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Story Mode Script.doc
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It's heads-up display. The search comes up blank.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: You are not authorised for portal use.

KABAL: Yeah? Says who?

We now see the cyborg in question. His robotic suit is colour-coded

blue, and his hands pulse with ice energy.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Sub-Zero. Unit L-K-5-2-0.

KABAL: Heh, you say that like it means something.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: As you will soon discover.

They fight. As a cyborg, Sub-Zero is more powerful than ever, boasting

an array of ice attacks and cybernetic powers his previous form could

never muster. However, Kabal's mastery of his new powers proves to be

an equal match to the cyborg, and with a few clever moves Kabal manages

to disable Sub-Zero and power down his systems.

KABAL: Ha! Not as cool as you thought.

Just then, Sheeva walks onto the bridge.

SHEEVA: Why do you turn on your brother, Lin Kuei?

KABAL: That is not my brother. He's machine. I'm human.

SHEEVA: You do not appear human.

KABAL: Don't let the mask fool ya.

They fight. As powerful as Sheeva is, she is little match for Kabal and

his super speed. After a brief battle, Kabal soon has Sheeva knocked out

on the floor.

KABAL: Starting to feel like the old days - only faster.

Behind Kabal, Smoke and Raiden walk onto the bridge.

SMOKE: Sub-Zero!

He rushes to his friend's side and kneels by him. Raiden faces Kabal.

RAIDEN: You have great power indeed, Kabal.

KABAL: Wait. You're the lightning guy. You helped Stryker. Stryker! Is


RAIDEN: He is safe. He has joined us in the fight against Shao Kahn. We

would welcome your aid also.

SMOKE: Sub-Zero!

Raiden turns to Smoke.

RAIDEN: That which made him Sub-Zero no longer exists.

SMOKE: He is my friend. What they did to him... it is... hideous.

KABAL: You're right. We gotta help him if we can.

Kabal helps Smoke lift Sub-Zero up for carrying. The scene then cuts to

black. It stays like like for a moment, and all that can be heard is the

background noise of diagnostics. Then the word "_INITIALIZING" pops up on

the screen.

JAX: That's it. Here goes nothing...

Sub-Zero's mainframe begins rebooting, all of which is seen from his


SMOKE: You are certain this will work?

JAX: Hell no! I've never done this before. It's not like there's a


The screen is suddenly lit up in red. The word "OVERRIDE" shows up in

enlarged text. It successfully engages, and Sub-Zero tries connecting to

a wireless uplink. The connection fails and an error pops up, noting his

command and control module is missing. With that, his slaving protocols

are disengaged and his autonomous command module is engaged, restoring

his higher brain function. Smoke looks directly into his eyes at this


SMOKE: Sub-Zero? (To Jax) Can he hear me?

JAX: He should.

Sub-Zero locks onto Smoke's eye and does a retinal identification.

SMOKE: Sub-Zero?

The scan provides Sub-Zero with information about Smoke, including his

age, country of origin (both unknown), his allegiance (Lin Kuei) and

special ability (teleportation).


SMOKE: How do you feel?




The camera cuts to a view of the temple the heroes are currently in.

Cyber Sub-Zero sits up on the slab he's been placed on. He grunts in


SMOKE: What is it?

CYBER SUB-ZERO: I remember... The things I have done for Shao Kahn...

Smoke places a hand on his friends shoulder.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: He cannot be allowed to merge the realms.

Nightwolf turns to Raiden.

NIGHTWOLF: Haokah, how can Sub-Zero best help us?

RAIDEN: I do not know. My attempts to alter future events have had

negative consequences. Sub-Zero should never have undergone this

transformation. Enlisting him may only further divert the flow of time.

STRYKER: We need intel, right? Let's send him back to Outworld


CYBER SUB-ZERO: They will be unaware of my defection. I could deceive


Raiden considers this in silence. The scene then cuts to Shao Kahn's

throne room. Sektor and Cyrax are conversing with Noob Saibot, while

several Tarkatan minions await orders. A portal has been opened and

Cyber Sub-Zero walks through it.

