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Your Home Assignment

I. Practise the use of the different tense-forms to express Future Actions in English.

1. We both hope that your leg (to be) better in a couple of weeks and you (to be able) to come to the wedding.

2. I never thought Jack (to be) so much upset.

3. I (to have) another English lesson this week.

4. I (to see) you at the conference.

5. The bus (to leave) at eight o’clock on Monday.

6. We (to go) to visit Estonia this summer. We’ve already received the visas.

7. As soon as I (to hear) the results I (to let) you know.

8. Supposing it (to snow) what we (to do)?

9. Look at the sun! It (to go) to be hot day tomorrow.

10. When they (to find out) about this, there (to be) trouble.

11. I was sure he (to be late)

12. When the train (to arrive) tomorrow night?

13. He felt that he (to have) to count on himself only.

14. They told us they (to go) to the States in three weeks.

15. You (to work) late tomorrow night?

16. This parcel looks heavy. I (to take) it to the post office for you.

17. Can you meet Jack at the station, please? He (to arrive) at nine o’clock on the train from Oxford.

18. Quick! The museum (to close) at half past five. The guide book says so.

19. I think I (to have) to take an umbrella because it is still raining.

20. They assured us that we (not to regret) if we (to join) them in the disco.

II. Translate into English and reproduce.


  • Какую компанию Вы представляете?

  • We represent a publishing house which is ready to establish business contacts with your company.

  • Вы готовы представлять нашу компанию за рубежом?

  • Of course. We can be your representatives in Spain and Finland. We can produce advertisements and distribute them among interested organizations.

  • Наша компания может быть надежным (reliable) партнером и выгодным (profitable) заказчиком.

  • We know it, that’s why we want to conclude a trade agreement.


  • Я пришел сделать предложение.

  • Very well. I know your company. I am very sorry we haven’t had any contacts.

  • Теперь у нас будет возможность заключить торговое соглашение.

  • What are the terms?

  • Надеюсь, условия будут выгодные и для нас и для вас.

  • Could you tell me the details?

  • Это мы обсудим позднее. Я не уполномочен (to be authorized) обсуждать это сейчас.


  • Вот моя визитная карточка. Я хотел бы поговорить с вашим управляющим.

  • Just a minute … This way, please.

  • Разрешите представиться, г-н Мортон. Моя фамилия Портер. Чарльз Портер. Я представляю фирму по производству пищевых продуктов.

  • Здравствуйте, г-н Портер! Садитесь, пожалуйста.

  • Я хочу обсудить условия торгового соглашения.

  • Я Вас слушаю.

III. Your business partner is calling you from London. He is going on business to Minsk.


  • когда он планирует к Вам приехать;

  • когда, прибывает его рейс, пообещайте встретить его в аэропорту;

  • не заказать ли ему номер в гостинице;

  • пожелайте ему счастливого пути.