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Самостійна робота "Лексичні питання перекладу" Методичні вказівки

Самостійна робота над темами модулю "Лексичні питання перекладу" розрахована на активне й міцне засвоєння лексики, формування і вдосконалення навичок перекладу лексичних одиниць української і англійської мов. Самостійний розгляд цього розділу передбачає 20 навчальних годин.

ІІ модуль включає у себе вивчення таких тем, як переклад інтернаціональних та псевдоінтернаціональних слів, способи утворення нових лексичних одиниць, відтворення власних та загальних англійських імен українською мовою та навпаки, питання перекладу фразеологічних одиниць, тощо.

У процесі розгляду тем ІІ модулю "Лексичні питання перекладу" необхідно засвоїти основні поняття українського й англійського лексикону, а саме:

інтернаціоналізми та псевдоінтернаціоналізми, американізми, пароніми, неологізми, запозичення, абревіатури й акроніми, фразеологізми та ідіоми, евфемізми, поліфункціональні слова;

транскрипція, транслітерація, лексичні трансформації (генералізація, конкретизація, тощо).

У ході виконання самостійної роботи студенти мають:

  • знаходити відповіді на представлені запитання;

  • ставити власні проблемні питання;

  • добирати адекватний варіант перекладу тої чи іншої лексичної одиниці (слово-словосполучення-речення-текст), враховуючи контекстуальне оточення та ситуацію мовлення.


1. Відповісти на питання.

  1. Що таке лексичне співвідношення?

  2. Що таке інтернаціоналізми і "фальшиві друзі перекладача"?

  3. Які засоби утворення неологізмів ви знаєте?

  4. Як передаються при перекладі англійські власні імена?

  5. Як проявляється різниця між британським й американським варіантами англійської мови?

  6. У чому полягає суть калькованого перекладу словосполучень?

  7. Які засоби перекладу фразеологізмів ви знаєте?

  8. Які мовні одиниці належать до запозичень?

  9. Чим зумовлене використання лексичних трансформацій як засобу перекладу?

  10. Які види лексичних трансформацій найчастіше використовуються при перекладі?

2. Зробити переклад власних назв та назв компаній. Пояснити основні правила та стандарти транслітерації.


  1. Житомир, Ярославів Вал, кінотеатр "Кінопалац", Львівська фірма кондитерських виробів "Світоч"

  2. Вінниця, київське видавництво "Либідь", Жовтневий район, Промислово-фінансовий концерн "Славутич"

  3. Чернігів, вулиця Хрещатик, Донецька фірма кондитерських виробів "КиївКонті", луганський готель "Дружба"

  4. Чернівці, бульвар Шевченка, українська компанія "Вікнобуд", київський кінотеатр Україна

  5. Луцьк, газета День, площа Перемоги, Київська взуттєва фірма "Інблу"


  1. Trafalgar Square, British-American Tobacco Company, The New York Times, Security Council, Salt Lake City

  2. Scotland Yard, Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO), Wall Street, Cape of Good Hope, The Royal Court Hotel

  3. Foreign Office, Prince Edward Island, Japan Tobacco Company, Parliament Square, Sunday Times Magazine

  4. Newfoundland, BBC Company, General Motors/ Standard Oil Corporation, Fleet Street, Intelligence Service

  5. Madison Avenue, Coca-Cola Co. Inc, Random House Publishers (USA), Pearl Harbor, Labour Party

3. З’єднати англійські слова з їх українськими відповідниками. Пояснити роль псевдоінтернаціоналізмів (міжмовних омонімів) у вивченні іноземної мови.



