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6. Переведите предложения на английский в письменной форме

1. Эта проблема слишком сложна, чтобы инженеры решили ее. This problem is too difficult, for engineers to solve it.

2. Погода, как видно улучшается. The weather appears to be improving.

3. Необходимо, чтобы эти элементы имели одинаковую массу. It is necessary, these elements to have identical weight.

4. Кажется, он хорошо знает английский язык. He seems, to know English well.

5. Бета-частицы как выявилось, идентичны электронам. Beta particles as has come to light are identical to electrons.

6. Для того, чтобы провести эксперимент правильно, дозиметрические приборы должны быть проверены. To make experiment correctly, dosimetric devices should be checked up.

7. Наша основная задача состоит в том, чтобы сохранить природу для будущих поколений. Our primary mission is to keep the nature for the future generations

8. Астрономы знают, что земля являет собой планету, где существует жизнь. Astronomers know the Earth to be the only planet where life exists.

9. Известно, что запасы пресной воды на Земле ограничены. The reserves of fresh water on the Earth are known to be limited.

10. Нужны высокие технологии для того, чтобы использовать солнечную энергию. High technologies to use a solar energy are necessary.

11. Мы знаем, что живые организмы характеризуются способностью к метаболизму и восстановлению. We know live organisms to be characterized by ability to a metabolism and restoration.

12. Первое, что наше общество должно сделать, это организовать агентства по защите окружающей среды. The first, our society should make, is to organize environment protection agencies.

Task 7. Translate the text orally

Refraction and Reflection of Sound Waves

Sound wave refraction occurs when a wave bends because its speed changes. This usually happens for a wave to travel from one medium to another, such as from air to water. Temperature and wind are reported to affect wave speed, so they too can cause refraction.

Have you ever yelled to a friend across a playground only your friend didn't hear you? This takes place because of the air temperature. During the day, the sun is known to warm the ground. The ground then warms the air closest to it.

Sound waves seem to travel faster in warm air than in the cool one. As sound waves move from cooler air through warmer air, the waves refract upward, and the sound may not reach its destination. No matter how hard you yell much of the sound will still tend to refract up. It won't reach your friend's ears.

There are special conditions called temperature inversions in which air temperature is known to increase with altitude. This occurs at two typical times, at night and on days, because of clouds denseness.

In a temperature inversion, sound waves are believed to refract downward. Have you ever wondered why sound "travels so well" at night? It's not because it's quieter at night. It's because when the sound reaches the warmer air, the higher temperature changes the wave speed. That bends the sound waves back toward the ground, where the listeners are standing.

Temperature differences are supposed to find in the ocean. Generally ocean temperatures decrease as the ocean water gets deeper, the warmest water is found near the surface.

When sounds originate in the water, the sound waves are considered to refract down, toward the cooler water. Scientists think this downward sound wave refraction to be one reason why sounds from marine animals such as whales can be heard over hundreds of miles.