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Story Mode Script.doc
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Vision. This time, we are not shown what it is.

STRYKER: You all right?

As Raiden recovers, a loud roar by the other bridge attracts their

attention. They see Johnny Cage getting beaten up by a centaur - Motaro.

STRYKER: Johnny Cage fighting a giant monster? What is this, "Time


Raiden flies over to the bridge and blasts Motaro with lightning before

he can deliver a fatal blow. He finishes off Motaro by hitting him with

his torpedo attack. The resultant force sends Motaro through the bridge

and into the water below.

KABAL: That guy just shot lightning. From his hands. How'd he do that?

STRYKER: No idea.

A loud growling eminates to their right. Before them, they see Kintaro


STRYKER: Spread out. Give 'im multiple targets.

Kabal moves to Stryker's right, across the bridge. Before he can pull the

trigger, Kintaro blasts him with his flame breath. Kabal is set ablaze,

screaming in agony as his skin cooks. Stryker is prevented from rushing

to his aid lest Kintaro does the same to him.

KINTARO: Humans. Less ugly when they burn.

They fight. Not holding back anything this time, Stryker lets Kintaro

have the full brunt of his weapons. Even so, it takes everything he has

and then some to knock the Shokan unconscious.

STRYKER: Never knew I had it in me...

A loud groaning catches Stryker's attention.


He rushes over to his partner, who's clothing and skin are practically

charcoal and activates his radio.

STRYKER: Base! Eagle Two!

BASE: Go Eagle Two.

STRYKER: Need Medevac. Current position. Kabal is down. Third-degree


BASE: Medevac unit routing to you. ETA ten minutes.

Over by the subway, Stryker fails to notice Ermac sneaking up on him.

Ermac grabs Stryker with his telekenesis and lifts him into the air.

STRYKER: What the?!

BASE: Say again?

STRYKER: Eeeeugh!

BASE: Eagle Two, report! Eagle Two!

Stryker is then telekenetically hurled into the subway. He bounces hard

off the escalator railing and lands facedown on the platform. As he

struggles to his feet, Ermac floats down to face him.

ERMAC: The emperor will have your soul.

STRYKER: Yeah? Come and get it!

They fight. Ermac's telekenesis and mastery over magic is something

completely alien to Stryker, but he adapts quickly and fends off the

assault with his own weaponary. After an intense battle, Stryker

finally drops Ermac.

STRYKER: I think I'll be keeping my soul.

Stryker's attention is bought to the top of the escalator by another


NIGHTWOLF: I have been searching for you, Kurtis Stryker.

Stryker draws his pistol and trains it on the newcomer.

STRYKER: Well you found me! Who are you?

NIGHTWOLF: I am Nightwolf. Lord Raiden is gathering Earth's defenders.

You are among them.

STRYKER: What the hell are you talking about?!

NIGHTWOLF: Raiden leads Earth's defense against these Outworld invaders.

He is our best hope for survival.

STRYKER: Yeah, well. "Earthrealm Defender" is about ten steps above my

pay grade.

NIGHTWOLF: I see you doubt yourself, even after your victories. Come.

After some consideration, Stryker nods his consent, puts away his gun

and follows. The scene cuts to the bridge, where only a smoking outline

remains of Kabal's body.


Both he and Nightwolf have run up to the outline.

STRYKER: Where is he? Medevac hasn't been here.

NIGHTWOLF: Perhaps he has gone to find help.

STRYKER: Naw, he was way too banged up. Someone took him.

The scene cuts to black. All that is heard is heavy, strained

breathing, along with occassional sounds of a person being operated on.

We are suddenly treated to a viewing of various gadgets strewn across

a bloodied table. Among the gadgets are a scalpel, scisccors, tweezers,

breathing apparatus and a mask. A hand takes each piece of the breathing

apparatus off the table - a hand belonging to Kano. He attaches the

pieces one by one to an unseen person. Finally, he puts the mask on -

and the camera shot finally reveals who the person is.




Kabal's skin is scarred heavily from the burns, but it's no longer

looking like charcoal. He begins to wake up, groaning as he does so.

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