- •Aнглийский язык для студентов специальностей «Финансы и кредит», «буАиА»
- •Preface
- •Contents
- •Unit I economy and economics Warming up
- •Topical Vocabulary
- •Verbs and word-combinations with verbs:
- •Word Study
- •Text I Economy. Types of Economic Systems.
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Text II What Is Economics?
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Post-reading Activities
- •Discussion
- •Unit II the belarusian economy Warming up
- •Topical Vocabulary
- •Word Study
- •Verb----------noun
- •Text The Belarusian Economy
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Post-reading Exercises
- •Discussion
- •Unit III Money
- •Topical Vocabulary
- •Verbs and verb phrases
- •Word Study
- •Money Makes the World Go Round
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Post-reading Exercises
- •Unit IV banking
- •Word Study
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Post-reading Exercises
- •Opening an Account
- •Withdrawing Money From the Account
- •Changing Foreign Currency
- •Discussion
- •Unit V finance and credit Warming up
- •Topical Vocabulary
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Text 2
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Text 3 careers in finance
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Post-reading Exercises
- •Discussion
- •Curriculum
- •Содержание учебного материала по специальности «финансы и кредит»
- •Self-study Term I
- •Variant I the united kingdom economy
- •Variant II the american economy
- •Text work
- •To do away … … competition to place regulations … economic practices
- •To be based … a free enterprise system to be involved … the construction
- •Ex. 3 Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.
- •Term II
- •Variant I
- •2. Translate the following words and expressions:
- •3. Match the words in Column a with their definitions in Column b.
- •4. Match the words in Column a with the words in Column b to make up possible combinations.
- •5. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pair.
- •6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence and insert it in the correct form:
- •7. Insert prepositions where necessary:
- •Variant II
- •2. Translate the following words and expressions:
- •3. Match the words in Column a with their definitions in Column b.
- •4. Match the words in Column a with the words in Column b to make up possible combinations.
- •5. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pair
- •6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence and insert it in the correct form:
- •7. Insert prepositions where necessary:
- •Variant III
- •2. Translate the following words and expressions:
- •3. Match the words in Column a with their definitions in Column b.
- •4. Match the words in Column a with the words in Column b to make up possible combinations.
- •5. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pair
- •6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence and insert it in the correct form:
- •7. Insert prepositions where necessary:
- •Selling on Credit
- •Indebtedness, down payment, currency, deposit, purchases, charge, statement, certified copy, price, to finance
- •Text 2 Gross Domestic Product
- •Text 3 Unemployment
- •Inflation
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Text-based Exercises
- •In the lines 1 - 5 , Robyn see examples of all three. What are they?
- •3. Can you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle)?
- •4. Which sector do you intend to work in or do you already work in?
- •International Economic Relations
- •Unit III Text 1
- •English Banknotes and Coins
- •American Money
- •Counterfeiting
- •Glimpses of History of Money
- •Unit IV Text 1 Types of loans made by banks
- •International Banking
- •Text 3 The Regulation of International Banking
- •Text 4 What is a Central Bank?
- •Text 5 The Federal Reserve System
- •Unit V Text 1 Credit Cards and their Holders
- •Text 2 Credit Union
- •Text-based Exercises
- •Bibliography
Text-based Exercises
Ex. 1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.
С точки зрения (в плане) природных богатств; мировой лидер; высокоразвитая промышленная страна; тяжелая промышленность; отсутствие плодородных земель; малый бизнес; потреблять; бывшие советские республики; независимость; открытая рыночная экономика; создавать равные возможности; равные условия; государственное регулирование, современный уровень социальных гарантий, введение посредством поспешной (необдуманной) приватизации, отечественное производство.
Ex. 2. Translate the words and phrases in brackets into English.
1. Belarus has (хорошо развитую) economy. 2. The country has small (запасы) of petroleum and gas. 3 . Machine-building industry is mostly (сосредоточена) in Minsk. 4. Most of refining (происходит) in the Novopolotsk and Mozyr regions. 5. Agriculture (составляет) about a seventh of Belarus’ economic output. 6. ( В недалеком прошлом) service industries were undeveloped in Belarus. 7. Belarus (потребляет) only 13 per cent of the goods produced. 8. Most industries continue to be (под государственным контролем). 9. Special attention (уделяется) agriculture.
