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Методичні вказівки до читання текстів англійськ....doc
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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Херсонський національний технічний університет

Кафедра іноземних мов

Рег. №29/129 – 07.05.08

Методичні рекомендації

та індивідуальні завдання для самостійної роботи студентів

з дисципліни „Іноземна мова (англійська)”_____

для студентів І-ІІ-ІІІ курсу__________________

напряму підготовки 6.020207 Дизайн__________

галузі знань 0202 Мистецтво_________________

факультету кібернетики_____________________

Херсон 2008

Методичні рекомендації та індивідуальні завдання для самостійної роботи студентів з дисципліни „Іноземна мова (англійська)”.

/ Укладач: Краснонос Л.М., кількість сторінок 77

Рецензент: Фоменко Н.С.


на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

протокол № _ від _________________

Зав.кафедри _________доц. Фоменко Н.С.

Відповідальний за випуск: зав. каф. доц. Фоменко Н.С.


Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять “Методичні рекомендації та індивідуальні завдання для самостійної роботи студентів для спеціальності дизайн” містить автентичні тексти про художників та напрямки живопису, тестові завдання, комунікативні вправи; словник до кожного тексту, та ключі до вправ.

Тексти та завдання призначені для навчання зрілому професійно-орієнтованому читанню, як важливого компонента підготовки майбутніх спеціалістів в галузі дизайну. Тексти відібрані відповідно до рівня знань, тобто по наростаючій складності лексичного та граматичного матеріалу та змісту згідно етапу навчання. Тексти цікаві за змістом та інформативні. Комунікативні завдання носять творчий та проблемний характер, типу: доведіть, прокоментуйте, опишіть, поясніть. Такі вправи сприяють також розвитку вмінь усного мовлення. Дані методичні рекомендації слугують також тому, щоб викликати у студентів інтерес до вивчення текстового матеріалу, іноземної мови та розширенню їхнього світогляду.

Тексти для іі етапу навчання Text 1

І. Reading.

Read the text “The Modern Venus” and do the exercises given after the text.

The modern venus

It happened in Rome. George Arnold, a poor artist, who had come from the USA to Italy to study art, fell in love with Mary Brown, the beautiful daughter of a rich American businessman. The girl loved the young sculptor too, but her money-loving father would not allow her to marry George.

One day Mr. Brown called the young man to his office and said to him, "My dear sir, I cannot allow my daughter to marry a poor man. If you want to be my daughter's husband you should have fifty thousand dollars. When you show me the money you can marry my daughter."

George was at a loss what to do. He did not know what to answer. He had no idea how to get such a big sum of money. "You must get the sum within six months," Mr. Brown added. "If you don't get the money she will marry another man." George went home. He felt very unhappy. "What am I to do?" he thought. He had nothing to sell except a beautiful statue of a girl — his last work. But he knew that nobody would buy it as he was not famous.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of John Smith. John Smith was a pleasant clever fellow. George had made friends with him on board a steamer. They had come to Italy by the same steamer and they had been good friends since. George told John about his conversation with Mary's father and asked him for advice.

"You say, he gives you six months to get the money, doesn't he?" asked John. "It's a lot of time and I'll help you. But promise not to protest if I do something that you don't like." "I promise," George answered.

John came up to the statue, broke off her nose, part of her right arm and her left leg. Then he put on his hat, took the statue and left.

Two months later a story appeared in one of the Italian newspapers. It said that Mr. John Smith, an American gentleman, had bought for a small sum of money a piece of land not far from Rome. One day while digging the earth he found a wonderful statue of a beautiful woman. Unfor­tunately, the nose, the left leg and the right arm were gone. The experts said they were sure that the statue was a Venus and the work of some unknown artist. They also stated that it cost about ten million francs. Mr. Smith was to be paid five million francs and the statue was to be taken to one of the Italian museums. "Good luck!" said the Americans and immediately decided to form a company which would buy up lands in Italy.

As to George Arnold he married Mary Brown and they lived happily but George never mentioned to anybody what he knew about the famous Venus.

ІІ. Comprehension.

Exercise 1. Find where in the text it is said:

  1. that George did not Know where he could get fifty thousand dollars;

  2. that John broke off some parts of the status George made;

  3. that Americans decided to form a company to buy up lands in Italy.

Exercise 2. Find in the text the answers to the following questions:

  1. What was George Arnold?

  2. Whom did he want to marry?

  3. What was Mr. Brown’s condition?

  4. How did George’s friend John help him?

Exercise 3. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. Mary Brown was a daughter of a famous painter;

  2. The condition of Mr. Brown was that George should have 50-thousand dollars to marry Mary Brown.

  3. George’s friend John decided to help him.

  4. John lended him 50 thousand dollars;

  5. Mr. Brown gave George one month to get the money;

  6. A statue of Venus was made by some unknown sculptor many centuries ago;

Exercise 4. Reading comprehension test.

  1. It happened in

  1. America;

  2. Italy;

  3. England.

2. George Arnold was

  1. an American businessman;

  2. an artist;

  3. a young sculptor;

  1. Mary Brown’s father was

  1. a very rich man;

  2. an Italian businessman;

  3. George Arnold’s friend;

  1. The condition of Mary’s father was that

a) George should make a beautiful sculpture to marry his daughter;

b) George should have fifty thousand dollars to marry his daughter;

c) George should have a million to marry his daughter;

  1. John Smith helped George to get money

  1. he lended him 50 thousand dollars;

  2. he pursuaded Mary’s father to change his mind;

  3. he sold George’s sculpture;

d) he found a well-paid job for George;

  1. John Smith published in the newspaper an article that

  1. an ancient sculptor of a woman was found on his plot of land;

  2. that George Arnold made a beautiful sculpture of a woman;

  3. that George Arnold would marry Mary Brown;

7. George Arnold

  1. told everybody that he made the sculpture;

  2. told Mary Brown that he made the sculpture;

  3. told nobody about the sculpture.

ІІІ. Speech practice

Exercise 5. Prove that John Smith was a real George’s friend.

Exercise 6. Describe how John made of George’s statue an ancient Venus.

Exercise 7. Make up the plan of the story and retell it.