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1 курс 2010Unit_2_HOUSING_NOV_2009.doc
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4.3 Review


Task 1. Underline the most suitable word.

  1. As you can see, the garden has two ornamental iron doors/gates and there is a stone path/pavement leading to the house.

  2. This is the front entry/entrance, but there is another door at the edge/side of the house.

  3. All the rooms have covered/fitted carpets.

  4. All the cupboards/wardrobes in the kitchen and the bookshelves/library in the living room are included in the price.

  5. There is a beautiful stone chimney/fireplace in the living room, and there are sinks/washbasins in all the bedrooms.

  6. At the top of the stairs/steps there is a coloured/stained glass window.

  7. The bathroom has a shower/washer and modern mixer pipes/taps.

  8. At the top of the house there is a/an attic/cellar and the garden contains a glasshouse/greenhouse and a garden hut/shed.

  9. There is a wooden fence/wall on one side of the garden, and a bush/hedge on the other.

  10. This is a fine single/detached house in a quiet neighbourhood/suburb.

Task 2. Match the words in the box with a suitable explanation (a-l). Not all words given are possible.





central heating dishwasher









door knocker


  1. Rectangular hole in the front door ___letterbox___.

  2. Long narrow rectangular piece of wood or metal fixed to the wall. __________

  3. Short road between the street and a house or its garage. __________

  4. Use this if you want someone to open the front door. __________

  5. Put the dirty dishes in this. __________

  6. This system makes the house warm. __________

  7. A small carpet. __________

  8. More than one person can sit on this. __________

  9. An area at the top of some stairs. __________

  10. Wipe your feet on this before you enter the house. __________

  11. Pull these to cover the windows. __________

  12. Small seat without back or arms. __________

Task 3. Complete each sentence with the words home, house or a word formed from one of these words.

  1. The old couple decided to live in an “old people's ____home_____”.

  2. Jane can't stand washing and ironing and other __________.

  3. Graham bought a terraced __________ in a quiet city street.

  4. Many __________ people sleep on the streets of London.

  5. Jack was unable to look after his children so he employed a __________.

  6. I come from Newcastle. It's my __________ town, you could say.

  7. Paul used to live on the river on a __________ boat.

  8. When I went to boarding school I felt very __________ sick at first.

  9. Our first home was on the __________ estate on Oakwood Hill.

  10. Pour yourself a drink and make yourself at __________.

Task 4. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1) The view from the skyscraper _____D_____ over New York harbour.

A) shows up B) sees about C) stands up D) looks out

2) The old houses opposite are going to be __________.

A) broken down B) knocked down C) put down D) taken down

3) __________! You're about to push the wheelbarrow over my foot!

A) hang up B) stop off C) get away D) look out

4) Please __________ the rubbish because the dustman is coming tomorrow.

A) take in B) make up C) put out D) tie down

5) Please come and unblock our drains! I'm __________ you!

A) doing without B) counting on C) seeing to D) waiting for

6) I can't put these plants in pots. I've __________ earth.

A) run out of B) put up with C) given up D) come up with

7) We __________through the window by climbing up a ladder.

A) fell out B) got in C) ended up D) set off

8) I've been planting trees all day and I'm __________.

A) worn out B) taken in C) run down D) grown up

Task 5. Use the word given in capitals (1-10) to form a word that fits in the space.


When Ann decided to move house, it was mainly because she was tired of the (1) __neigbourhood__ she lived in. It was crowded, there was a (2) __________ of parking places, and the view from her (3) __________ windows was of distant factory chimneys. Luckily she arranged the (4) __________ of her house very easily, and with a small (5) __________ from the bank, was able to buy a house in the country. It was an old farm building, which had been (6) __________and turned into a modern house. After loading all her belongings in a van, Ann managed to get them into the new house (7) __________. She (8) __________ most of the rooms with what she already owned. Even her curtains were the right (9) __________ for the windows and she only had to buy a new (10) __________ for the kitchen. It seemed too good to be true. Surely something would go wrong!


  2. SHORT


  4. SELL

  5. LEND

  6. BUILD



  9. LONG

  10. COOK

Task 6. Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

  1. Laura was sitting beside the fire in a comfortable armchair/sofa.

  2. We drove out of the village along a winding lane/path.

  3. Steve redecorated his room with flowery posters/wallpaper.

  4. Put the meat in the cooker/oven for two hours.

  5. These plums are ripe. They need picking/picking up.

  6. Peter was in the garden mowing the flowers/lawn.

  7. We used to keep the coal downstairs in the cave/cellar.

  8. Why don't you put the car in the car park/parking?

  9. Kate lives in a flat on the first floor/storey.

  10. Put your wet socks on the central heating/radiator to dry.

  11. Let's take the runway/motorway, we'll get there faster.

  12. Go and get the lawnmower. The grass is/are very long.

  13. I like the painting but I don't like the frame/surrounding.

  14. Mary has a lot of small ornaments on her window shelf/sill.

  15. There's someone at/on the door. Can you see who it is?

Task 7. Match the words in the box with a suitable explanation (a-o).
















