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Post-reading Exercises

Ex.1 Read and translate the following dialogues:

Opening an Account


Man: Good morning.

Cashier: Good morning, sir.

M: I’d like to open an account, please.

C: Certainly, sir. Do you live in Geneva?

M: Yes. I’m at the Interpreters’ School.

C: Are you a student?

M: Yes.

C: What sort of account would you like?

M: A current account, I think.

C: Have you got any large sums to deposit?

M: No, only a thousand euros or so a month.

C: Well, we can open a current account with a cheque book for you as long as the initial sum is at least three thousand euros. But I’d advise you in your cast to take an account that gives you more interest, and which is more practical. We normally advise students to open deposit accounts.

M: Can I take out money whenever I like?

C: Yes. There are two or three types of account. They permit you to withdraw up to ten thousand euros a month.

M: Can I receive money directly from abroad?

C: Certainly.

M: And can I withdraw at a branch office?

C: Certainly, though it may be more convenient to open your account in our branch near the University.

M: No, I live quite near here. Do I need a passport?

C: Yes.

M: I’m afraid I haven’t got it. Will my student card do?

C: No, I’m afraid not.

M: I’ll come back later, then.

C: Very good, sir.


Bank Clerk: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Oleg Rodimov: Good morning. I would like to open a savings account. I’d like to open it with a deposit of one thousand dollars.

Clerk: Would you please fill out this application. Besides you need to write a deposit ticket for 1000 dollars. If you have any questions, I’ll be glad to assist you.

O.R. fills out the application and deposit ticket.

Clerk: Everything is correct. Here is your pass-book. The bank will pay you 5% interest.

O.R.: Thank you for your assistance.


Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you?

Oleg Rodimov: Good afternoon. I’m here to open a checking account. My name is Oleg Rodimon. My wife’s name is Vera.

C.: Do you want a joint account with your spouse?

R.: Yes, I do. Is there a minimum balance required?

C.: If you open a checking account, you are supposed to maintain an average daily balance of 1000 dollars. As long as you keep this average balance, you won’t be charged for banking services of six dollars a month and you wont’ be charged for you transactions.

R.: What is meant by transaction charge?

C.: You’ll have to pay 25 cents for each check made by you or your spouse, and also 25 cents for each cash withdrawal.

R.: I’d like to open a checking account with a deposit or 1500 dollars. Is that okay?

C.: It’s perfectly all right. You can order your check books after having filled out an application and your deposit ticket.

R. is filling out an application and deposit ticket.

R.: Is anything wrong?

C.: Everything is correct. Now you can order your check books.

R.: Thanks a lot for your assistance.