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Final business Grammar test


Complete the sentences by putting the verb into the necessary tense form.

  1. The security guard _______ (notice) the broken window while he was _______ (walk) round the warehouse.

  2. _______ you _______ (manage) to see the Director or _______he _______ (go) by the time you got there?

  3. Could you help me? I _______ (try) to translate this letter from a Spanish client and I _______ (not know) what this word _______ (mean).

  4. She_______ (not accept) the job because the salary _______ (be) too low.

  5. Their shares _______ (fall) by over 23% and now it’s a good time for us to buy them.

  6. _______ you ever _______ (work) abroad ?

  7. I didn’t realize you had moved to Ciba Geigy. How long _______(you/work) for them?

  8. He felt very tired at 4.30 because he ___________ (work) with his clients all day.

  9. I first _______ (meet) Mr. Rodriguez when I _______ (go) round Mexico on a marketing trip.

  10. I _______ (can not) get into the office yesterday morning because I_______ (leave) my keys at home.

  11. The next order is for a local electronics factory, and now our head designer ________ (have discussions) with them to find out what sort of clothes they require.

  12. Last week a number of customers ________ (complain) about slow service.

  13. We _______ (spend) a lot on modernizing the factory, and it is now very well equipped.

  14. I _______never _______ (be) to America.

  15. We _______ (export) a lot of high technology equipment to Russia since the government relaxed export regulations.

  16. They realized that none of their confidential information was safe because someone __________ (supply) their competitors with details of their plans for the last few months.

  17. When she _______ (give) her presentation, someone at the back of the room _______ (interrupt) her to ask a question.

  18. We couldn’t call our new product Mono, because one of our competitors ________ (already/choose) this name.

  19. I _______ (work) for “Teletraining”. We _______ (make) training videos. At the moment we _______ (make) a training video for British Telecom.

  20. I _______ (write) with reference to the order I________ (place) with you last week.

  21. Unemployment is very high here because a lot of factories ________ (shut) down.

  22. They ________ already ________ (modernize) the warehouse, but they ________ (not/ decorate) the reception area yet.

  23. The price of cigarettes ________ (fall) sharply when Philip Morris started a price war, and it ________ (fall) ever since.

  24. She felt that a change of job would be good for her because she __________ (do) well at work by that time.

  25. _______ you _______ (see) John this morning?

  26. While my PA _______ (finalize) arrangements for my trip to Brazil, the clients _______ ring up) to cancel the visit.

  27. I _______ (find out) about the vacancy too late. When my application form arrived, they_______ (appoint) someone.

  28. I _______ (know) about the coming price rise for several weeks.

  29. We _______ (not/have) any large orders from them for several months.

  30. What _______ you _______ (do) here? I thought you _______ (go) to the airport.

  31. We_________ (do business) with that company a few years ago, but then we _______ (stop) dealing with them.

  32. I'm not sure if his trip is going well. I _______ (not/hear) from him since Monday.

  33. The lawyers _______ (draw) up the contracts, so we are now ready to go ahead with the deal.

  34. _______ you _______ (talk) Peter yet?

  35. Because of the recession, many businesses ___________ (not/invest) in capital equipment over the last couple of years.

  36. The accountant finally discovered why the phone bill was so high. One of the night security guards __________ (phone) his friend in Australia.

  37. The auditors _______ (notice) a large unauthorized withdrawal when they ________ (look) through the account.

  38. I _______ (be) in computing since the beginning of 1989.

  39. By the time he sold off the shares, his original investment_________ (grow) by 83%.

  40. I am afraid Mr. Jackson is not available at the moment. He _______ (talk) to a customer on the other phone.

  41. When the consultants ________ (finish) their study they________ (write a report) for the directors, giving a list of recommendations.

  42. I ________. (not/speak) to the MD about your proposal yet, but I will soon.

  43. I________ (make) contributions to my pension for the last five years.

  44. I _________ (be) with this company for six years.

  45. There was a very long delay at the airport. When we finally left, we __________ (wait) for over nine hours.

  46. The worker who died _____ (clean) the chemical tank when the accident ________. (happen).

  47. He ________ (find) his first few weeks at Ernst & Young very difficult because he_________ (not/study) accountancy before.

  48. The latest economic statistics show that at the moment both unemployment and inflation ________ (fall), and that the economy ________ (grow) at an annual rate of 2.6%.

  49. I am sorry I ______ (not/be) in touch for so long, but I ________ (be) very busy since I _________ (arrive) here on the 18th.

  50. They _________ (not/want) cash or a cheque, so I_________ (pay) by a credit card.

  51. _______ you ______ (find) a suitable replacement for Mr. Chamberls, or is the post steel vacant?

  52. We ________ (open) six new branches since July.

  53. How long ________you _________ (send) your trainees on management courses?

  54. When I left my last job, I __________ (work) there for ten years.

  55. She ________ (own) shares in ICI since she started work there.

  56. How long _______ you ________ (be) in England? I ________ (be) here since August.

  57. One of the removal men ________ (drop) my computer when he _________ (take) it into my office.

  58. When I ________ (get back) to the office, I was surprised to hear that the manager __________ (put) someone else in charge of my main project.

  59. This month we _________ (receive) a lot of complaints about late deliveries.

  60. He _______(work) with Agrichem in London for a couple of years in the early 90s, then _______(set) up his own business over here, and he _________(act) as a distributor of some of our agricultural machinery for the last year or so.


Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я ще не бачив проекту нашої угоди.

  1. Ми підписали довгострокову угоду з нашими поставниками після того, як провели детальну перевірку якості їх продукції.

  1. —Хто подає останні дані про ваших конкурентів на місцевому ринку? — Наш відділ маркетингу. Він часто отримує цю інформацію із обласного відділу торгівлі.

  1. Кому ти відсилаєш це повідомлення? — Наш директор з продаж зараз у відрядженні. Він завжди просить інформувати його про денні продажі.

  1. Як давно ви шукаєте нову роботу?

  1. З ким ви розмовляли по телефону, коли я прийшов?

  1. Вони переїхали в новий офіс цього місяця.

  1. Які товари ви виробляли впродовж трьох останніх років до того, як встановили нову виробничу лінію?

  1. Він щойно повернувся з відрядження.

  1. Два наших колеги беруть участь сьогодні в конференції з маркетингу.

  1. Ми зустріли Віктора на станції. Він купував білет.

  1. Відділ маркетингу ретельно вивчав ціни наших конкурентів з початку року перед тим, як затвердив цінову політику фірми на 2003 рік.

  1. Ви вже переклали статтю про нашу продукцію на англійську мову для наших зарубіжних інвесторів?

  1. Коли ми прийшли, всі учасники конференції сиділи за столом.

  1. Ви часто розмовляєте на англійській мові з зарубіжними партнерами по телефону

  1. Скільки років він був головним економістом до того як став директором заводу?

  1. На даний момент ми не співробітничаєм з зарубіжними партнерами.

  1. Ми не бачились з тих пір, як закінчили університет.

  1. Через глибоку економічну кризу в Україні рівень інфляції зріс на 5% на початку року.

  1. Як давно ви керуєте економічним відділом?

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