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9. Определите какие из следующих заявлений являются правдивыми (true) а какие ложными(false),основываясь на тексте из задания 7.

1. Refraction occurs when a wave bends because its speed changes. - TRUE

2. This usually happens when a wave travels from one medium to another. - TRUE

3. Weight and mass also affect wave speed. – FALSE

4. Temperature and wind can cause refraction. - TRUE

5. Sound waves seem to travel faster in warm air than in the cool one. - TRUE

6. There are special conditions called temperature inversions in which air temperature is known to increase with altitude. - TRUE

7. This occurs at one typical time, at night. – FALSE (at night and on days)

8. Temperature differences are reported to find in the ocean. – FALSE (supposed, not reported)

9. Ocean temperatures increase as the water gets deeper. – FALSE (decrease, not increase)

10. When sounds originate in the water, the sound waves are considered to refract down. – TRUE

Task 10. Complete the sentences using the text above in the written form

10. Выполните упражнение используя текст из задания 7 в письменной форме.

1. Sound refraction occurs when a wave bends because its ... changes

a) speed

b) depth

c) energy

d) direction

2. This happens for a wave to travel from

a) ground to lake

b) air to water

c) river to ocean

d) weight to mass

3. Temperature and wind are reported to affect

a) seasons

b) earthquake

c) tides

d) wave speed

4. During…, the Sun is known to warm the ground

a) the night

b) the day

c) tonight

d) midnight

5. The ... warms the air closest to it

a) temperature

b) air

c) ground

d) water

6) … seem to travel faster in warm air than in the cool one

a) seismic waves

b) sound waves

c) sun rays

d) moon beams

7. There are special conditions called

a) electromagnetic waves

b) soil conditions

c) temperature inversions

d) temperature difference

8. When the sound reaches the warmer air, the higher temperature changes

a) the wave speed

b) the wave direction

c) the wave depth

d) the wave intense

9. The warmest water is found near the

a) rivers

b) surface

c) clouds

d) wind

10. Ocean temperatures... as the water gets deeper

a) rise

b) fall

c) decrease

d) increase

Task 11. Define the Infinitive Construction and translate the sentences Russian in the written form

11. Определите предложения с употребленной Инфинитивной конструкцией и переведите предложения на русский в письменной форме.

1. Waves that transfer energy through the Earth are seismic waves. - NOT INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

. Волны, которые передают энергию через Землю, являются сейсмическими волнами.

2. This usually happens for a wave to travel from one medium to another, such as from aіr to water.


Обычно, это происходит, когда волна перемещается из одной среды в другую, например, из воздуха в воду.

3. Temperature and wind are reported to affect wave speed. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

Температура и ветер, как сообщают, влияют на скорость волны.

4. An average ocean water sample contains 35 grams of dissolved salts. -NOT INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

Средний образец воды океана содержит 35 граммов растворенных солей.

5. During the day, the sun is known to warm the ground. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

В течение дня солнце, как известно, прогревает поверхность земли.

6. Advanced scientific study has helped to solve the mystery of earthquakes. NOT INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

Передовое научное исследование помогло разгадать тайну землетрясений.

7. Sound waves seem to travel faster in warm air than in cool one. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

Звуковые волны, кажется, двигаются быстрее в теплом воздухе, чем в прохладном.

8. Air temperature is known to increase with altitude. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

температура воздуха, как известно, увеличивается с высотой.

9. In a temperature inversion, sound waves are believed to refract downward. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

В температурной инверсии звуковые волны, как полагают, преломляются вниз.

10. Temperature differences are supposed to find in the ocean. - INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

Температурные разности, как предполагается, можно найти в океане.

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