  1. corral

  2. rosary

  3. notebook

  4. momentum

  5. band

  6. rally

  7. prospect

  8. minister

  9. clay

  10. sympathy

  11. partisan

  12. bullion

  13. billet

  14. aspirant

  15. interest

a) записна книжка

b) священик

c) перспектива

d) глина

e) співчуття

f) злиток

g) претендент

h) ордер на постій

i) загін для худоби

j) відсоток (у банку)

k) мітинг

l) прибічник

m) інерція

n) чотки

o) стрічка

4. Визначити до якого з варіантів англійської мови (британського чи американського) належать наступні слова. Пояснити основні лексичні, фонетичні та граматичні особливості англійської мови у США.

1. favourite; 2. downtown; 3. all the morning; 4. Inc., 5. apologize; 6. go to hospital; 7. recess;. 8. sweets; 9. smelled;.10. tyre; 11. suspenders; 12. lorry; 13. inflexion; 14. be oriented at; 15. to live in a street; 16. struck; 17. frontier; 18. speed bump; 19. jam; 20. license

5. Виконати один з варіантів практичного завдання.

Варіант 1.

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

fraction, дані, dramatic, добрі відносини, nation, мер, accurate, фізик, element, основний

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pair.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. Do you mind if I pour myself another cup of coffee? she asked. (I. Shaw)

  2. I must confess I haven’t had such a heart-to-heart talk for a very long time.

  3. You must learn to stand your ground.(Sting)

  4. His unwillingness to answer my questions cut the ground from under my feet.

  5. I’m afraid to go into water as I swim as a brick.

  6. As a matter of fact, there’s something I’d like you to do for me – for us – after you get to Rome. (I. Shaw)

  7. First things first, I said. Let’s do our banking. (I. Shaw)

  8. She could no longer close her eyes to what was going on between her sons, so he decided to act.

  9. His new teacher became his real friend and opened his eyes to many interesting things.

  10. In view of his daughter’s entering the institute, he started to save more money.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 2

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

convention, екземпляр, aspirant, керівник, rally, декада, substance, акуратний, champion, оксамит

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. There was no sense in tempting fate with unnecessary signs of luxury.(I. Shaw)

  2. From time to time he had tried to remonstrate with Penelope about the bills she ran up, but Penelope invariably broke into tears at the mention of money.(I. Shaw)

  3. But he always listens to reason and I know I could convince him.(A. Hailey)

  4. Those tribes still lived according to the law: an eye for an eye.

  5. Tastes differ: she is fond of the paintings I don’t think worth spending time to look at.

  6. Slow and sure he is getting higher and higher in his professional career.

  7. Their grandfather was a very experienced man, real Jack of all trades.

  8. His mother used to tell him: ‘You should work hard to find your place in the sun’.

  9. Today he was penny wise and pound foolish: instead of going to the office by taxi he went there by foot and was late to get a well-paid job.

  10. Don’t disturb him now; he’s up to his ears in work.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 3

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

відповідність, balance, десятиріччя, list, енергійний, familiar, внесок, conference, керувати, mayor

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. He had to possess his soul in patience till she decided to give him her answer.

  2. His silly words really drove him into a corner.

  3. The children agreed to have their lips sealed about the broken glass.

  4. There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold and she’s buying a stairway to heaven. (Led Zeppelin)

  5. She used to make a scene about every his coming back home a little later than usually.

  6. He avoided seeing Lawton or anybody connected with the show before the evening performance because he wanted to be able to judge it with a fresh eye. (I. Shaw)

  7. She says she is unhappy because she was born under an unlucky star.

  8. Sooner or later just like the world first day, sooner or later we learn to throw the past away. (Sting)

  9. I was chilled to the bone and was very glad to have a hot tea.

  10. I was merely reviewing a possibility. In any event, Warren, it’s time you were out of the hotel business. (A. Hailey)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 4

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

advocate, смола, authority, війська, prospect, дуже важливий, clay, дріб, contribution, розвідка

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. Success came to him easily; he must have been born under a lucky star.

