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Unit 9 Review: simple past, present perfect and present perfect continuous

Key vocabulary

to launch takeover bid

peak rate phone calls

sales forecast

to release a film

to fall steadily (about share price)

to end up (about share price)

to plummet to … (about share price)

to recover (share price)

to climb back

to confirm reservation order



to let smb know

to get on with smth

to be/get in touch with smb



response about …

to be confident

to be a great success

to make useful contacts

to act as a distributor


to become the sole distributor for …

precise sales

distribution network

to fax off

in the meantime

book display

to send the stock on ahead

enclosed CV

pensions salesman

life assurance

to get into trouble

to hand in one's resignation

to have considerable managerial experience

  • висувати пропозицію на покупку контрольного пакету акцій

  • телефонні дзвінки за тарифом пікових навантажень

  • прогноз продаж

  • показати фільм

  • постійно падати

  • досягати якоїсь позиції

  • стрімко впасти до …

  • повернутись до початкового рівня

  • піднятись назад

  • підтвердити замовлення

  • драхма ( грошова одиниця Греції )

  • кошмар, «страшний сон»

  • повідомити когось

  • робити успіхи в чомусь

  • зв’язатись (з кимось)

  • добриво

  • зворотний зв'язок, реакція

  • відгук про…

  • бути впевненим

  • мати великий успіх

  • встановити вигідні контакти

  • працювати дистриб’ютором

  • обладнання

  • стати єдиним дистриб’ютором (чогось)

  • точно визначені ціни

  • торгова мережа

  • вислати по факсу

  • тим часом

  • виставка книг

  • послати товар завчасно

  • вложене резюме

  • пенсійний агент

  • страхування життя

  • мати неприємності

  • подавати заяву про звільнення

  • мати значний організаційний досвід

A The simple past

We normally use the simple past to talk about actions that took place at a time that is separated from the present. It is used with expressions like yesterday, on Monday, last week, in 1989, at 6.30, How long ago…?, etc.:

Yesterday GKN launched a takeover bid for Westland.

He did his MBA at Cranfield in 1991.

We can use the simple past and for to talk about something that happened during a period that has now finished:

I lived in Singapore for three years; then I came back to England.

B The present perfect

The present perfect is used to talk about the present result of past actions and recent events, and is often used with words like ever, never, just, already, yet, and phrases of unfinished time such as so far:

British Telecom has cut the price of peak rate phone calls by 20%.

Have you ever tried Swiss wine?

We have spoken to each other on phone, but we have never met.

Don’t worry about the order from Siemens. I have already dealt with it.

I’m afraid I haven’t done that sales forecast yet. I’ll do it tomorrow.

The film was released two weeks ago and so far it has taken $45m.

C Present perfect simple+ for and since

The present perfect can be used with for and since and stative verbs, or to refer to actions that are seen as long term or permanent. We use for to talk about the duration of a period of time and since to talk about the stating point of an action or state:

I have been with the company since 2004.

I have lived here for 20 years.

It is also used in the negative with for and since to talk about the last time something took place:

I haven’t seen her since Monday.

I haven’t seen her for three days.

It is used with since to talk about completed actions:

Our market share has increased by 11% since we started advertising on TV.

D Present perfect continuous

The present perfect continuous can be used with for and since to talk about actions or activities that have gone on repeatedly or continuous for a period of time, and are still going on:

We’ve been producing over 1,000 units a week since the new factory opened.

Exercise 1

Simple past vs present Perfect (1)

Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined verbs. Put a tick next to the ones that are right, and correct the ones that are wrong.

  1. Over the last year or so, shareholders in the holiday group Owners Abroad have had a turbulent ride. ٧

  2. The shares have risen sharply at the beginning of the year on the news of the Airtours bid. ___

  3. Then the shares have fallen steadily for three or four months, ending up at 100p at the end of June. ___

  4. In July the shares plummeted to 60p because of the company’s difficulties. ___

  5. The shares have stayed at around 60p for most of July. ___

  6. At the beginning of August, the shares began to recover again.___

  7. Since August the shares have managed to recover. ___

  8. The share price has now climbed back to where it has been before the Airtours bid. ___ ___

Exercise 2

Simple past vs Present perfect (2)

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