirred by breeze, falling and solders marching and afterward road bare and white except for leaves.

II. He went upstairs. First thing he saw was his old mandolin in black leather case, lying on top of bureau where Betsy had put it after unpacking it. He stood looking at it for moment, then drew in­ strument from its case. It was covered with dust, and strings were rusty and slack. Slowly he tightened one of strings, strumming it gently with his thumb. It snapped suddenly. Tom shrugged, put mandolin back in case, and glanced around room. On one corner was built-in bookcase, with wide empty shelf at its top. He reached up and put mandolin there.

Then he walked quickly to bathroom. There was dust in bottom of bathtub. Impatiently he washed it out and let tub fill while he shaved, bending almost double to see himself in mirror.


Exercise 107. Use the proper article.

I. Bedroom furniture was oak too, heavy and dark: double bed, long dresser, vanity table with oval mirror and bench upholstered in gold velvet. Bedspread was gold velvet too, and lone curtains at win­ dows. Pair of low chests flanked bed, lamp with gold shade on each, and on the one at the right stood photograph, eight-by-ten black-and- white print framed in ornate gold frame.

II. But next morning when the dawn crept over tranquil sea, opening in the reef which had eluded them night before was seen a little to east where they lay. Schooner entered lagoon. There was not ripple on surface of water. When he had anchored his ship skipper ate his breakfast and went on deck. The sun shone from unclouded sky but in early morning air was grateful and cool. It was Sunday and there was feeling of quietness, a silence as though nature were at rest, which gave him peculiar sense of comfort. He sat, looking at wooden coast, and felt lazy and well at ease. Presently slow smile moved his lips and he threw stump of his cigar into water.

III. Bateman took glance at him. Edward was dressed in suit of shabby white ducks, none too clean, and large straw hat of native make. He was thinner than he had been, deeply burnt by sun, and he was certainly better looking than ever.

They arrived at hotel and sat on terrace. Chinese boy brought them cocktails. Edward was almost anxious to hear all news of Chicago and bombarded his friend with eager questions.

Exercise 108. Use the proper article.

I. He was queer creature and he had had singular career. At age of twenty-one he had inherited considerable fortune, hundred thou­ sand pounds, and when he left Oxford he threw himself into gay life which in those days (now Mr. Warburton was man of four and fifty) offered to the young man of good family. He had his flat in Mount Street. He went to all places where the fashionable congre­ gate. He was handsome, amusing and generous. He was figure in society, that had not lost its exclusiveness nor its brilliance. (Maugham)

II. We had been driven by bad weather to take shelter and had spent couple of days at island on way. Trebucket is low island, per­ haps mile round covered with coconuts, just raised above level of sea and surrounded only on one side. There is no opening in reef and lugger had to anchor mile from shore. We got into dinghy with the provision. I saw little hut, sheltered by trees» in which German Harry lived, and as we approached he sauntered down slowly to water's edge. We shouted greeting, but he did not answer. He was man over seventy, very bald, hatched-faced, with grey beard, and he walked with roll so that you could never have taken him for any­ thing but sea-faring man. (Maugham)


III. I'm sorry to have dragged you out of bed, Mrs. Chapman, but I haven't any time to waste. I landed at Heathrow hour ago, and I have to fly out day after tomorrow. As you'll be at work most of tomorrow, it seemed good idea to come here at once rather than waiting until morning. Although in last week of term before school broke up for the Christmas holidays, weather was chilly, his ungloved brown hand was not cold. (Weale)

Exercise 109. Use the proper article.

I. It was warm night, even with breeze that came in through open windows from across desert. I tossed restlessly on bed and pushed sheets down from me. It had been long day. I was tired but I couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts were raising through my mind. I wondered if that was reason I used to hear my father pacing up and down in his room long after rest of house had gone to bed.

There was sound at door. I sat up in bed. My voice jarred the stillness. "Who is it?" (Robbins)

  1. "I know I was one who wanted to go to college in San Francisco, because after years of school in Switzerland some insane super-patriot convinced me I was losing my Americanism, whatever that is... what I'd like, if it wouldn't be too much of burden on you, would be to get on plane and come over to Europe for the summer and let them sort things out at college without me before Fall term begins." (I. Shaw)

  2. Doctor sat down heavily in chair opposite me. He took out pen and sheet of paper. He laid paper on desk. Upside down, I could read heading across top in bold type. Death Certificate. Pen began to scratch across paper. After moment he looked up. "O.K. if I put down embolism as cause of death or do you want autopsy?"