  2. Though both crimes seemed to have nothing in common, the detective managed to draw a parallel between them.

  3. Last but not least consolation was that she still loved him.

  4. I also suggest throwing away your present wardrobe. It does nothing for our mutual image, if you get what I mean. I hope I’m not hurting your feelings. (I. Shaw)

  5. Occasionally since then Peter had dropped in to inquire at first hand how things were going. (A. Hailey)

  6. He heard the melody in the morning and it ran in his head all day long.

  7. Believe me, I would not lie, you’ve hurt my pride. (G. Michael)

  8. He cannot decide which of the two candidates he prefers; he’s just sitting on the fence.

  9. If you bury your head in the sand, it won’t mean that the disaster is away.

  10. She took his words at face value and that was a mistake.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 5

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

прикидатися, partisan, знак відзнаки, legal, злиток, aggressive, голландський, object, звичайний, public

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. How couldn’t they have noticed what was going on right under their noses.

  2. If you are not in a hurry, have a bite with us.

  3. There were no quarrels with his mother, but he understood that he was sitting on a volcano.

  4. When you are abroad you must accept other people’s standards. Like they say: when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  5. There are six rooms opening off it on the next floor, living room, dining room, bath, bedrooms, and so forth. (R.A. Heinlein)

  6. We reached the airport in the nick of time. In 15 minutes the plane took off.

  7. That’s why I married you so young. To catch you before you became set in your ways. (I. Shaw)

  8. Now I’m singing all my songs to the girl who won my heart. (Led Zeppelin)

  9. The majority present at the meeting were against his new policy, but the Mayor managed to gain his point.

  10. There isn’t much more to tell, except that we did play one other trick on him before we left Five. (A. C. Clarke)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 6

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

liberal, данський, character, квитанція, rapport, управління, decade, недійсний, officer, розуміти

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. He always can find food for reflection.

  2. He is now rather old, that is why he has put all his business on his son’s shoulders.

  3. After all, suppose you found yourself, on the return, in the neighbourhood of the star and heading toward it. (I. Asimov)

  4. On average he earns a hundred dollars a day.

  5. Be careful, cheating him is like playing with fire.

  6. I just thought you might like to save a little time.

  7. I know your mind’s made up, the Boss said. I know I couldn’t change your mind, Hugh. (R.P. Warren)

  8. It’s raining cats and dogs. Let’s wait for a while.

  9. The fact that we were heading for Five naturally aroused a good deal of interest. (A. C. Clarke)

  10. He managed to hand in the project on time.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 7

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

solid, окремий, international, аспірант, activity, композитор, cabinet, лікар-терапевт, panel, проспект

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. Now I find I’ve changed my mind, I’ve opened up the doors. (The Beatles)

  2. He received a postcard from his fiancée and was all smiles.

  3. Pay no attention. He’s just crying wolf again.

  4. I mean you know where to come, don’t you? I’ll keep that in mind. (I. Shaw)

  5. They tried their best, but their efforts were in vain.

  6. She lied to me once, so you’d better keep your ear open.

  7. Listen to reason and don’t get involved in their illegal activity.

  8. For a moment, as Trent’s expression hardened, he wondered if he had gone too far. (A. Hailey)

  9. Any woman, he said, who has anything to do with a dozen roses on October fifth, year in, year out, is not ever going to get me. (I. Shaw)

  10. It was not the economic condition of the Craig family that prevented Craig from going to college, as the family was comparatively well off. (I. Shaw).

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 8

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

репліка, actual, бетон, Dutch, вельвет, dramatic, священник, speculation, мітка, session

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. She is always afraid that somebody could cast the evil eye on her.