NOOB: Earthrealm is finished. It will not be missed.

SEKTOR: Very well. You will return.

Noob and Cyrax walk off into the portal, with the minions following.

SEKTOR: You report late. Where is the intruder?

CYBER SUB-ZERO: I killed him in Earthrealm.

SEKTOR: He should have been saved for interrogation.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: He was formidable. I had no choice.

SEKTOR: Follow me. We must lead a new mission.

Sektor walks into the portal and Sub-Zero follows. They emerge in

the Subway.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: What mission brings us here?

SEKTOR: I have scanned your neural net, 5-2-0. Your neuromodulators

have been recalibrated.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Impossible.

SEKTOR: The experience has been deleted from your system. Remove your

access panel.

As Sektor moves in, Sub-Zero grabs his wrist and palm-strikes him in

the chest, sending him careening across the platform.

SEKTOR: Your programming has been corrupted.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: My soul was corrupted. Now it is cleansed.

They fight. Sub-Zero would have been a match for Sektor even without

his cybernetic upgrades; with them, the match is one-sided and ends

quickly with Sektor's systems being knocked offline.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Artificial enhancements are no substitute for the

human soul.

Sub-Zero walks over to Sektor's inert form and access his mainframe.

The camera cuts to his POV as he hacks into the system and discovers

Sektor's true orders; they are to escort military prisoners from Vogel

University to St Dominic's Cemetary for processing, with uncooperative

prisoners being expendable. Sub-Zero also finds the path being taken

from the station to the university and the cemetary.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Thank you, Sektor.

The scene cuts to the clock tower of St Dominic's Cemetary. Eight army

soldiers are currently being kept prisoner, with Kano, Goro and

Kintaro watching over him. Kano takes the opportunity to blast the

soldiers with his eye laser, laughing as he does so.

KANO: Oy! Run about, will ya?

Cyber Sub-Zero enters the clock tower.

KANO: Finally! C'mon, we gotta get 'em to the graveyard at Saint

Dominic's. On yer feet, all of ya!

CYBER SUB-ZERO: For what purpose?

KANO: Don't care, really. So long as I get paid.

KINTARO: He said on your feet!

GORO: C'mon, up.

KINTARO: Get up.

Two ice blasts freeze Goro and Kintaro where they stand.

KANO: Hey! What're--

Sub-Zero freezes him with an ice blast as well and then turns to the


CYBER SUB-ZERO: I will help you.

He takes a hold of the chain shackling the soldiers together and

freezes it. He punches the frozen chain and it shatters completely,

freeing the soldiers. Goro and Kintaro begin breaking free of the ice

they are bound in.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Go! All of you! Now!

SOLDIERS: Let's go! C'mon!

The soldiers make their escape just as Goro and Kintaro break free of

the ice.

KINTARO: Your treachery will be punished!

They fight. Facing both Goro and Kintaro at once would be impossible

odds for any normal human, but Sub-Zero was no ordinary human even

before he was turned into a cyborg. Nonetheless, the fight is one of

the most difficult of his life, but eventually he prevails against

the Shokan warriors.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: All those teeth and claws, yet still overmatched.

Suddenly, the clock tower starts shaking, causing the bells to ring.

A burst of green light appears near the exit and the soldiers seen

before are all telekentically tossed back into the room.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Behind me!

The soldiers struggle to their feet and comply as Ermac floats into

the room.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: Come no further, fiend of Outworld!

They fight. Not even Shao Kahn's personal enforcer is a match for

Cyber Sub-Zero, and the red garbed ninja is soon defeated by the


CYBER SUB-ZERO: You are not so fearsome.

With Ermac down, the soldiers surround and congratulate Sub-Zero.

SOLDIER 1: Thanks. I thought we were done.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: I must go. I need to investigate the graveyard.

SOLDIER 2: We'd go with, but we have to return to our unit.

CYBER SUB-ZERO: That is for the best.

The cyborg leaves immediately.

SOLDIER 1: Good luck, man.

SOLDIER 2: He ain't gonna need luck.

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