I shook my head. Doctor wrote again. Moment later he had fin­ished and he pushed certificate over to me. "Check it over and see if I got everything right." (Robbins)

Exercise 110. Use the proper article.

The Magic Herbs

I. Once upon time there was young hunter who went into wood in search of game. He was of bright and cheerful disposition and as he walked along he whistled on leaf. Ugly old hag appeared and said to him, "Good day, dear hunter, you seem merry and content, but I am hungry and thirsty, so give me trifle."

Good-natured fellow's pity was excited, and he put his hand in his pocket and gave her bit of his fortune. Then he wished to walk on, but old hag held him back and said, "Listen, dear hunter. As you have such kind heart I will give you present. Go on your way. After while you will come to tree on which nine birds sit with cloak in their claws. Take aim with your gun and shoot into middle of 68

them; they will let cloak fall but one of birds will be hit too, and fall dead on ground. Take cloak with you, for it is wishing cloak, you have only to throw it over your shoulders and you will find yourself at once in any place you may wish to go. Take heart out of dead bird's breast and swallow it whole, and you will find every morning, when you get up, gold coin under your pillow."

II. Hunter thanked wise woman and thought, "She promises me pleasant things, I wonder if they'll come to pass." But he had not gone hundred steps when he heard great twittering and calling among branches, and on looking up, saw a number of birds tearing with their claws and beaks on cloth which they dragged about.

"Really, this is wonderful!" exclaimed man. "Everything is hap­pening as old crone said it would," and he took aim and fired so (hat leathers of birds thickened air. The covey took flight, but one bird fell wounded to earth, and cloak, too, dropped at his feet. Then hunter obeyed old woman's instructions, ripped up bird, took out its heart, swallowed it whole, and carried cloak home.

Next morning, when he woke, he remembered old woman's pre­diction, lifted his pillow and saw flash of gold coin.

Next morning he found another, and so it went on till he had great pile of gold. Then at last he asked himself, "What is good of all this wealth if I stay at home? I will use it and see world."

III. So he bade farewell to his parents, hung up his hunter's wallet and gun, and set off. It happened one day that he came through dense forest, at other end of which, lying in valley, was very grand castle. In one of its windows old woman and beautiful girl stood looking out.

Old woman was witch, and said to girl, "There comes man who has wonderful treasure in his insides; we must relieve him of it, daughter dear. It will agree with us better than with him. It's bird's heart, and every morning he finds gold coin under his pillow."

She then told girl her design of robbing him, and the part she was to play in plot, and with flashing eyes threatened her that if she did not do as she was told, she would be punished.

When hunter drew near he caught sight of girl at window and said to himself, "I have walked long way, and will ask to be put in this nice castle. I have money enough to pay for luxurious quarters." But it was pretty girl in window, that attracted him. He entered house and was warmly welcomed and entertained.

(Grimm's Fairy Tales)

Exercise 111. Use the proper article.

I. It was fine clear morning. Мог closed door of Sixth Form

room and escaped down corridor with long strides. He had just been

giving lesson. Мог taught history, and occasionally Latin. He enjoyed

teaching and knew that he did it well. His authority and prestige in

school stood high; higher than that of any other master. Мог was

well aware of this too.


II. Now, as he emerged through glass doors into warm sunshine sense of satisfaction filled him.

Мог walked across asphalt playground in direction of bicycle-sheds, averting his eyes automatically from windows of classrooms where lessons were still in progress.

  1. Bicycle-shed was wooden structure, much broken down and connected by grassy track with main drive. Мог found his bicycle and set out slowly along track. He bumped along between trees, turned on to loose gravel of main drive, until he reached school gates and smooth surface of arterial road. Fast cars were rushing in both directions, and it was little while before Мог could get across into other lane. He slipped through at last and began to pedal up hill. It was stiff climb. He reached top and began to freewheel down other side.

  2. Demoyte's house stood there. House was long in front and built of small rose-coloured bricks. Мог left his bicycle and made hit way on foot towards front door.