  2. From now on, he knew, he would look suspiciously on a good many things he once accepted at face value. (A. Hailey)

  3. It took us an hour to cool him down after the fight.

  4. Before making a decision they analyzed all the pros and cons.

  5. Martha had been the life and soul of our company until Eden joined us.

  6. And prove it we did: at the expense of our weapons, our safe cave and fire, and very nearly our lives. (F. Pohl)

  7. Do not despair, one way or another this play will go on. (I. Shaw)

  8. It was a dangerous trip, but we returned home, safe and sound.

  9. What made you do it? she asked. Out of a blue sky. Writing me that awful letter asking for a divorce. (I. Shaw)

  10. Do what you wish. It makes no difference to me.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 9

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

solid, перелік, balance, стихія, fabric, з’їзд, original, кількість, intelligence, акуратний

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. I just thought you might like to save a little time. (I. Shaw)

  2. Jim made a bad impression on the professor.

  3. In other words, anything falling from here to Jupiter would reach the center of the planet in about two hours seven minutes. (A.C. Clarke)

  4. To a great extent he is to blame for the quarrel.

  5. He hadn’t noticed a cold shoulder they gave him, and kept talking.

  6. It’ll help to keep them quiet. It looks like being a peaceful, easy night – fingers crossed. (A. Hailey/ J. Castle)

  7. Their debate has shed light on the results obtained.

  8. He’s working day and night, thinks he’ll make her happy, forgetting all the dreams that he had. (M. Jackson)

  9. We were glad to meet each other and shake hands.

  10. I can’t wait for the thing to open, and at the same time I hate to see it open. (I. Shaw)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 10

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

session, аспірант, momentum, фабрика, panel, стягувати, decoration, заслуга, cabinet, твердий

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. Dr. Livingston lives next door to me.

  2. Easy come, easy go, Klein said. A man who had recently received a check for three and a half million dollars could talk like that. (I. Shaw)

  3. Don’t even try to find him. In such a big place there is like looking for a needle in a bottle of hay.

  4. I don’t know why I didn’t tell him that the bag belonged to somebody else, some sixth sense, perhaps. (I. Shaw)

  5. He was known as a man of his word, and he really did everything he promised to.

  6. Very likely it would have to come into the open long before had Whins’t work not taken him out of the dome so much. (J. Wyndham)

  7. He misses you very much, I can read it between the lines of his last letter.

  8. He was allowed to do what he wanted, within limits of course.

  9. His speech failed to strike the right note at the meeting.

  10. Once more Peter was reminded that his own days here might well be numbered. (A. Hailey)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 11

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

точна копія, position, запис, magazine, посадова особа, therapist, проспект, troops, відповідність, nation

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. Why can’t you understand that, it’s as clear as day!

  2. Demaree and I broke for the dune to the right, had rifles at the ready but nothing was alive behind it. (F. Pohl)

  3. Fresh vegetables in the northern regions are usually in short supply.

  4. If it’s a sunny day I take my umbrella just in case the raindrops start to fall. (Sting)

  5. To make a long story short, he ended up in jail.

  6. We argued for an hour before we struck a bargain.

  7. Although it looked respectable enough on the outside, the hotel had seen better days. As had its clientele. (I. Shaw)

  8. The castle was destined to become an apple of discord for the numerous heirs.

  9. I must give Mays credit for brains. Within five minutes we saw his communications aerial start slewing around until it locked on Ganymede. (A. C. Clarke)

  10. Please have in mind that we’re going to the cinema this evening.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 12

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

speculation, відомий, figure, захисник, session, сальдо, fraction, провідник, camera, інерція

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. She wondered why he, who did not usually trouble over things of little importance, made such a mountain out of this molehill.

  2. Right,’ said Kingsley, who as captain had the last say in all such matters. (A. C. Clarke)

  3. Luckily those photographs refreshed his memory.

  4. She took steps to prevent this happening again.

  5. John is a splendid teacher, second to none.

  6. I like a bright young fella who goes up the ladder of success. (R. Ludlum)

  7. When he speaks, it’s very difficult to understand him: he swallows his words.

  8. Losing the Presidential election proved to be a slap in the face for the candidate.

  9. In terms of your suggestion, I don’t quite agree with you.

  10. I’m finally serving dinner, said Janet. Better late than never. What’ll be – lamp chop or grilled salmon? (A. Hailey/ J. Castle)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 13

