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Unit 4 Simple past

Key vocabulary

to set up


to expand

to diversify

chain of supermarkets

to realize

to accept the job

to complain about slow service

with reference to…

to place the order

to hire

to do the catering

to run a business

to run out of something

to do one’s best

to deal with smb

a suitable job

to make a profit

to make a complaint

to go bankrupt

to write a report

to give a list of recommendations

to write out a cheque


to make some modifications

to pay by credit card

to pay cash

to pay in advance

to sell something at a profit

to sell at a loss

to sell out

to order some stock


to join forces

to set up a company


to continue working


to create an entirely new product

to succeed

tape recorder

to experiment

to make a breakthrough

to cut up strips


magnetic material

to heat

frying pan

to improve gradually

to complete a report

board of directors

to make smb redundant

loss-making subsidiary


to complain about late payment

Account(s) Department

to do book-keeping

  • відкрити

  • молочний магазин

  • розширятись

  • урізньоманітнюватися, різностороннє розвиватися

  • мережа супермаркетів

  • знати, усвідомлювати

  • погоджуватись на роботу

  • скаржитись на повільне обслуговування

  • в зв’язку з…, відносно…

  • розмістити замовлення

  • наймати

  • постачати їду та обслуговувати

  • керувати бізнесом

  • закінчуватись (про щось)

  • робити все можливе

  • мати справу з

  • підходяща робота

  • отримати прибуток

  • подавати скаргу, рекламацію

  • збанкрутувати

  • написати звіт

  • дати ряд рекомендацій

  • виписати чек

  • коробка передач

  • внести деякі модефікації

  • платити кредитною карткою

  • платити готівкою

  • платити авансом

  • продати, реалізувати з прибутком

  • продати, реалізувати зі збитком

  • розпродати

  • замовити товари в резерв (на склад)

  • співзасновник

  • об’єднати зусилля

  • відкрити компанію

  • дах

  • продовжувати працювати

  • замість

  • створити зовсім новий товар

  • мати успіх

  • магнітофон

  • експериментувати

  • зробити велике науково-технічне відкриття/досягнення

  • нарізати стрічки

  • котушка

  • магнетичний матеріал

  • нагрівати

  • сковорода

  • поступово покращувати

  • закінчити звіт

  • рада, правління директорів

  • звільнити когось за скороченням штатів

  • збиткова дочірня компанія

  • продавець

  • скаржитись на несвоєчасну оплату

  • бухгалтерія

вести бухгалтерію

A Form

+ S + Ved / V2

- S + did not + V

? (W) did + S + V

? Who Ved / V2 …?

The simple past (positive) is formed by using the past tense form. Regular verbs add-d or –ed to the bare infinitive to form the past tense. For negatives and questions we use the auxiliary did and the infinitive:

I/you/he/she/it/we/they worked/did not (didn’t) work.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they work? (Yes, I/you/etc. did. /No, I/you/etc. didn’t).

Time signals:

  • yesterday, the day before yesterday

  • last week, 6 months ago, long ago, in 2007, in September, on Sunday, at 5 o’clock,

  • once, one day, the other day, then, this morning (after 12.00),

  • just now, suddenly, immediately, at once, never, now and again, sometimes, often, every day

Common mistakes: A common mistake is to use the past tense form in negatives and in questions. We use the auxiliary did and bare infinitive:

Wrong: Did you checked the figures?

Right: Did you check the figures? No, I didn’t check them.

The verb to be follows a different pattern:

I/he/she/it was/was not (wasn’t)…

We/you/they were /were not (weren’t)…

Was I/he/she/it…? (Yes, I/he/she/it was. /No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.)

Were we/you/they…? (Yes, we/you/they were. No, we/you/they weren’t.)

B Irregular verbs

Many common verbs do not add -ed to the bare infinitive to form the simple past, but change in other ways. Look at these common examples:

I went to a very interesting presentation last week. (bare infinitive: go)

I rang her yesterday, but she wasn’t in the office. (bare infinitive: ring, be)

(A full list of common irregular verbs is in Appendix 2.)

C Completed actions

The simple past is used to talk about completed action in the past:

James Sainsbury set up a dairy in 1869. The business expanded and diversified, and eventually became the largest chain of supermarkets in Britain.

D Time expressions with prepositions

As in the example above, the simple past is often used with expressions that refer to points of time in the past. Look at the following common examples and at the prepositions that are used with them:

at 6 o’clock/1.15/the end of the year/Christmas

on Tuesday/15th May/the 21st/New Year’s Day

in January/1987/the 1980s/summer

no preposition yesterday/yesterday morning/last Monday/next April/a few days ago/the day before yesterday/when I was young


Exercise 1


Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Some of the sentences are positive statements, some are negative, and some are questions.

accept complain hire place realize study visit

  1. Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you. I didn’t realize you had a visitor.

  2. ______ you_______ economics when you were at university?

  3. She_______ _______the job because the salary was too low.

  4. Last week a number of customers ________ about slow service.

  5. _______ you ______ the Acropolis when you were in Greece?

  6. I am writing with reference to the order I ________with you last week.

  7. At last year’s launch party, who _______ you ________ to do the catering?

Exercise 2

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