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Пособие (англ., заочное).doc
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Оборот наличия there is / there are

Перевод оборота наличия начинается с конца предложения, т.е. с обстоятельства места.

There is a larder on the left. Слева находиться кладовка.

There +

глагол to be в + нужной форме

Подлежащее +

Обстоятельство места

Если подлежащее выражено двумя существительными и более, то употребление глагольной формы to be зависит от того, в каком числе употреблено первое существительное группы подлежащего:

- если оно в единственном числе, то there is;

- если во множественном, то there are.

Для того, чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, достаточно перенести глагол to be в начало предложения.

глагол to be



обстоятельство ?

Is there a larder on the left? Слева находиться кладовка?

Очень часто перед подлежащим употребляется местоимение some/any (несколько, некоторое количество). Some в утвердительных предложениях, any – в вопросительных и отрицательных.

Act out the warning.

  • Watch out! Watch out!

Watch out! Watch out!

  • There is a hole in the floor!

  • What?

  • A hole.

  • Where?

  • In the floor.

  • A hole in the floor?

  • Yes, a hole in the floor.

  • A great big hole in the floor.

  • Well, I don’t see any hole in the floor.

  • I don’t see any hole.

  • It’s there!

  • Where?

  • Right there!

  • Right here?

  • Yes, right there!

  • Are you sure?

  • Sure, I’m sure. It’s big as a house.

  • Big?

  • It’s huge.

  • Huge?

  • It’s huge.

  • A huge hole, a great big hole.

  • A great big hole in the floor.

  • I think you are kidding.

  • You are teasing me.

  • There is no hole in the …

to kid – смеяться

to tease – дразнить

Complete these sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.

  1. … a coffee machine on the second floor.

  2. … a swimming pool in this hotel.

  3. … some people in the room.

  4. … two flights on Sunday.

  5. It’s a very small airport. … any shops in the terminal.

  6. … a problem with my ticket?

  7. ………… any aisle seats available?

  8. ………… a stopover in Frankfurt.

  9. ………… any flights to Zurich tonight?

  10. I’m afraid ………… a flight to Warsaw this afternoon.

  11. ………… two cafés in the terminal.

  12. ………… any buses from the airport to the city centre?

House and Home

Exercise 1. Read the text.

‘I’m sorry, Joe’, Mrs. Thompson said, ‘I’m forgetting my duties. I’ll show you your room’. My room at Eagle Road was the first room of my own in the real sense of the word.

Following Mrs. Thompson into my room, I was moving into a different world. ‘It is marvelous’, I said. I looked at it with delight: wallpaper vertically striped in beige and silver, a bay window extending for almost the whole length of the room, a divan bed that looked like a bed, two armchairs and a dressing-table, a wardrobe and a writing-table all in the same pale satiny wood. On the cream painted bookcase there was a bowl of anemones and there was a fire burning in the grate, leaving an aromatic smell, faintly acid and faintly flower-like, which I knew but couldn’t quite place.

‘Applewood’, Mrs. Thompson said. ‘There is an electric fire, but I thought a real one would be more cheerful on a miserable day like this’.

There were three small pictures hanging on the far wall.

‘Room on the Top’ after John Braine

marvelous – изумительный, удивительный

with delight – с восхищением, восторгом

wallpaper - обои

striped - полосатый

in beige [bei ] – в бежевых тонах

a bay window – эркер

length – длина

to look like – выглядеть, быть похожим на

a dressing-table – туалетный столик

a wardrobe – шкаф

pale satiny wood – бледно-атласное дерево

cream painted – покрашенный в кремовый цвет

а bookcase – шкаф

a bowl – кубок, чаша, ваза, миска

in the grate – на решетке

faintly – слегка

flower-like – цветочный

to place – определять, размещать

cheerful – бодрый, веселый

miserable – жалкий, несчастный,

Why not to give a description of your room, your favourite room in your flat or house, the room you’ve rented or rented long ago when you were a student .

Exercise 2. Translate into English and reproduce.

  • Я слышал, вы собираетесь переезжать на новую квартиру.

  • Совершенно верно. One of these days we’ll move to a three-room apartment with all conveniences.

  • На каком этаже ваша квартира?

  • It’s on the seventh floor of a high-rise house.

  • Есть ли в доме лифт?

  • There are three lifts that work round o’clock.

  • Мусоропровод в квартире?

  • No, there isn’t. The garbage chute is on the staircase.

  • В каком районе ваш дом?

  • The house is in a new district which is far from the centre of the city.

  • Сколько времени надо добираться до центра?

  • It takes me twenty minutes to get to the centre by car.

Your Vocabulary

to move

an apartment

a floor


a garbage chute

a staircase

a district


with delight



in beige

a bay window


to look like

a dressing-table

a wardrobe

pale satiny wood

cream painted

книжный шкаф

кубок, чаша, ваза, миска



определять, размещать

бодрый, веселый

жалкий, несчастный