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3. Conversation patterns

3.1 Listen to five short dialogues. How do people show their interest?


- I went shopping yesterday.

- Really? What ………?


- We went to that new Italian restaurant last night.

- Mmm! ………


- We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee bar.

- ……….


- I played tennis at the weekend.

- ………


- The party on Saturday was great!

- ………

3.2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your last weekend / your last night out. Show interest in your partner’s answers. Use the ideas for the questions from the box.

Who/go with? What/wear? Where/go? What/do? What/have to eat and drink?

-/meet anyone? How/go home? What time/get home? -/have a good time?

4. Listening and speaking

4.1 Look at the photo. Do you know who this man is? What is he famous for?

Listen and answer the questions.

  1. What is his name?

  2. What did he invent?

  3. When did this idea come to him?

  4. Why is this idea important?

Listen again and make sentences about his life and his invention. Use the following ideas.

  1. London, England

  2. Oxford University

  3. an old television

  4. 1976

  1. Switzerland

  2. free to everyone

  3. 1994

  4. it’s real

4.2 Think of a scientist/inventor/politician/public figure whose ideas changed the world (in a good way). Tell his/her story to the group. Ask them 6-8 questions to check if they understood you.

5. Reading and vocabulary

5.1 Read the story of Ukhta State Technical University. Make a list of important events. Use the list of the years as prompts.

Years of history

This University is one of the leading higher schools in the north of Russia. It has a reputation for academic excellence and attracts students and researchers from all parts of the country and abroad.

The story started in April, 1958, when Moscow's Gubkin Institute of Petrochemicals and Natural Gas opened an educational support centre in Ukhta. The Institute helped with the library and teaching materials. The training system included a combination of professional correspondence courses and on-the-job experience.

The development of oil and gas industries demanded more qualified specialists. As a result, the educational support centre became Ukhta

Industrial Institute in March, 1967. The first Rector was Grigory Panov (1929-1988). There were three faculties: Oil and Gas, Forestry and the faculty for evening and correspondence students. In 1969, there were only six graduates, but already in 1972, two hundred and seventy-four skilled engineers graduated from the institute. At that time the institute had five faculties and twenty departments.

The number of students and the range of specialities grew every year. In April, 1999 the institute achieved university status. It was renamed Ukhta State Technical University. Now it’s a modern research and education complex and has great scientific potential.

  1. 1958

  2. 1967

  3. 1969

  4. 1972

  5. 1999

5.2 Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check it with a dictionary.

5.3 Complete the sentences with the words highlighted in the text.

  1. Arshavin says the team _____ good results last season.

  2. In _____ training you learn your job at your workplace.

  3. Canada has a special immigration program for _____ workers.

  4. National Express is the _____ bus company in the UK.

  5. _____ courses are also known as distant learning.

  6. A magnet _____ ferrous objects.

  7. Students _____ tuition cuts during yesterday’s protest march.

  8. Twenty-five Oxford _____ became Prime Ministers.

5.4 Cover the text and try to remember at least six facts from the University history.

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