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16.Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following.

  1. At dinner, at which beside himself and Isabel no one was present but her father and mother, he watched her guide the conversation into the channels of an urbane small talk.

  2. The dining-room was a fitting frame for her fragile beauty, for Isabel had caused the house, a replica of a palace in Venice, to be furnished by an English expert in the style of Louis XV.

  3. A great bank failed, there was a panic on the exchange, and Barnard's father found himself a ruined man.

  4. It was a wonderful opportunity and Isabel was once more all smiles.

  5. With perfect assurance he ran his scissors across the stuff, folded it, made it into a parcel and handed it to the dark-skinned customer.

  6. Braunschmidt fired me, you know, and I thought that would do as well as anything else.

  7. A man gets the best out of life by doing his duty, by hard work, by meeting all the obligations of his state and station.

17.Find English equivalents for the following in the text.

  1. Бейтман заговорив знову лише після довгого мовчання, коли кожен з них думав про своє.

  2. Арнольд Джексон був такою «шолудивою вівцею», яку рідко можна зустріти у будь-якій сім'ї.

  3. Розраховуючи застати Едварда зненацька, він не повідомив телеграмою про свій приїзд.

  4. Було б дивно, що Арнольд Джексон, відомий першому стрічному, мешкав тут під своїм ганебним ім'ям «засудженого до каторги».

  5. Мені відомо, що він працював певний час у цій конторі.

  6. Він тримався без жодної соромливості; збентежений був лише Бейтман.

  7. Ти часто бачишся з ним, Едвард?

  8. Тут можна нажити купу грошей.

  9. Якби я залишився багатою людиною, я б, можливо, назавжди занапастив свою душу.

18.Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences. Use words and word combinations from the following list:

assurance, to determine, determination, to do a favour, favourable, in favour of, to be engaged, an engagement, to exchange, lack, an obligation, obligatory, to oblige, to persuade, persuasive, to resign, a resignation

  • You will be so kind as to sort these books and arrange them on the shelves.

  • Can anyone tell me if attendance of such lectures is compulsory even for those who have passed exams in this subject?

  • Far from opposing your plan they spoke wholeheartedly in support of it. Conditions at that time, as is known, were suitable for introducing new methods and technique into production.

  • He could never even for a moment forget his duly to the people who had saved his life and helped him return to his country.

  • Nobody could convince him that writing such books was sheer waste of effort and time.

  • Hyde had lost his last case in court and abandoned the firm at once. 8. With Ellen's care the house gained a charm that made up for its want of design.

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