Ex. 3. Make up sentences with the jumbled words.
has / reserves / the country / forest / large.
country / now / industrial / is / a highly developed / Belarus.
economic activity / today / is / private / flourishing.
sale / government / Belarus / purchase / in / controls / of land / and.
Ex. 4. Group the words that follow into six antonymous groups:
cheap high poor rich
employment long private short
expensive low public unemployment
Ex. 5. Match the verbs in column A with the nouns in column B.
to possess business
to manufacture inflation
to cultivate the economy
to start computers
to conduct reserves
to ensure land area
to control manufactures
to stimulate prosperity
to encourage trade
Ex. 6. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate terms from the list below.
agriculture; farming; heavy industry; forest reserves;
service industries; trading partner; small businesses; potassium salts;
farmland; livestock; industrial production;
Minerals are used in modern ___________.
The country has large _________.
Belarus possesses one of the world’s largest reserves of _________.
_________ is the most highly developed sector of the economy.
_________ accounts for about a seventh of Belarus’ economic output.
Belarus has a large amount of ________.
A short growing season and a lack of fertile soil make _________ difficult.
Cattle, hogs and sheep are the most important ________ raised in the country.
________ are industries that produce services, not goods.
Many individuals and families are starting ________.
Russia, which supplies most of the country’s fuel imports, is the most important ________.
Ex. 7. Re-read the first two paragraphs of the text to find out which of the following statements are false. Correct them.
1. Belarus has a small amount of natural resources.
2. The country has large deposits of petroleum and natural gas.
3. We have large forest reserves in our republic
4. Belarus possesses one of the world’s largest reserves of diamonds.
5. The country is dependent on Russia for most of its oil, gas and energy.
6. Our republic is a world leader in the production of peat.
7. We don’t have any other minerals.
Ex. 8. Find information concerning the following points in the text.
1. The share of agriculture in the economic output of the country.
2. The amount of farmland (cultivated and arable).
3. Principal crops.
4. Important livestock.
Ex. 9. Join the beginnings and the ends to make meaningful statements reflecting the information from the text.
1. Heavy industry is … .
2. Machine-building industry makes … .
3. Chemical industry produces … .
4. The main industries include … .
5. Belarus manufactures … .
6. The chief chemical product is … .
7. Our republic produces such consumer goods as … .
A. ... machine building, instrument making, chemicals, oil refining, electronics, transport vehicles and tractors.
B. … the most highly developed sector of the economy.
C. … potassium fertilizer.
D. … various types of tractors, heavy-duty trucks, large-capacity dump trucks, other heavy machinery and electrical equipment.
E. … clocks and watches, motorcycles, bicycles, refrigerators, radios, television sets and others.
F. … computers, engineering equipment, metal-cutting tools, chemicals, electrical equipment, electronics, motor vehicles.
G. … chemical fibers, mineral fertilizes, petrochemicals, plastics, soda ash and synthetic resins.
Ex. 10. Express the main idea of the paragraph about service industries in one or two sentences.
Ex. 11. Choose from the nouns given below:
a) main trading partners of Belarus;
b) other countries which have trading contacts with our republic;
(Ukraine, Austria, China, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, the United States, Poland, Australia, Japan)
c) major imports of our country;
d) products which our country exports;
(machinery, television sets, textiles, chemicals, wood products, petroleum, refrigerators, natural gas, paper products, industrial raw materials, tractors, rolled metal, meat and dairy products, rubber, potassium fertilizers, trucks)
Ex. 12. Use the information from the text to complete the sentences.
1. A long-term development goal for Belarus is … .
2. An open market-type economy ensures … and creates … .
3. Belarusian government is sure … .
4. State regulation controls …, conducts …, encourages…, plans… maintains… .
5. In Belarus the major systems of … .
6. Special attention is … .
7. The economic course of Belarus is toward … .