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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises Ex. 1. Memorize the following verbs to be able to speak about Sir Matt Busby’s activities:

  1. to join - войти в состав

  2. to hold - занимать (должность)

  3. to achieve - достигать

  4. to rebuild - воссоздавать

  5. to knight - посвящать в рыцари

  6. to devote - посвящать

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences to characterize Sir Busby’s main activities:

  1. In Liverpool Sir Busby joined________________________.

  2. From 1945 until 1969 he was holding__________________.

  3. In the 1960s Sir Busby was rebuilding_________________.

  4. In 1969 he achieved________________________________.

  5. In 1968 Sir Busby was knighted for___________________.

  6. Sir Matt Busby devoted_____________________________.

Ex. 3. Read aloud the sentences containing the information about Manchester United you didn’t know before.

Ex. 4. Speak about Sir Susby’s contribution to football.

.Task 10 . Learn the following sporting and medical terms you will need to understand Text 1 E:

1. walker n -спортсмен, занимающийся спортивной ходьбой

2. compete v -соревноваться

competitor n -соперник

3. injury n -травма

4. start line -линия старта

5. hurt v -болеть

6. pain n -боль

7. stadium announcer n –судья-информатор

8. sympathy n - сочувствие

Task 11. Read the text and answer the questions before each paragraph.

Text 1 E


  1. Why did Chris Maddox take part in the Sydney Olympics?

Chris Maddox, Mad Max to his friends, is a walker. He was competing in the Olympic 50 km in Sydney at the age of 43 with an injured leg. The race was his goal. 16 years ago he finished 16th in Los Angeles. He didn’t better that result at Seoul or Barcelona, or Atlanta, though he felt fully fit. Now it was all in tatters 1.

  1. What were his feelings on the start line?

He recollects:” So comes the race day. I’m down in the Olympic stadium doing my stretching 2. It’s just before 8.00 a.m. I’m out there with 55 other guys, the fastest guys in the world. I’m warming-up and my worst fears are realised. My leg and hips are reacting. I get on the start line and the gun goes off. From the very first step I’m hurting. We do five laps and I think: ”I won’t get out of the stadium. I’ll drop out at the start.” But I grind out the first two kilometres as I know that my friends and fans are supporting me. I think:” At least they’ll see that I tried.

  1. What surprised Maddox when he got to the road?

I get to the road and see how many people are there and how much encouragement they are giving to us. Somehow I get to 20 km but I’m in so much pain, so far behind, that I stop and talk to my best friend: ”Sorry, Ed, I just can’t take any more. I’m in too much pain.” And he shows me no sympathy at all. He says:” If you carry on you will just hurt to the end of the race. If you give up now, you’ll hurt for the rest of your life 3.”

  1. What idea did Maddox have in his head after the 49th kilometer?

Somehow I get beyond 40 km. It is the hottest day of the Games. I’m frying. I’m burning to a scrip. 4 For the first time I think that maybe, just maybe, I can finish this race. At last I get to 49 km and I’m all on my own now 5 because the rest of the competitors have departed. I have got an idea in my head that there will be no one in the stadium. It’s lunchtime. At last I’m in the stadium tunnel and I’m surprised because I can see there are people there and they are applauding me.

  1. Why did the stadium announcer start reciting the words of Baron Pierre de Coubertin?

The stadium announcer starts to tell the crowd about me. I’m the last finisher in the 50 km. I’m a British five-time Olympian, injured and determined to finish. Then he starts reciting the words of Baron Pierre de Coubertin:” The important thing in the Olympic Games is not the winning but the taking part.” It’s an image that will stay with all who witnessed it. This colossal spirit in a tortured body 6. Everyone cried watching this unknown British foot soldier turning last place into legend.


1Now it was all in tatters – зд. Сейчас все было еще хуже.

2…doing my stretching - разминаясь……

syn. warming - up

3. “If you carry on you will just hurt to the end of the race. If you give up now, you’ll hurt for the rest of your life “– “Если ты продолжишь идти, тебе будет больно только до конца соревнований. Если ты сейчас сдашься, ты будешь испытывать боль до конца жизни”.

4.I’m burning to a scrip – зд. Я совсем поджарился.

5I’m all on my own now – Теперь я совсем один.

6This colossal spirit in a tortured body - Эта колоссальная сила духа в истерзанном теле.

Comprehensive and Speech Exercises

Ex. 1. Find a key sentence in each paragraph.

Ex. 2. Entitle each paragraph.

Ex. 3. Comment on the title of the text.

Ex. 4. Speak about Chris Maddox following the outline:

his competitive background;

his feelings on the race day;

his thoughts on the road;

his legendary finish.

Ex. 5. Describe any competition in running or walking you saw last. Make use of the following word combinations from the text:

to get on the start line;

to drop out at the start;

to do…laps;

to give much(little) encouragement to;

to show sympathy to;

to finish a race.

Lesson 3. Focus on Speaking

Step 1. Listening Practice

Ex. 1. Listen to the dialogue and make notes. What information have you heard?

Ex. 2. Follow the transcript below. How different is the transcript from the dialogue you’ve heard?

Dialogue: At the library

Remember: look for -искать

take up -заниматься

get ready -готовиться

graduate from -заканчивать

Note the pronunciation: Welsh [

Cardiff [

Wales [

Dynamo [

Victor Ivanov: May I introduce myself1. I’m Victor Ivanov.

John Smith: My name is John Smith. Excuse me, are you Belarusian?

VI: Well, I’m Russian actually. I was born in Moscow. But now I live in Minsk.

Are you English?

JS: Well, I’m Welsh. I was born in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. What are you looking for here?

VI: I’m a first-year student of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture. I’m getting ready for my lectures here2.

JS: Oh, I see. What will you be after graduating from the university?

VI: I’m going to be a football coach.

JS: I’m sorry, what did you say? Football? What football?

VI: You call it association football, or soccer.3 I like it very much. I began to take up football when I was seven. At fifteen I played for the Dynamo junior team. We were a success and won the Republican championship.

JS: I see you are a very good footballer.

VI: I hope I am. Now I play for the Dynamo team and for the National junior football team. My dream is to take part in the World Cup competition.

JS: Oh, that’s very interesting. Good luck! I’m pleased to meet you. Good-bye!

VI: Bye-bye. See you later!


1May I introduce myself? – Разрешите представиться.

2I’m getting ready for my lectures here. - Я здесь готовлюсь к лекциям.

3You call it association football or soccer? – Вы называете его “футбол” или “соккер”?

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