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Волкова Т.П. Пособие по грамматике.doc
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3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в будущем или настоящем времени.


If his computer isn’t plugged in, it won’t work. (not work)

  1. If that kind of kettle boils, it ______ (whistle).

  2. Don’t worry! If the conductor (дирижер) raises its baton (дирижерская палочка), the audience ____ (stop) making so much noise.

  3. Shut the freezer! I bought some ice cream today and it _____ (melt) if you leave the freezer door open.

  4. If you don’t buy a paper today, you ______ (not see) my picture on the front page!

  5. Unless my mother comes to visit us, I ______ (not tidy up) the house.

  6. I’ll leave the door ajar (приоткрытый) in case you ___ (call).

  7. It ___ (be) cheaper if you go back by train.

  8. We _____ (eat) fish on Friday provided that we can get some.

4. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужном времени.

  1. If you (say) that again, I (go away).

  2. I (be) surprised) if she (manage) to sell that car.

  3. If the boys (come) to supper , I (cook) roasted chicken)

  4. I (need) some money if I (go) out tonight.

  5. I (miss) you if we (move) to Wales.

  6. If you (wash) up, I (dry).

  7. Ann (be)sorry if Helen (not come).

  8. If you (get) lonely, I hope you (phone) me - any time.

  9. If you (look) in the top drawer (верхний ящик), you (find) your passport.

  10. It (be) funny if Norman (get) the job.

  11. I (be) surprised if you (change) your mind.

  12. He (phone) me if he (have) some news.

  13. If she (work) hard, she (pass) her exams.

  14. I (go) with you if you (invite) me.

  15. If I (can not) fix the video, I (take) it back to the shop.

5. Прочитайте диалог, переведите его, обращая внимание на условные предложения второго типа.

Gerald Compton is planning a 40th birthday party for his wife, Margaret. He and his children are making a list of people to invite.

DAD: ...Well, if we invited Auntie Daphne, we would have to invite Uncle George, and that’s a bit of problem.

JAMES: Oh, he’s not so bad – as long as we don’t have any rock music. Do you remember how he danced at Frank’s wedding?!

ANNA: I wasn’t there. I wish I had seen it!

SAM: He was wild! I think we should invite them both. Auntie Daphne would be so upset if you didn’t invite her.

DAD: OK. ... Auntie Daphne and Uncle George ... and what about the neighbours? I think the Thompsons are going to be in America in June, but they wouldn’t be very happy if we didn’t tell them. And the Chens, shall we invite them?

JAMES: Yes, of course! And if you asked them, you would have to invite their daughter, Mei Ling ... oh, and their son, of course.

DAD: Right... Mr and Mrs Chen, Mei Ling and Jia Sheng.

ANNA: Do you think Mum knows about the party?

DAD: I don’t know. It’s hard to keep secrets from her!

SAM: I know. How about if we pretended () to be organising a family dinner for her 40th birthday, then she’d never guess!

DAD: That’s a brilliant idea! I’ll ask her which restaurant she wants to go to...

6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужном времени (II тип условных предложений):

  1. The kitchen (look) better if we (have) red curtains.

  2. I (be) sorry if we (not see) her again.

  3. It (be) a pity if Andy (not get)

  4. If I (know) his address, I (go) around and (see) him.

  5. What you (do) if you (win) the lottery?

  6. It (be) quicker if you (use) a computer

  7. If you (be) so busy, I (show) you how to play.

  8. If we (have) some eggs, I (make) you a cake.

  9. If you really (love) me, you (buy) me those diamonds.

  10. I’m sure, Mary (help) you if you (ask) her.

  11. If it (not be) so cold, I (tidy) up the garden.

  12. If I (have) the keys, I (show) you the cellar.

  13. If I (have) children like hers, I (send) them to the boarding school.

  14. Where you (go) if you (need) to buy a picture frame?

  15. If all of us (come), you (have) room enough in your car?