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2 Now read the text carefully and answer the questions on the presentation content.

1. What does the Department lay special emphasis on?

2. What are the main principles the material of the course chosen for?

3. What is the instruction method?

4. What objectives will the course help you to reach?

5. What does success in achieving your aims depend on?

6. Do you think it is important for a specialist to know a foreign language?

3 Analyse the presentation language. Find in the text above English equivalents for the following word combinations.

1. Век живи – век учись.

2. давать значительное преимущество (над)

3. Знания за плечами не носить.

4. поощрять постоянное изучение языка

5. развивать коммуникативные умения.

6. лингвистическая подготовленность

7. делать основной акцент (на)

8. приобретение умений

9. метод обучения

10. актуальность и оригинальность (подлинность)

11. современные темы

12. работать с полной отдачей (в полную силу)

13.будем делать все от нас зависящее

14. использовать способности и таланты.





















4 Interpret the ideas from the presentation. Give your opinion using the following expressions:

I think that ... I strongly believe that ...

I am sure that ... I am convinced that ...

1. Professionals must be versatile and knowledgeable about how to communicate with multicultural audiences and markets.

2. Everybody studying the course of English at university will enlarge their vocabulary and develop grammar skills.

3. The course of English is aimed to improve students’ reading abilities.

4. The graduates will become more fluent and confident in using the English language.

5. The problem with remembering words is not so much storing them in our minds as recalling them when we want to.

6. Good knowledge of English will increase career prospects of a specialist in any field.

7. Most people arrive at their fluency in a foreign language only as a result of hard work, expended over a considerable period of time.

8. Knowledge of English can be beneficial to any career.

9. The knowledge of a foreign language helps to keep pace in a rapidly evolving profession.

10. Linguistic proficiency often gives graduates a vital edge over other applicants.

making A presentation of your own