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

вечірка, physician, мітинг, replica, фракція, champion, вирішальний, copy, точний, critical

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. In other words, anything falling from here to Jupiter would reach the center of the planet in about two hours seven minutes. (A. C. Clarke)

  2. The council promised to put the plan into practice next year.

  3. Whatever happened between you and him must be ancient history by now. (I. Shaw)

  4. In his palmy days, many of the movies that had come out of his studio had been tender and wistfully comic. (I. Shaw)

  5. John asked his friend to take a look at his car, which broke down.

  6. How does he make money? He manufactures things. (I. Shaw)

  7. She did not know how to break the ice with him. They had nothing in common.

  8. We went plunging up the ledge like twin whirligigs, bouncing in the light Martian gravity and nearly tumbling into the chasm at every step. (F. Pohl)

  9. The will have to hold a meeting to make a final decision.

  10. In his country war will go until there will be a deal of give and take on both sides.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 14

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

principal, припущення, bullion, відсоток (у банку), complexion, керівник, corpse, зустріч, collect, данський

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. I found a small, circular room which at first sight seemed to be no more than meeting place of six radiating corridors. (A. C. Clarke)

  2. We enjoyed the play but the fly in the ointment was that we could not find our car afterwards.

  3. In effect, the cause of failure was bad work.

  4. Marsha listened without responding, aware of what was being said, but for the most part letting the quiet reassuring voice flow easily over her. (A. Hailey)

  5. Do you have anything in mind for your sister’s birthday?

  6. There was the sensation, quickly passing, of being suspended in time, as if the world were holding its breath. (A. Hailey/ J. Castle)

  7. Robert Paine was vice-president of a publishing house, a man who spoke slowly, weighing his words, ignoring small talk. (I. Shaw)

  8. This is none of your business, let someone else worry. (A. Hailey)

  9. His new method of treating diabetes came to nothing.

  10. The BBC is always on the air.

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 15

1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

складальник, substance, колір обличчя, minister, персонаж, rally, диригент, troops, мета, receipt

2. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

3. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. She is always in debt because she lives beyond her means.

  2. This is none of your business, let someone else worry. (A. Hailey)

  3. I can take a hint, but prefer to hear clear statements.

  4. He hoped that the conversation put an end to all the contradictions between them.

  5. They walked in and looked at the shelf. It was all but empty. (B. W. Aldiss)

  6. The Professor wouldn’t talk and we couldn’t; he kept too close an eye on us. (A.C. Clarke)

  7. The building project was brought into question.

  8. You won’t win a battle unless you know your enemy’s weak points.

  9. The police were on the spot when violence broke out.

  10. He doesn’t stay long anywhere from all I’ve heard. Works fast when he sets his mind on something. (A. Hailey)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Варіант 16

  1. Translate the following words (pseudointernationalisms):

authority, регулярний, nation, заслуга, character, енергійний, leader, розуміти, separate, зустріч

  1. Give 5 examples of paronyms. Make sentences with each of the pairs.

  2. Translate the next sentences (explain using idioms in each sentence):

  1. That’s why so few people ever take a stand for what they believe in, or say they do. (A. Hailey)

  2. Marry usually gets her second wind after dinner.

  3. Though he was rather poor at that time, he already had a fixed idea – to earn a million.

  4. He has extremely lucky and not one said that he had been born with a silver spoon in his mouse.

  5. A lady was leaving the building and she said there was a crazy old naked man up on the sixth floor who was making advances toward her. (I. Shaw)

  6. Help was coming, so he was gaining time to stay alive.

  7. The old handbag came in handy.

  8. Put your cards on the table. I want to know what you really want to do.

  9. She really was a very accurate person, and when on duty in the class she always got everything in apple-pie order.

  10. He had been a just judge. And he had carried his head high. (R. P. Warren)

4. Decode the following abbreviations in English and translate them into Ukrainian:


Модуль 3.