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Content of the examination in the History of English (4th year, I semester)


A. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. – М., 2005.

B. Reznik R.V., Sorokina T.S., Reznik I.V. A History of the English Language. – M., 2003.

C. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т.М. Практикум по истории английского языка. – С.-Пб., 2001.

D. Lectures (for all the themes).


1. The Indo-European languages. Classification. The origin of the Indo-Europeans and their language (D).

2. The earliest period of Germanic history. Proto-Germanic. (A, p.25 – 27).

Classification of Proto-Germanic (B, p. 17-21).

Linguistic features of Proto-Germanic languages. (A, p.34-40, 42-45, 46-48; B, p. 21-30).

Modern Germanic Languages (A, p. 24-25).

3. Chronological divisions in the history of English (A, p.49-55).

4. Old English: Germanic settlement of Britain (B, p.34-36).

5. Old English dialects. Linguistic situation (A, p.61-63; B, p.39-41).

6. Old English manuscripts and runic inscriptions (B, p.36-39, 43).

7. Old English alphabet and pronunciation (A, p.71-73; C, p.4-6).

8. OE phonetics. (A, p.75; B, p.44).

OE vowels: their origin and peculiarities of the system (B, p.78-79; A, p.84-85).

Independent and assimilative vowel changes in Old English (C, p.13-14, 17-22).

9. Old English consonant system: peculiarities, phonetic changes, origin of the phonemes (A, p.87-90; C, p.21-22).

10. Old English grammar: the nominal system (B, p.90; A, p.92-93, 45).

11. Old English noun: grammatical categories, morphological classification (A, p.93-96, C, p.26-30).

12. Old English adjective (A, p.105-108, B, p.101-103).

13. OE pronouns (A, p.102-104, B, p.99-101).

14. Old English verb: grammatical categories of the finite verb (A, p.109-112; B, p.109-110).

15. Old English verb: grammatical categories of the verbals (A, p.112-114).

16. Morphological classification of OE verbs (A, p.114-115; B, p.111-112).

Minor groups of verbs (A, p.122-124)


1) Transcribe the underlined words from the Old English text.

2) Give the etymological analysis of the words in bold type from the text.

3) Give the morphological analysis of the given words from the text.

Content of the examination in the History of English (4th year, II semester)


A. Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка. – М., 2005.

B. Reznik R.V., Sorokina T.S., Reznik I.V. A History of the English Language. – M., 2003.

C. Lectures.

1. Historical and linguistic situation in the 11 – 15 cc.

Scandinavian invasions (A, p.150-151)

Norman conquest (A, p.151-154, $299)

ME dialects (A, p.154-155, 159)

2. Development of the national literary English language (15-19 cc)

Formation of the English national language (B, p. 53-56)

Emergence of the nation (B, p. 64-71)

3. Spelling changes in ME (A, p.184-187)

4. Vowel system in ME

Unstressed vowels (A, p.190-191)

Stressed vowels (quantitative and qualitative changes (A, p.192-197), diphthongs (A, p.198-200)

Peculiarities and oppositions within the system (C.)

5. Consonant system in ME.

Sibilants and affricates, fricatives, loss of consonants (A, p.209-213)

Peculiarities and oppositions within the system (C.)

6. Vowel system in NE

Great Vowel Shift, vocalization of [r] and other quantitative and qualitative changes (A, p.200-202, 204-207). Peculiarities and oppositions within the system (C.)

7. Consonant system in NE.

Sibilants and affricates, “Verner’s Law in NE” and other changes (A, p.210-214)

Peculiarities and oppositions within the system (C.)

8. The Noun (A, p.222-229, C.)

Decay of declensions. Grammatical categories (gender, case, number) in ME and NE in comparison with OE.

9. Personal Pronouns. (A, p.230-234, C.)

Lexical replacements. Categories of gender, case and number in OE, ME and NE. Possessive pronouns (absolute and conjoint forms).

10. Demonstrative Pronouns. (A, p.234-236, C.)

Categories of gender, case and number in OE, ME and NE. The article.

11. The adjective (A, p.237-240, C.)

Decay of declensions. Grammatical categories (gender, case, number, degrees of comparison) in ME and NE compared with OE.

12. Finite forms of the verb.

Categories of number, person, mood and tense in ME and NE compared with OE (A, p.241-245). Morphological classes (B, p. 159-163). Irregular verbs (B, p. 164-166). Development of the categories of voice, time-correlation and aspect (A, p.267-273).

13. Verbals.

The Infinitive, Part.I and Part.II in ME and NE in comparison with OE (A, p.245-247). Analytical forms (A, p.274-276). The Gerund (A, p.247-248).

14. Minor groups of verbs (A, p.256-259).

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