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Assignment 2 Chapters хп-ххх

  1. Active vocabulary




to feel at home with smb



to be no great fry


to do smb a good turn


to take pains to do smth

accomplishment n

to see smb by stealth


to wash one's dirty linen

in public to know which side one's

bread is buttered

II. Exercises

1. Define the contextual meaning of these lexical units relying on an English-English dictionary:

considerate; casual; self-conscious; to exasperate; reserved to do a good turn; conceited; accomplishment; to take pains t do smth; repulsive

2. Give the corresponding nouns, translate them:

to flatter; considerate; casual; self-conscious; to exasperate; reserved; conceited; repulsive

3. Point out adjectives applying to human behaviour or personal qualities. Combine them with suitable nouns.

M о d e 1: A conceited man (fool, clerk, ass, youth, etc.).

4. Translate these sentences:

  1. At the party the young man felt self-conscious and tongue-tied. He could hardly feel at home among the dressed up people who took pains to show off their accomplishments and social gifts. The hostess decided to do him a good turn and engage him in a conversation. The youth found her tactful and considerate and her attention flattering.

  2. A casual remark caught his attention. "You say you love animals and you think snakes and insects repulsive. How is that?" "Oh, but insects and snakes are so different," answered a small boy in an exasperated tone.

  3. The woman takes great pains to keep her house clean and tidy, that is why her daughter may have no animals. The girl keeps a kitten in the cellar and sees her pet by stealth, poor child.

5. Find good Russian equivalents of the sayings:

to wash one's dirty linen in public; to know which side one's bread is buttered

Make up your own situations with them.

6. Make up short comic stories based on your own experience. Use the sentences below as suggestions:

  1. The girl took pains to look beautiful.

  2. A casual word caught my attention.

  3. You may do me a good turn if you ask me no questions.

  4. I like reserved people.

  5. This young man is no great fry, but he knows which side his bread is buttered.

  6. I don't want to see you by stealth.

  7. Thank you, you are so considerate to me.

  8. Who is this conceited ass?

  9. I am flattered.

  10. Unfortunately, I can't feel at home with self-conscious people.

  11. Her tone slightly exasperated me.

  12. A repulsive sight, wasn't it?

7. Recall the episodes from the chapters under discussion in which you came across the following words and expres­sions:

to feel at home with smb; to be no great fry; to do smb a good turn; accomplishment; to see smb by stealth; conceited

8. Point out words of evaluation applying to Walter; to Townsend.

9. Paraphrase or explain:

  1. He (Walter) could not bring himself to play the round games which Kitty with her high spirits found such a lark.

  2. He (Charles) never let red tape interfere with him.

  3. If he (Walter) wanted to make a scene, it was his look­out; he must not be surprised if he got more than he bargained for.

  4. He danced rottenly, he was a wet blanket at a party...

  5. "...when you come down to brass tacks a bacteriologist is no great, shakes...."

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