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2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в соответствующее время.

Вариант 1

1. A: Did you have a good evening?

B: Yes, thank you. We (go) to see a play.

2. A: Cats (wash) themselves.

B: I know. They are very clean animals.

3 A: Why are you so dirty?

B: I (work) in the garden all morning.

4 A: I want to phone Jane.

B: Well, don't phone her now. She (study).

5 A: You look busy.

B: lam. I (write) a letter to my brother.

6 A: I would like a new bicycle.

B: Me too. My parents (buy) me one for Christmas.

7 A: What time are the guests arriving?

B: They (be) here in ten minutes.

8 A: Are you excited about your trip?

B: Yes. This time next week, I (sail) across the Atlantic.

9 A: I'm going to the supermarket.

B: You'd better be quick, then. It (close) at eight o'clock.

10 A: You sounded tired when I spoke to you last night.

B: Well, I (paint) the house all day.

11 A: What (you/do) when I called?

B: I (water) the plants.

12. A: Have you sent those letters yet?

B: Yes. I (post) them yesterday.

13. A: Are there any biscuits left?

B: No, sorry. I (eat) them all.

14. A: Why was Julie crying this morning?

B: Because she (hurt) her leg.

15. A: Paul is going to collect us at ten o'clock.

B: Yes. By the time he arrives, we (have) breakfast.

16. A: Do you enjoy playing tennis?

B: Oh, yes. I (play) since I was six years old.

17 A: Have you been working here long?

B: Yes. By next June, I (work) here for ten years.

18 A: It's nine o'clock.

B: Yes. The postman (deliver) Mum's parcel by now.

19 A: I liked your speech.

B: Thank you. I (practise) for hours before I made it.

20 A: Did Martin help you clean the house yesterday?

B: No. By the time he got up, I (do) everything

Вариант 2

  1. She (to learn) French for five years before she could speak fluently.

  2. He (to repair) his car now. I guess he (to do) this since the very morning.

  3. The students (to read) up for their exams for more than three hours by the time we join them.

  4. Since when you (to sit) here? How long you (to write)? - I (to wait) for you since the lessons were finished.

  5. Mike (to work) in the insurance company. Next month he (to work) there for half a year.

  6. She (to walk) in the park since morning. It's time to have dinner, but she (not to come) yet.

  7. I (to save) money for 2 years already. By next winter I (to have) the necessary sum of money.

  8. How long you (to know) this girl? - I (to know) her since school.

  9. They (to experiment) for a year before they achieved some promising results.

  10. What's the weather like in Murmansk now? - It (to snow) heavily. It (to snow) since Monday.

  11. Jim (to study) history. Next year he (to study) history for five years.

  12. What you (to do) the whole evening yesterday? – I (to prepare) for exam. I (to prepare) for it for two hours when you called.

3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Сейчас идёт дождь? - Да. Дождь идёт с самого утра.

  2. Почему ты не пришёл вчера? Я прождала тебя минут сорок, прежде чем решила уйти.

  3. Босс уже уехал в Москву? Как давно он там? - Он в Москве уже неделю.

  4. Через месяц будет уже год, как мы работаем над новым проектом.

  1. Иван читает английские книги с тех пор, как закончил школу. К двадцати годам он прочитал много книг, теперь он хорошо говорит по-английски.

  2. Что вы здесь делаете? - Жду мистера Смита. Вы давно его ждёте? - Я только что пришёл.

  3. Где вы живёте? - Мы живём в Мурманске. Когда вы приехали в Мурманск? – Мы приехали в 1985 году и с тех пор здесь живём.

  4. Твой брат уже прочитал мою книгу? - Нет. Он читает её уже неделю, но прочитал только двадцать страниц.

  5. Где живёт Майк? - Он живёт в Лондоне. В следующем году будет восемь лет, как он там живёт.

  6. Когда я зашёл в офис, мистер Джонс просматривал электронную почту.

  7. Через несколько минут будет два часа, как студенты пишут сочинение.

  8. Ты не видела мой учебник по истории? Я ищу его уже целый вечер.

Passive Voice