Exercise 112. Use the proper article.

I. Room in which boys were fed, was large stone hall, with cop­per pot at one end out of which master, dressed in apron for pur­pose, ladled the gruel at meal-times. Boys have generally excellent appetites.

II. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered tortures of slow starvation for three months: at last they got so wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, and hadn't been used to that sort of thing (for his father had kept small cook's shop), hinted darkly to his companions, that unless he had another basin of gruel, he was afraid he might some night happen to eat boy who slept next to him, who happened to be weakly youth of tender age.

  1. Council was held, lots were cast who should walk up to master after supper that evening and ask for more; and it fell to Oliver Twist

  2. Evening arrived; boys took their places and gruel was served out. Gruel disappeared. Boys whispered to each other, and winked at Oliver. He rose from table, and advancing to master, basin and spoon in hand, said: "Please, sir, I want some more." Master was fat healthy man, but he turned very pale.

V. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on small rebel for some seconds and then clung for support to copper. Assistants were paral­ ysed with wonder; boys with fear. "What!" said master at length, in faint voice. "Please, sir," replied Oliver, "I want some more." Mas­ ter aimed blow at Oliver's head with ladle; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.

Exercise 113. Use the proper article.

I. Number to which I had been directed turned out to be house

standing little by itself, with its back to river and its front on quiet street. I looked at house with suspicious curiosity, and it seemed to be looking back at me. It was self-absorbed sort of house, fronted by small garden. House was square, with rows of tall windows, and had preserved remnant of elegance. I approached iron gate in wall. I pushed open gate and walked up to house. Windows gleamed blackly, like eyes behind dark glasses.

II. Door was newly painted. I did not look for bell, but tried handle at once. Door opened quietly and I stepped on tiptoe into hall. Oppressive silence surged out of place like cloud. I walked slowly down hall, planting my feet with care on long black sound- absorbing rug. When I came to stairs I glided up them.

  1. I found myself on broad landing, with carved wooden balustrade behind me and several doors in front of me. Everything seemed neat and nicely appointed. Carpets were thick, and wood­work as clean as apple. I moved to nearest door and opened it wide. Then I got shock that stiffened me from head to toe.

  2. I was looking straight into seven or eight pairs of staring eyes, which seemed to be located few feet from my face. I stepped back hastily and door swung to again with faint click which was first sound I had heard since I entered house. I stood still for moment in utter incomprehension... Then I seized handle firmly and opened door again. Faces had moved, but were still turned towards me; and then in instant I understood. I was in gallery of tiny theatre. Gallery seemed to give immediately on to stage; and on stage were number of actors, moving silently to and fro, and wearing masks which they kept turned towards auditorium. These masks were little larger than life, and this fact accounted for extraordinary impression of closeness which I had received when I first opened door. ,

Exercise 114. Use the proper article.

  1. One day, very shortly after he had connected himself with Green-Davidson, he had come in rather earlier than usual in after­noon and found his mother bending over letter which evidently had just arrived and which appeared to interest her greatly. Also it seemed to be connected with something which required concealment. For, on seeing him, she stopped reading at once, and put letter away without commenting upon what she had been reading. But Clyde for some reason, intuition perhaps, had thought that it might be from Esta. He was not sure. And he was too far away to detect character of handwriting.

  2. Month or five weeks after this, and just about time that he was becoming comparatively well-schooled in his work at Green-Davidson, his mother came to him one afternoon with very peculiar proposition for her. Without explaining what it was for, or indicating directly that now she felt that he might be in better position to help her, she called him into mission hall when he came in from work and said: "You would not know, Clyde, would you, how could I raise hundred dollars right away?" |

Ш. Clyde was so astonished that he could scarcely believe his ears, for only few weeks before mere mention of any sum above four or five dollars in connection with him would have been pre­posterous. Yet here she was asking him and apparently assuming that he might be able to assist her in this way. And rightly, for both his clothes and his general air had indicated period of better days for him.

IV. Clyde, not being sure of her real attitude, merely looked at her and exclaimed: "Why, where would 1 get hundred dollars, Ma?" He had visions of his new-found source of wealth being dissipated by such unheard of and inexplicable demands as this, and distress and distrust at once showed on his countenance.

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