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Unit 15 The future (4): possibility and probability

Key vocabulary


probably /

maybe/ perhaps

probably won’t

definitely won’t

to be + (un) likely

to be + (un) certain

I’m quite sure that…

I’m confident that…

I expect that…

The chanсes are that…

I should think that…

I shouldn’t think that…

I doubt if…

I doubt very much whether…

I’m quite sure that + (won’t)…

current estimate

to get the most votes

to get on overall majority

entertainment industry


tough negotiator

to attract many customers

better terms


extra finance


to relocate

to sign the deal

to win the contract

to deliver

take over the control of

to do military service

in the short term


to slow down


to do military service

political uncertainty

  • очевидно, точно, явно (100%)

  • ймовірно, напевно (75%)

  • можливо, мабуть (50%)

  • напевно не (25%)

  • очевидно, точно, явно не (0%)

  • (не) ймовірно

  • напевно (напевно не)

  • Я цілком впевнений, що…

  • Я впевнений, що…

  • Я сподіваюсь, що…

  • Є шанси того, що…

  • Я вважаю, що…

  • Я не думаю, що…

  • Я невпевнений, що…

  • Я суже сумніваюсь, що…

  • Я цілком впевнений, що це не…

  • поточна оцінка

  • отримати більшість голосів

  • отримати повну більшість

  • індустрія розважальних програм

  • кандидат

  • особа, що веде переговори з якою важко домовитись

  • залучати багато клієнтів

  • кращі умови

  • консорціум

  • додаткове фінансування

  • напівзавершений

  • переїзджати

  • підписати угоду

  • заключити договір (угоду)

  • доставляти

  • брати під контроль

  • проходити військову службу

  • скоро, невдовзі

  • підйом економічної активності

  • знижувати темп, уповільнюватись

  • оподаткування

  • військова служба

  • політична невизначеність

A Definitely, probably, etc.

We often use the words definitely, probably, and perhaps/ maybe to show how probable we think a future event is:


100% We will definitely increase our turnover next year.

75% The journey will probably take about an hour.

50% Maybe/ perhaps we will get some bigger orders soon.

25% The Financial Director probably won’t be at the meeting.

0% The shipment definitely won’t get there on time.

Notice that won’t normally comes after probably and definitely.

B likely to, certain to

We can also use the verb be + (un) likely/certain + infinitive to refer to the future. We use the present tense of the verb be and we do not say will be certain to. We use certain to to refer to things that we think are certain, likely to/ expected to to refer to things that are probable, and unlikely to to refer to things that are improbable:

You’ll meet Jane at the sales Conference next week. She is certain to be there.

(She will definitely be there.)

The final cost of the project is likely to be higher than the current estimates.

(It probably will be higher.)

The Bundesbank is unlikely to lower interest rates again this year.

(It probably won’t reduce them.)

C I think, I doubt

There are a number of verbs and other expressions that can show how probable we think a future event is. Here are some common examples:


I’m quite sure that…

I’m confident that…

I expect that…

The chances are that… they will give you a pay rise.

I should think that…

I shouldn’t think that…

I doubt if…

I doubt very much whether…

LOW PROBABILITY I’m quite sure that + (won’t)…

D Modal verbs

We can use may, might, and could + bare infinitive to refer to the future:

I believe that unemployment may/ might/ could fall over the coming months.

(For further information on modal verbs, see Units 23-26.)

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