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Step 3. Role Playing

Situation. Pretend that you are a sports analyst. Study the table and make your forecast:

Belarusian Athletes’ Performance at the Summer Olympic Games.

Step 4 Writing Practice

Ex.1. Write an article for a British newspaper about the achievements of Belarus in the field of sports and recreation.

Progress Evaluation Test No.3

Form A

  1. Choose the word or word combination which is different from the others:

  1. a. curriculum, b. education, c. federation, d. school

  2. a. to build the University,b. to enter the University, c.to study at the University,

d. to graduate from the University

  1. a. sports faculty, b. sports facilities, c. sports equipment, d. sports ground

  2. a. football field, b. dancing club, c. swimming-pool, d. tennis court

  3. a . swimming, b. skiing, c. writing, d. wrestling

II. Insert an indefinite/negative/ quantitative pronoun. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Very …students attended the lecture. 1. a. little, b. few

  2. Today people don’t need … money

to take up sports in Belarus. 2. a. much, b. many

  1. Would you like some coffee, please? – Just… 3. a.little, b. a little

  2. Have you got … news about your friends? 4. a. some, b. any

  3. … of my friends has become

the Olympic champion yet. 5. a. anybody, b. nobody

  1. …must take up sports. 6. a. everybody, b. somebody

  2. My father likes football. He knows … about it. 7.a. nothing, b. everything

III. Replace the infinitive by the correct tense form:

  1. Active athletes ( have) their training practice one or two times a day.

  2. David has just finished his work and he ( play) football now.

  3. My friend ( establish) a world record last year.

  4. She ( look) for the book the whole evening yesterday.

  5. We ( graduate) from our University in five years.

  6. My sister ( pass) just her examination in biology.

  7. He ( become) Master of Sport by the 1998 Winter Olympics.

IV. Translate the underlined verbs:

  1. Впервые наши спортсмены участвовали в Олимпийских играх в

1952 году в Хельсинки в составе сборной команды СССР. 1.___________________

2 .Он только что принял участие в ответственных

международных соревнованиях. 2.___________________

  1. Когда ты в последний раз участвовал в Чемпионате мира? 3.___________________

4. – Я еще не принимал участия в соревнованиях такого уровня. 4. __________________

V. Choose the answer which best completes the statement:

  1. At the end of the 19 th century the first ……clubs appeared in Belarus.

  1. military; b. semi-military; c. civilian; d. recreation.

  1. … … sports are cultivated in Belarus.

  1. over 100; b. about 100; c. over 70; d. about 70.

  1. For the first time Belarusian athletes performed as a national team…..

  1. at the XVI Summer Olympics; b. at the XXVI Summer Olympics;

c.at the XVI Winter Olympics; d. at the XXVI Winter Olympics.

VI Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea. Translate the paragraph

into Russian:

Athletic competitions that involved unbending a horseshoe 1

or carrying a heavy sack over the shoulders were popular in Belarus. It is not by chance that Leonid Taranenko and Alexander Kurlovich from Belarus ranked among the strongest in the weight-lifting world. Together with Valeri Shariy they became Olympic Champions. Today their glorious traditions are continued by a young Belarusian weightlifter A.Rybakov a silver medallist of the Olympic Games in Athens.

1to unbend a horseshoe – разгибать подкову

Form B

  1. Choose the word or word combination which is different from the others:

  1. a. specialized sports school, b. sports equipment, c. college of Olympic reserves, d. physical

education institution.

  1. a. military, b. semi-military, c. civilian, d. war.

  2. a. regional race, b. long-distance race, c.. international race, d.district race.

  3. a. to take part in a competition, b. to participate in a competition, c. to retire from the

. competition, d. to perform at a competition.

  1. a . speaking, b. skiing, c. skating, d. swimming.

II. Insert an indefinite/ negative/ quantitative pronoun. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1.Very… people supported the guest team. 1. a. few, b. few

2.He doesn’t train much and has very … progress. 2. a little, b. little

3.I have got … time so I can help you. 3. a.lot of, b. many

4.Have you got … friends among athletes?- 4. a. many, b. much

No, just __( a few, few) a. a few, b. few

5.Are there … sports facilities at your University? 5. a. some, b. any

6.Do you known … about the history of gymnastics? 6. a.anything, b.something

7.My sister doesn’t know… about my sports results. 7. a.anything, b.nothing

III. Replace the infinitive by the correct tense form:

  1. Our University ( train) coaches, PT teachers and sports managers.

  2. Where is your sister? She ( train) in the swimming-pool now.

  3. The success of our wrestlers at the XX Munich Olympics ( make) “Staiki” more popular.

  4. Everybody watched him when he ( run) marathon.

  5. I think Ann ( pass) her final exams successfully tomorrow.

  6. Pete ( win) just the tennis match.

  7. He ( finish) his training practice before I saw him in the hall.

IV Translate the underlined verb:

1 Известный белорусский гимнаст Виталий Щербо

завоевывал звание Олимпийского чемпиона 6 раз. 1.____________

  1. Когда Иван Иванков завоевал звание Олимпийского чемпиона ? 2. ____________

3.- К сожалению он никогда не побеждал на Олимпийских 3. ____________

играх. .

4. Вчера сборная команда БГУФК по волейболу выиграла

матчевую игру у команды БГУ со счетом 3:1. 4.____________

V. Choose the answer which best completes the statement:

  1. …athletes came to “Staiki” for a summer sports camp for the first time.

  1. before the war; b. in 1956; c. in 1947; d. in 1969.

  1. At present “Staiki” is… …

  1. summer camp; b. a winter camp; c. a round-the-year camp; d. youth camp.

  1. … … made “Staiki” popular.

  1. wrestlers’ success at the Munich Olympics;

  2. rowers’ success at the Moscow Olympics;

  3. gymnasts success at the Atlanta Olympics;

  4. throwers’ success at the Sydney Olympics.

VI. Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea. Translate the paragraph

into Russian:

A glorious victory of Belarusian tennis- players over the Russian team in the 2004 Davis Cup World Group series match became a pleasant surprise for the entire country. Belarusian players defeated one of the most powerful teams in the world. The victory over the 2002 Davis Cup champion proved that their qualification among the world tennis elite was not by accident.

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