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TUMOURS Документ Microsoft Office Word.docx
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Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

  1. What do we call a tumour?

  2. Why are some neoplasms defined as "benign tumors"?

  3. What are the main examples of benign tumors?

  4. What inhibits benign tumors ability to behave in a malignant manner?

  5. Depending on what may benign tumors cause specific symptoms?

  6. What are the main pathological effects of some benign tumors?

  7. What is the most effective approach in treating benign tumors?

  8. What factors are called "risk factors for cancer"?

  9. What treatments do the Cancer specialists primarily use to get rid of cancer?

  10. What three things do the treatment choices for a person with cancer depend on?

Exercise 7. Choose the proper continuation on the right. Open the brackets and use verbs in the correct tense and voice. Read and translate into Ukrainian.

 Palliative (пом'якшувальний)


is the treatment of cancer with drugs that (to destroy) cancer cells. It often (to use) to fight cancer that has spread to the other areas of the body and cannot be easily detected or treated by surgery or radiation therapy. It usually (to consist) of a combination of several anti-cancer drugs. The doctors (to decide) which groups of drugs to use depending on what type of cancer the person has. It ( to give) usually many times for several months or years. It may be given alone or in combination with radiation therapy.


is a treatment that uses the body own natural defence system known as the immune system. Our body (to have) its own defence mechanisms against tumour cells including processes to repair mutations of DNA, and certain cells and substances of the immune system, which can (to destroy) cancer cells. When a person (to develop) cancer, it (to mean) that these "natural" defences are no longer effective against the cancer. It is designed to repair, stimulate, and improve the ability of the patient's immune system to fight cancer. It is used to:

  • Stop, control, or suppress processes that promote cancer growth;

  • Boost the killing power of the body's immune system cells, such as T-cells, NK-cells (natural killer cells), and macrophages; 

  • Change cancer cells' growth patterns to promote behaviour like that of healthy cells; 

  • Enhance the body's ability to repair or replace normal cells damaged or destroyed by other forms of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation; and Prevent cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body.


is used to remove a tumour that is localised in a tissue or organ. The surgeon (to remove) the cancer cells or the tumour completely. Some healthy cells may also (to remove) to make sure that all the cancer is gone. It is often combined with chemotherapy and/or radiation to ensure all cancer cells are removed.


(medical care or treatment used to reduce disease symptoms but unable to cure the patient) utilizes the same treatments described above. It is done with the intent to extend and improve the quality of life of the terminally ill cancer patient. There are many other palliative treatments to reduce symptoms such as pain medications and antinausea medications.

Biological Therapy 

is one of the most common treatments for cancer. The radiologist (to aim) a beam of high-energy rays, such as X-rays and gamma rays, directly onto a tumour using a radiotherapy machine. These beams of radiation are many times more powerful than those produced in ordinary x-ray machines, in that they can (to damage) and destroy cancer cells causing the tumour to shrink and even remove it completely. In order ( to focus) the beam accurately onto the tumour, many X-rays films and Computer Tomography (CT) scans (to take) to identify the exact position of the tumour.  These treatments for cancer (to take) only a few minutes and often are given over a period of several weeks. Depending on the stage of the cancer, treatment with radiation may (to give) alone or with chemotherapy.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the sentences and put questions to the underlined words.

  1. My sister was diagnosed with cancer of the bile duct in her liver in September of 2009.

  2. Most malignant brain tumours are secondary cancers, which mean they started in another part of the body and spread to the brain.

  3. Primary brain tumours are those that started in the brain.

  4. The types of malignant brain tumours depend on the type of brain cells they have grown from.

  5. The most common type is a glioma, which accounts for more than half of all primary brain tumours.

  6. Brain tumours can affect people of any age, including children.

  7. A primary malignant brain tumour must be treated as soon as possible because it can spread to and damage other parts of the brain and spinal cord.

  8. The outcome for malignant primary brain tumours depends on many factors, such as the type and location of the tumour and how ill you were when diagnosed.

  9. The patient went through extensive chemo and radiation and lost weight down to 92 pounds before she got a liver transplant in February.

  10. Treatment will aim to improve symptoms and prolong life.

Exercise 9. Complete the text with the prepositions from the box bellow. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

I had just been blessed with a 2 1/2 year old baby boy … November 2005. The first year was really tough for me for he was a meth baby and could not sleep … night. The crying would go on … hours. I would hold and sing to him and one night I noticed that I was getting severe back pain and pain in my upper right rib cage. The following year, I found a mass in my right breast and suddenly, I got a strange feeling in my gut. For the next week, I would make …stories about the mass and finally had to come … conclusion this could be serious. In January 2007, I got a mammogram and … 10 days I got the letter and a phone call from my GYN. A second mammogram and ultrasound was performed, then another call for a needle biopsy. That's when I was diagnosed … "Abrasive lobor carcinoma." Within a week, I had a breast MRI, blood work, a port placed in my right side of my chest and my first chemo treatment. As I continue to receive chemo, every week, there were times I wanted to die. I lost my hair and my eyelashes, and my finger nails began to loosen and fall…. . I had sores in my mouth and a metallic taste, which made it hard to eat or swallow. I would cry everyday when I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if I was going to make it. Although, when I went in front of the public, I was smiling and continued to work. Attitude is very important and not to ask “Why me?” (although it is very normal to ask), but ask, “What can I do to beat this? " I was in stage 4, and the cancer had spread to my liver, spine, pelvis, and ribs. …the grace of God and a good Doctor, my life was spared. I had so many people praying for me. I saw God's face and who is really is. I was in remission or a year and a half. It now has come back for the third time, but I have peace and will fight this battle again.

to , in, off, at, within, By, for, up, with

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