  1. Put this over you if you are cold in bed. ___duvet___

  2. Put this behind your back if you are sitting uncomfortably. __________

  3. This describes city places. __________

  4. These protect your windows outside and can be closed in bad weather. __________

  5. This is paper dropped in the street. __________

  6. This is the top of the room. __________

  7. This is a bed with others above it. __________

  8. This describes country places. __________

  9. This is the top of the house. __________

  10. Put this under your head when you go to sleep. __________

  11. Close this to keep the sunlight out of your room. __________

  12. This is anything you throw away in the dustbin. __________

  13. This is home for your pet dog. __________

  14. This is the stone edge of the pavement at the side of the road. __________

  15. The smoke goes up this from the fireplace. __________

Task 8. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the list below. Use each item once only.



share a flat

doing the washing-up



double glazing

replace the fuse



household chores

spare bedroom



lay the table

storage space

    1. When my mother came to live with us I had the garage __________ into a bed-sitting room.

    2. Fitting __________ has made the room warmer and reduced noise.

    3. Let's have supper in the __________ and watch the late-night news.

    4. His kitchen is fitted with every kind of __________ from a coffee grinder to an electric tin-opener.

    5. Since I had a shower __________ I've hardly ever had a bath.

    6. I only have to __________ and the video will be working again.

    7. If you could help clear the table, I'll start __________.

    8. My bedroom has a spacious __________ where I hang all my clothes.

    9. We live in a __________ house so we get noise from the neighbours on both sides.

    10. They can easily put her up in their __________.

    11. Dinner's ready so will you __________?

    12. I really hate dusting, ironing and all the other __________.

    13. We need some more __________ to put all the games and toys away.

    14. She left a pile of clothes on the second-floor __________.

    15. He used to __________ with a colleague before he found a place of his own.

    16. There's a __________ under the house where we store the produce we grow in our garden.

Task 9. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


The entrance to the flat was at the (1) _____A_____ of the house. Jane had to walk along a (2) __________ across the lawn and past a (3) __________ full of gardening equipment. Inside the back door there was a flight of (4) __________ and then another door on the (5) __________. It was a (6) __________ flat with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. There was not a lot of (7) __________ but certainly enough for a student like Jane. There was a/an (8) __________ in the living room with an electric fire, and the kitchen had a small (9) __________ and a fridge. The bathroom did not have a bath, only a (10) __________ and a basin, but Jane didn't mind. She was thinking about other problems. There wasn't a washing (11) __________, and there was no (12) __________ heating. It was raining outside, and the flat felt damp and chilly. On the bed there were some (13) __________ and a duvet, but no (14) __________. It was lucky that Jane had brought a sleeping bag. As she was wondering what to do next, there was a knock (15) __________ the door.
















  • side

  • road

  • room

  • ladder

  • roof

  • multi-storey

  • furniture

  • oven

  • cook

  • waterfall

  • machine

  • central

  • wrappings

  • whites

  • for

  • inside

  • way

  • shed

  • upstairs

  • landing

  • semi-detached

  • rent

  • fireplace

  • cookery

  • shower

  • up

  • much

  • rugs

  • sheets

  • behind

  • beginning

  • path

  • cellar

  • rooms

  • balcony

  • furnished

  • neighbours

  • cooker

  • cooker

  • splash

  • room

  • radiator

  • carpets

  • spreads

  • to

  • garden

  • stairs

  • floor

  • stairs

  • bottom

  • cottage

  • housing

  • cooking

  • cooking

  • sink

  • powder

  • good

  • blankets

  • cloths

  • at

Task 10. Translate into English

  1. - Где ты хранишь садовый инвентарь? В сарае?

- К сожалению, нет. Дети превратили сарай в игровую комнату. А мне каждый раз приходится спускаться в подвал даже за граблями!

- А что тогда у тебя на чердаке?

- Жена использует его как место для хранения вещей.

  1. - Какой из этих домов твой?

- Вот тот, с декоративным железным забором, где перед крыльцом растут большие деревья.

- А я думал тот, с живой изгородью, где вдоль боковых стен дома растут розовые кусты.

  1. - Я не видел тебя сто лет! Ты переехал?

- Да, я купил отдельный дом в прошлом году. Я устал от нашего шумного района. Да и наша квартира была тесновата, и в ней было слишком холодно зимой. В нашем новом доме есть все удобства: центральное отопление, большие батареи во всех комнатах, окна с двойным остеклением, а на полах везде ковровое покрытие. На кухне встроенная техника, а в ванной современные смесители. Единственный минус – это то, что наш жилой микрорайон очень далеко от центра, и мне приходится ездить на работу каждый день.

  1. Из моего окна открывается вид на ряд старых домов. Но их скоро снесут, чтобы построить новые многоквартирные, а мне придется “любоваться” стройкой.

  2. Труба опять забилась! Кто сможет пробить затор?

  3. Жильцам этих старых многоквартирных домов приходится выносить мусор на улицу. С другой стороны, им не надо стричь газон вокруг их домов.

  4. В Дубне нехватка мест для парковки машин. Поэтому у новых домов строят многоуровневые парковки.

  5. Традиционно на кухнях в России стоят табуретки, а не стулья.

  6. Тебе надо обязательно купить половик и положить его перед входной дверью в подъезде, а еще в коридоре – маленький коврик. А то у тебя песок на полу по всей квартире.

  7. Мечта многих женщин в России – это посудомоечная машина. Но они не могут себе этого позволить, так как кухни обычно не очень просторные.

  8. По вечерам муж с женой садились на диван перед телевизором. Она даже купила специальные подушечки, чтобы им было удобнее смотреть телевизор.