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After “Beowulf” and before Chaucer

Although the metrical style of Old English was later replaced by the rhyming poetic forms brought in by the Normans, alliterative verse, in a modified style, continued to be written until the fifteenth century.

Name two greatest works of the so-called alliterative revival.

I. In his “Visions of Piers Plowman” William Langland presented a broad vision of the society of the 14th century.

Read the prologue (http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/langland.html).

Enumerate what professions and occupations are presented in hero's strange dream?

When the author describes characters what is his special attention drawn to?

How do you think, why do scholars say that we can study the Medieval epoch with the help of this book (as well as with the help of “The Canterbury Tales”)?

II. Read the legend “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. Speak about codex of honour in chivalric romance. Base your arguments on the plot of the legend.

III. Study the book “Death of Arthur” by Thomas Malory.

a) What is courtly love and how is this cult presented in the book of Malory?

In Morte d'Arthur love vs. duty is an important theme. What is Malory's idea of the importance of these two? Which does he value more? Explain.

Point out what the chivalric and Christian code respectively is. Explain how Lancelot is loyal to the chivalric code, but not to the Christian code, and how it leads to his demise.

Think about the following thesis: Sir Lancelot is a hero or a betrayer? Give arguments. Base them on the text.

b) Do you agree with the statement that heroic epos is addressed to a warrior and the romance is addressed to a lady?

c) Read the story of Tristram and Isolde in Malory's book. Compare the plot with other versions of this legend. What did Malory change?

d) Religion plays a significant role in Malory's epic, often as allegory. Discuss some of the images of Christianity that are present and explore their influences on Arthur's court and Round Table.

Be ready to have a short quiz!

What were the Celts like?

Why was Alfred the Great considered a national hero?

Who was Thomas Becket? How did he die? In which Medieval book can did you find his name?

How did the plague help end feudalism?

What ideas appear in “Beowulf” because of the 300+ year gap between when it was composed and when it was written down?

What were most plays about during the Medieval Period?

Whom is one of the most popular series of ballads about?

What was the name of King Arthur's sword?

What is a 'foot' in a line of poetry?

What year was the Norman Conquest of England?

What are the first names of Chaucer and Malory?

Name English poets before Norman invasion.


1. Беовульф. Старшая Эдда. Песнь о Нибелунгах/Ст. и коммент. О.А. Смирницкой. — С. 631—659; Ст. и коммент. А.Я. Гуревича. — С. 707-749. - М., 1975.

2. Зарубежная литература средних веков: Нем., исп., ит., англ..: Хрестоматия/Сост. Пуришев Б.И. — М., 1975. — С. 261—273.

  1. Мельникова Е.А. Меч и лира. Гл. 7.— Героический мир англосаксонского эпоса.— М., 1987.— С. 167—181.

  2. Критический обзор Серебрякова С.Б. «Европейские теории генезиса куртуазной любви»//Вопр. древнегрузинской лит. и руставелологии. - 1974. - № 4. - С. 153-174.

  3. Древнеанглийская поэзия / О.А. Смирницкая, В.Г. Тихомиров. — М., 1982

  4. Мэлори Т. Смерть Артура/Б.И. Пуришев. — М., 1974. — (Лит. па­мятники).

  5. Легенда о Тристане и Изольде/Ст. Михайлова А.Д. История ле­генды о Тристане и Изольде. — М., 1976.

  6. История зарубежной литературы: Раннее средневековье и Воз­рождение. — Раздел III. — Гл. 12. — Рыцарский роман. — М., 1961. — С. 125-141.

  7. Михайлов А.Д. «Смерть Артура» сэра Томаса Мэлори//Мэлори Т. Смерть Артура: Роман-эпопея. — В 8 кн. — М., 1991. — Т. 1. — Кн. 1—5. — С. 5—21/Предисл. А. Скогорева.

  8. Попова М.К. Английский рыцарский роман в стихах. — XII—XIV //филол. науки. - 1983. - № 5. - С. 23-29.

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